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LS1 planning meeting. 26.4.2013. Done. Done. Done. Done. Ongoing. Activities weeks 18, 19 & 20. Access situation. No access restrictions foreseen. Week 15 (8-14/4). UX25: TRD + P2tech: take out TRD17 (Mon) – L3 access from O-side only
LS1 planning meeting 26.4.2013
Done Done Done Done Ongoing Status of LS1 activities - A.Tauro
Activities weeks 18, 19 & 20 LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro
Access situation • No access restrictions foreseen LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro
Week 15 (8-14/4) UX25: • TRD + P2tech: take out TRD17 (Mon) – L3 access from O-side only • P2tech + ALTEAD: move L3 staircase from O-side to I-side (Tue) • P2tech ALTEAD: install blocks + rails yellow platform on O-side (Tue) • P2tech + ALTEAD: install yellow platform on O-side (Tue) • TRD + ALTEAD: take out TRD7 (Wed) • TRD: modify TRD7 in Low-Beta (Thu) • TRD + ALTEAD: reinstall TRD7 (Fri) • TRD + ALTEAD + P2tech: remove TRD8 (Sat) • TRD: modify TRD8 in Low-Beta (Sun) • Muon TRK: work on CH6L and CH5R (whole week) • BE-ABP-SU: survey babyframe, TRD feet and A-side beampipe flange after each TRD removal (whole week) L3: • TOF + PH-DT (gas): check C2H2F4 tightness (Mon) • P2tech: L3 services modifications (whole week) • TPC work on A-side (Tue ?) Surface: • P2tech: load test DCal extension ribs (Mon) • TRD + ALTEAD: move TRD17 to blue frame (Mon-Tue) • P2tech + ALTEAD + Nantes: DCal insertion test in SXL2 (60 and 40deg ?) (Tue-Fri) • Removal barracks 6120 (HLT), 6121 (MTR) and 6122 (MTG) (Mon-Tue) LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro
Week 16 (15-21/4) UX25: • TRD + P2tech: reinstall TRD8 (Mon) • P2tech + ALTEAD: remove blocks and install rails yellow platform on O-side (Mon) • TRD + ALTEAD: take out TRD10 (Tue) • TRD: modify TRD10 in Low-Beta (Wed) • TRD + ALTEAD: reinstall TRD10 (Thu) • Muon TRK: work on CH6L and CH5 R (whole week) • FMD + P2tech: modify 2 FMD1 cooling pipes (miniframe) • P2tech: install survey plate RB26 side • P2tech + ALTEAD: remove ADC + BCM C-side • Fire brigade test: ‘pomperelevage’ (Wed) L3: • P2tech: L3 services modifications (whole week) • cut and remove 20 inox pipes along the PHOS (I-side) beam Surface: • ALTEAD + P2tech: modify DCal infrastructure SXL2 (whole week) • P2tech: install ZDC fences in SXL2 (provided by ALTEAD) • SDD: swap SuperCarlosRX boards in CR4 (whole week) LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro
Week 17 (22-28/4) UX25: • P2tech: move baby-frame (Wed) • ALTEAD + P2tech: modify TRD infrastructure (Wed-Thu) • TRD + P2tech: TRD10 extraction (Thu) • Muon TRK: work on CH6L and CH5 R (whole week) • DGS-RP: RAMSES maintenance • BE-ABP-SU: survey UX25<->RB26 (Tue-Thu) L3: • P2tech + SPD: drill filter SR3 • P2tech: L3 services modifications (whole week): • Remove 4 PHOS cooling pipes • Remove false floor (O-side) and modify the supports for the cooling pipes (interference with the new beams) • Install new cable tray for the cables which were lifted Surface: • P2tech + ALTEAD + Nantes: DCal and PHOS insertion test in SXL2 (0deg) (Tue-Fri) LHC tunnel: • ZDC: remove both detectors (Mon-Tue) LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro
Week 18 (29/4-5/5) UX25: • TRD: modify TRD10 in Low-Beta (Fri-Sun) • Muon TRK: work on ST4 (whole week) • BE-ABP-SU: survey UX25<->RB24 (Mon-Tue) • P2tech: remove/reinstall steel plates RB24 to allow for survey measurement (Mon-Tue) • P2tech: help for extraction and reinstallation of TRD11 (Thu-Fri) • ACO: exchange old PMTs and check the functionality (mechanics, alignment, optical coupling) of the complete 60 ACO module system (start on Wed – several weeks) • P2tech: remove CO2 bottles from UX25 (C-side, level 0) L3: • P2tech: install new L3 ladders (top part, access from scaffolding) Surface: • ALTEAD: move ALICE stuff from SX2-SA2 to b.185 (tbc) LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro
Week 19 (6-12/5) UX25: • TRD + P2tech: reinstall TRD10 (Mon) • ALTEAD + P2tech: removal of all equipment from cavern: rotator + control rack + tookboxes, YP, test equipment (1 rack, 1 box) (Tue-Wed) • P2tech: reinstall L3 staircase (O-side) (Wed) • Muon TRK: work on ST4 (whole week) L3: • P2tech: install new gangway (I-side) • P2tech + SPD: drill SPD filter (tbc) LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro
Week 20 (13-19/5) UX25: • ALTEAD: open low-beta and swap Q5L8 magnet • Muon TRK: work on ST4 (whole week) L3: • P2tech: P test TRD pipes • P2tech: start LV consolidation (TRD-TPC-TOF) O-side (whole week) • Ouvaroff: remove scaffolding inside L3 (Fri) Surface: • DCal + ALTEAD + P2tech: test in SXL2 LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro
Visits in the coming weeks LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro
AOB • --- LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro