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masi-carver ucdl82002 la hilton

Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton. Alexandria digital Library

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masi-carver ucdl82002 la hilton

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    1. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB

    2. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB ADL Mission To provide a distributed spatially searchable digital library of geographically referenced materials. The library's components may be distributed (spread across the Internet) or coexist within a single network or desktop. Geographically-referenced means that all the information objects in the library will be associated with one or more regions ("footprints") on the surface of the Earth.

    3. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB

    4. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB

    5. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB What information do you have about here?

    6. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB ADL Organization The ADL project has: An operational library run by the Davidson Library, A research component (ADEPT) funded by NSF and others, and A gazetteer (place name index and geocoder) run by the Davidson Library

    7. UCSB Davidson Library 08.2002 Alexandria digital Library Operational Partners Implementers AUT (Auckland University of Technology) Software implementation and content builder DLESE (Digital Library for Earth Systems Education) Software implementation and content builder CNR (Center for National Research, Pisa Italy) Content Builders ADEPT Educational classroom content CASS (Center for the Analysis of Sacred Sites) Video, sound, imagery text ESSW MODIS real-time spacecraft imagery Scripps SIOExplorer Oceanographic Data

    8. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB

    9. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB Prototypes Rapid Prototype (CD ROM + Arc View) Java Application Marc & FGDC Union Catalog Web Version 1 Search Optimized Fields, AKA Search Buckets Java Application CDL Web Client

    10. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB Marc & FGDC Web Prototype (1995)

    11. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB Java Application Prototype (1997)

    12. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB Webclient Interface (2002) 1/2

    13. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB

    14. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB ADL - Web Gazetteer

    15. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB

    16. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB Common Features of the Prototypes Map Place name search Search definition frame/panel/tab Vocabulary support where appropriate Standardized citation & metadata display/formatting Standardized citation & metadata display/formating Important. The librarians point this out. This is what the geography network browser starts to provideStandardized citation & metadata display/formating Important. The librarians point this out. This is what the geography network browser starts to provide

    17. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB ADL Architecture Goals (1/2) Catalog separate from the data distribution Metadata agnostic search methodology Data center reliability Collection level metadata Search buckets Strongly typed aggregated search field based on library concepts Facilitate quick/easy ingest of collections Abstract, searchable indexes Catalog separate from the data distribution services same approach as the arcIMS metadata. So we ended up with a metadata agnostic search methodology which scales to several million records, is database and data schema independent and can be distributed/federated FGDC is now discovering, distributed search does not fully function without a good description of the data at the data center, and data center reliability Persistence of data/urls Reliable servers Backups To speed searching, every collection needs to be described with information about what it contains, and how it can be searched. Collection level metadata is the missing piece of the puzzle!!! Distributed search does not fully function without a good description of the data at the data center Metadata may be heterogeneous It's not necessary to map between metadata standards, instead we map to the search fields. Solution - Develop a strongly typed aggregated search field based on library concepts. Facilitate quick/easy ingest of collections Abstract, searchable indexesCatalog separate from the data distribution services same approach as the arcIMS metadata. So we ended up with a metadata agnostic search methodology which scales to several million records, is database and dataschema independent and can be distributed/federated FGDC is now discovering, distributed search does not fully function without a good description of the data at the data center, and data center reliability Persistence of data/urls Reliable servers Backups

    18. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB ADL Architecture Goals (2/2) Digital library for georeferenced information distributed heterogeneous rich services scalable many providers collections, large and small Standard components, interfaces

    19. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB Components/services

    20. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB

    21. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB

    22. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB What is a bucket? (1/3) Strongly-typed aggregated search fields based on library concepts Similar to Dublin Core, but define allowable content and search semantics, and are optimized for geospatial searching Facilitate quick/easy ingest of collections Abstract, searchable indexes: Location, Time, Type, Format, Originator, Assigned terms, Subject related text and Identifiers

    23. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB What is a bucket? (2/3) Strongly typed, abstract metadata category with defined search semantics to which source metadata is mapped Key properties name Coverage date semantic definition The time period to which the item is relevant. data type (strictly observed) calendar date or range of calendar dates syntactic representation (strictly observed) ISO 8601

