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Welcome to Ms. Peterson’s 5 th Grade Class 2013-2014. Welcome to SCIS Ms. Peterson’s 5 th Grade Class Hello students and families! Welcome to 5 th grade! My name is Ms. Cleo Peterson and I am thrilled to be your student’s teacher this year.
Welcome to SCIS Ms. Peterson’s 5th Grade Class Hello students and families! Welcome to 5th grade! My name is Ms. Cleo Peterson and I am thrilled to be your student’s teacher this year. I am rejoining the SCIS Pudong team after a great first year, but most recently I am from Seattle, Washington in the United States. This is my second time teaching abroad, I taught in France from 2009-2010, and returned to classroom teaching after having taken a year off to get my Master in Teaching degree at Seattle University. Being a teacher is an honor that I do not take lightly. In fact, I view my “job” as more of a daily mission to engage and enthrall my students in their own learning process. I believe balance is at the heart of good teaching and good classroom management, so I will strive to incorporate a variety of teaching styles (direct instruction, cooperative and constructivist learning) throughout the year. My promise to you is that I will maintain a consistent daily schedule, outline what is expected of students, provide time and materials for learners to be self-reflective, proactively praise good behavior, and encourage students to take calculated risks and step out of their academic and social comfort zones. My goal in all of this is for students to be self-directed learners within the trusting and academically engaging environment of my classroom. It’s going to be a fun and exciting year. Before we begin, though, let me take this opportunity to remind you and your families of some important details. 1. Students should come to school between 7:45-8:00am. Please do not drop off your child any earlier than that, as there will not be adult supervision before that time. 2. When have PE class, Mondays and Wednesdays, students are to wear their PE uniforms to school. 3. Please send your child to school with a water bottle and a snack everyday! It is very important not only for their heath, especially in this heat, but also for their focus and learning as well. Welcome to Ms. Peterson’s classroom. We’re going to have a great year! Sincerely, Ms. Cleo Peterson cpeterson@scischina.org
Back to School Night – Part I A little introduction to my classroom… the way students experienced it!
Classroom Rules… I have high expectations for you…you’re in 5th grade now and you should be the type of people younger students look up to and adults/older students can rely on. #1 –We show respect to everyone, including ourselves. • This includes keeping out of other people’s belongings and respecting other people’s personal space. #2 –We make good decisions. • This oftentimes requires thinking about consequences ahead of time, whether it’s good time management (like starting a project earlier than later) or making better choices about friendships and how we speak to - not about- others. #3 – We solve problems and help others solve problems too. • This means that we respect the ideas and suggestions of all participants, and we allow every student to solve his or her own problems first before offering to help. Remember, it’s oftentimes the journey that matters, not just the destination. #4 – We NEVER interfere with someone else’s learning. - If you’re doing something to bother, hurt, or distract someone, then you are interfering with his or her learning. That is simply unfair and unacceptable. This also applies to quiet transitions to and from classes and to and from desks or group activities. This classroom, this school, and this community is a safe space for everyone to try new things, take risks and be themselves. Okay? Any questions??
Seating & End of the Day Seating hieroglyphs: • Sitting on floor expectations - ex. Class Meeting • Look for this as you walk in…the default is at your desks, unless something else is posted. CHAIRS! Push them in…OR…you lose them. (If in the morning, then just till lunch. If in the afternoon, then for the rest of the day.) Lunch Room… I expect your behavior to be great. This means saying “Please” and “Thank you” to the lunch room staff and to your classmates. End of the Day: At the end of the day, I release you by table groups. The room should be clean and the desks should be empty (except for privacy screens.)
Classroom Jobs (The list of jobs is posted just below the sharpened pencils.) We’ll be changing jobs every 2 weeks, so if you didn’t get one this time, you will next time! I promise.
Housekeepers (2) The housekeepers are in charge of checking floors and countertops for garbage or recycling and cleaning tables at the end of the day. • Supplies Manager • The supplies manager makes sure that all pencils have been sharpened and that other supplies are in stock. Technician The technician stays at the end of the line and turns off all lights when we leave the room. At the end of the day, this person makes sure all computers are turned off. • Attendance Monitor • The attendance monitor checks for who is absent at the beginning of the day and informs Ms. Peterson by 8:05am. • Class/Hall Lieutenant • The Lieutenant makes sure students are transitioning quietly and walking safely down the hall. This person also monitors students at lunch and informs Ms. Peterson if any problems occur. News Team Reporters (2) The News Team Reporters are responsible for collecting and writing articles for our bi-monthly newsletter. They will work together to publish it in time for parents and students in our class. • Messenger • The messenger does all errands for the teacher when necessary, including taking messages to the office for Ms. Peterson. White Board This person changes the date on the white board everyday and checks with Ms. Peterson to see what else should be erased.
Day #2 - Good Morning! #1 - Please check in on the attendance sheet. #2 – My “5th wheels” should get the Daily Language Review books out! You have 5 minutes to complete Monday’s activities. #3 – REMEMBER: homework is always due at 8am or else it’s late… p.s. Don’t forget to say “Good Morning” to Ms. Peterson
Back to School Night – Part II • Curriculum & Differentiation • Homework & Attendance • Grading • Classroom Management • Progress Reports & Contact Information G
Reading • 20/20 • Students should be reading at least 20 minutes every night after school. • After quarter 1, we will differentiate our reading classes so that all students have a chance to study in appropriately-leveled literature circles. • Book Reports x2 • Students will have a chance to read some great books and apply their artistic talents to a book reports due 2 times throughout the year. • Due dates: First Project: Friday, December 6th Second Project: Friday, March 14th • Read Alouds • I strongly encourage parents to read to their child or have students read to them. Modeling such habits and teaching children HOW we, as grown-ups read, can make a BIG difference in your child’s attitude towards reading in school.
Vocabulary Greek & Latin Roots • Students will learn 3 new words per week. • Friday tests include10 words total – 3 new and 6 review. • **Learning these roots will help build and expand students’ vocabulary, especially in the Sciences.**
Writing We cover 4 major topics: #1 – Friendly Letters #2 – Narrative Writing #3 – Compare & Contrast #4 – Persuasive Essay Students write everyday in their Language Arts Notebooks. This is where they grow their ideas and develop as writers. My hope is for them to find their writer’s voice!
Science & Social Studies Topics include: • Simple Machines (with a focus on Levers & Pulleys) • Weather & Air Pressure • Models and Designs & Invention Convention • Human Body Topics include: • World geography (oceans, continents, longitude, latitude, etc.) • Colonization • Immigration • Conflict
Math My students have a weekly math homework packet, which they receive on Monday and should be completed by Friday. This includes the Personal Challengecover sheet. Many students still need to memorize their math facts and this can easily be done at home with the help of a parent or older sibling.
Homework & Attendance • My philosophy on homework is this: Homework is a chance for your child to practice independently the skills that they have learned in class. I expect students to be able to complete the work, first and foremost. I use homework to help focus my instruction as it gives me a grasp of what students can or cannot do on their own. It informs my instruction and allows me to evaluate what skills I need to teach or re-teach next. • Homework is due at 8am the day that it is due Some teachers will mark off 5 points or reduce the grade by 15%. I grade using standards-based grading so if an assignment is late, it no longer meets standards and will be marked accordingly. Attendance and punctuality is extremely important then, so that your child can turn in his or her work on time and begin the school day immediately. Please also try to schedule any doctor or other appointments outside of school hours.
Grading Grading is standards based: 4 - 3 - 2 – 1 On progress reports, students will receive a grade stating whether or not they have met grade-level standards. On homework assignments, I will often differentiate this a bit by giving students 3+ or L3, which indicates work that is either slightly above grade level (3+) or L3 which is for work that is almost meeting grade level standards. Students who are reading, writing or completing work that is at a 4th grade level, will receive a 2 or below. The accumulation of these marks is how I give a final quarter assessment. The student’s work is, however, the true evidence of his or her learning.
Classroom Management My “discipline” philosophy: I manage my classroom with clear expectations and consistent rules. If students are not following my directions or interfering with someone else’s learning, then I believe it is both the student and teacher’s responsibly to find a solution. Students who need help in making better choices will stay with me during recess to discuss the problem. If the problem persists, then I may involve you in the brainstorming process since you, as parents, know your child best!
Progress Reports & Contact Information Progress Reports will be sent home at the end of each quarter and will include detailed comments from me regarding your students’ learning and behavior. If I have any concerns before that time, I will contact you directly to discuss how we might best meet the needs of your child. The best way to reach me is by email: cpeterson@scischina.org My website is also http://teachercleo.wikispaces.com. Please feel free to visit it for general information such as our Book Report guidelines and other helpful website links.
Thank you for attending Back to School Night! I’m looking forward to a fun year with these great students.