    24. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB What is a bucket? (3/3) Source metadata is mapped to buckets buckets hold not just simple values 2001-09-08 but rather, explicit descriptions of those values (FGDC, 1.3, Time period of content, 2001-09-08) multiple values may be mapped per bucket Bucket definition includes search semantics defines query terms ISO 8601 date range defines query operators contains, overlaps, is-contained-in semantics are slightly fuzzy in certain cases to accommodate multiple implementations

    25. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB

    26. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB Bucket Motivation Heterogeneous metadata Uniform client services Spatial search requires Strongly typed search fields Optimized for geospatial searching

    27. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB Summary A bucket is a strongly typed, abstract metadata category with defined search semantics to which source metadata is mapped Supports discovery/search across distributed, heterogeneous collections that use metadata structures of their choosing Supports high-level searching across collections and supports drill-down searching to the item-level metadata elements

    28. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB Benefits of the Architecture Standard Readily-Optimized Search Methodology Simplifies Design: Provides a client with a standard API for searching different data sources. Provides a way to discover a changed data locations. Scalability Scale by upgrading the database Scale by distributing the databases Simplicity of design. Does not mean that a simple design is easy to build.Simplicity of design. Does not mean that a simple design is easy to build.

    29. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB ADL Metadata

    30. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB Collection Ingest Procedure

    31. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB

    32. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB

    33. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB

    34. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB

    35. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB

    36. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB

    37. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB

    38. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB

    39. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB

    40. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB

    41. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB

    42. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB

    43. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB

    44. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB

    45. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB

    46. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB

    47. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB

    48. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB

    49. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB The Ideal ADL Entry Portal The Portal will be: Easy to use - allows patron to search collection w/out knowing keywords or jargon Flexible - to allow users of differing levels of geographic knowledge to find the data they seek in the minimal amount of time Help oriented - if user does not find what s/he wants, we in MIL will find out and use that knowledge to develop the collection Dynamic - so that the user will want to return to see the latest features, collections and tools Educational - so that the user can learn to use the site more effectively Interesting uncluttered, new data, featured events

    50. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB

    51. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB

    52. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB

    53. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB Stay Tuned

    54. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB Contact Information Larry Carver, AUL Library Technologies carver@library.ucsb.edu 805-893-4433 Catherine Masi, ADL Coordinator masi@library.ucsb.edu 805-893-7661 David Valentine, Senior Systems Engineer valentine@library.ucsb.edu 805-893-4545

    55. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB Lessons Learned Spatial orientation a problem for some users help/guidance needed Crosswalking between different metadata systems can result in loss of information during translation Technical metadata standards are not written with information discovery in mind Not every field in a technical metadata standard will end up being populated For search and discovery, it is the indexing of the metadata that is important Geographic and text queries can cause problems with query optimizers Every prototype seems to lose a few features when moved to the next prototype People don't know how to locate themeselves on a map: So we built a gazetteer Developing a database system to store metadata in a relational or object-relational database is not necessary. Using a database system to store metadata in relational tables will not improve searching performance. good to metadata searching. it just does not scale. Crosswalking between different Metadata systems is aa problem. You lose semantics and other information in the translaation Metadata Standards are not written with information discovery in mind. Not every field in a metadata standard will end up being populated. So its not neccary to make every serch field searchable Geographic and text queries can cause problems with query optimizers. Geographic indexing and text indexing . Every prototype seems to lose a few features when moved to the next prototype. But this project was about the building scalable geographic searchPeople don't know how to locate themeselves on a map: So we built a gazetteerDeveloping a database system to store metadata in a relational or object-relational database is not necessary. Using a database system to store metadata in relational tables will not improve searching performance. good to metadata searching. it just does not scale. Crosswalking between different Metadata systems is aa problem. You lose semantics and other information in thetranslaationMetadata Standards are not written with information discovery in mind.

    56. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB Collection-level aggregation Collection-level metadata describes buckets supported by the collection item-level metadata mappings statistical overviews item counts spatiotemporal coverage histograms Example (de-XML-ized) in collection foo, the Originator bucket is supported and the following item fields are mapped to it: (FGDC, 1.1/8.1, Citation/Originator) [973 items] (USGS DOQ, PRODUCER, Producer) [973 items] (DC, Creator, Creator) [1249 items] unknown [6 items]

    57. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB Searching collections Bucket-level uniform across all collections example search all collections for items whose Originator bucket contains the phrase geological survey Field-level collection-specific but discovery and invocation mechanisms are uniform functionally equivalent to searching the entire bucket plus additional constraint example search collection foo for items whose FGDC 1.1/8.1 field within the Originator bucket contains the phrase

    58. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB

    59. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB ADL Middleware Details

    60. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB Middleware server

    61. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB Interoperability problem Distributed, heterogeneous collections locally, autonomously created and managed Minimal requirements on collection providers allow use of native metadata Provide uniform client services common high-level interface across collections structured means of discovering and exploiting (possibly collection-specific) lower-level interfaces Assumptions items have metadata items have sufficient, good metadata i.e., this is a metadata interoperability problem

    62. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB ADL core buckets (1/6) Subject-related text Title Assigned term Originator Geographic location Coverage date Object type Feature type Format Identifier

    63. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB ADL core buckets (2/6) Subject-related text type: textual description: text indicative of the subject of the item, not necessarily from controlled vocabularies superset of Title and Assigned term multiple values: concatenated compare: DC.Subject Title type: textual description: the items title subset of Subject-related text multiple values: concatenated compare: DC.Title

    64. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB ADL core buckets (3/6) Assigned term type: textual description: subject-related terms from controlled vocabularies subset of Subject-related text multiple values: concatenated compare: qualified DC.Subject Originator type: textual description: names of entities related to the origination of the item multiple values: concatenated compare: DC.Creator + DC.Publisher

    65. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB ADL core buckets (4/6) Geographic location type: spatial description: the subset of the Earths surface to which the item is relevant multiple values: unioned compare: DC.Coverage.Spatial Coverage date type: temporal description: the calendar dates to which the item is relevant multiple values: unioned compare: DC.Coverage.Temporal

    66. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB ADL core buckets (5/6) Object type type: hierarchical vocabulary: ADL Object Type Thesaurus (image, map, thesis, sound recording, etc.) multiple values: unioned compare: DC.Type Feature type type: hierarchical vocabulary: ADL Feature Type Thesaurus (river, mountain, park, city, etc.) multiple values: unioned compare: none

    67. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB ADL core buckets (6/6) Format type: hierarchical vocabulary: ADL Object Format Thesaurus (loosely based on MIME) multiple values: unioned compare: DC.Format Identifier type: qualified textual description: names and codes that function as unique identifiers multiple values: treated separately compare: DC.Identifier

    68. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB

    69. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB Target Audience Phase 1 Simplified Interface 1. UCSB students, faculty and staff 2. University of California students, faculty and staff 3. Researchers 4. Other academic institutions 5. GIS/Map producers 6. Non-UC/Casual users/Other local clients/General web users

    70. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB ADL Does: Provides quick and accurate answers to the question "What data is available for this geographic area? Provides both, online spatial content and metadata of library holdings for local and distributed collections. Internet discovery, access and delivery. ADL may be searched using background maps, other imagery, as well as by geographic placenames. The ADL project has two venues: an operational library run by the Davidson Library and a research component (ADEPT) funded by NSF and others.

    71. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB

    72. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB Goals of the ADL project Provide geospatial access to all classes of information Provide access to both library and personal collections Provide supporting information services for: research Learning Part of distributed (spatial) information infrastructure Position UCSB as a national leader in geospatial information

    73. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB

    74. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB ADL Interoperability Architecture

    75. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB Bucket mapping

    76. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB

    77. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB Collection discovery Collection registry polls known library servers Relevance model binary more is better Query language range searching over space, time, vocabulary terms subset of item-level query language Limitations no joint constraint conditions no text statistics la STARTS multiple, overlapping vocabularies

    78. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB Architecture Search buckets: Abstract, searchable indexes Similar to Dublin Core, but buckets define allowable content and search semantics, and are optimized for geospatial searching Designed to be easy for populating collections Includes all traditional library search elements

    79. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB Data model Collection name static, dynamic metadata set of items functional behaviors Item identifier bucket view searchable metadata mapped to standard, typed buckets browse view content abstracts Item, contd access view multiple access points file-like human interface programmatic service offline other views collection- and/or item-specific FGDC, MARC, etc. content

    80. Masi-Carver UCDL82002 LA Hilton Alexandria digital Library Davidson Library, UCSB What exists? Where it is located? Is it useful given my needs? How do I get it? Is it in a form that I can use? Conditions of use? Is it in original or altered form? How big is the digital file?

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