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Solid State Lighting. It refers to a type of lighting that utilizes light-emitting diodes (LEDs), organic light-emitting diodes (OLED), or polymer light-emitting diodes (PLED) as sources of illumination rather than electrical filaments or gas.The term "solid state" refers to the fact that light i
1. Solid State Lighting- A New Lighting ParadigmSwapnil Sureshrao Pote*(a), C.P.Joshi(b), S.V.Moharil (c) a)Physics Department, Gurunanak Institute of Engg. and Management(GNIEM), opp. IOC petrol pump , Dahegaon, Katol Road, Tah- kalmeshwar, Distt- Nagpur
b) Department of Physics, Shri Ramdeobaba Engg. College,
Nagpur, 440010, India
c) Department of Physics, Nagpur University, Nagpur, 440010, India
2. Solid State Lighting It refers to a type of lighting that utilizes light-emitting diodes (LEDs), organic light-emitting diodes (OLED), or polymer light-emitting diodes (PLED) as sources of illumination rather than electrical filaments or gas.
The term "solid state" refers to the fact that light in an LED is emitted from a solid objecta block of semiconductorrather than from a vacuum or gas tube, as is the case in traditional incandescent light bulbs and fluorescent lamps 8/23/2012 GNIEM, Nagpur IIES-2011
3. 200 Years evolution of luminous efficacy for various lighting technologies 8/23/2012
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4. Todays Market For Conventional Lighting
5. Importance of SSL Lamps based on the Hg-discharge provide nowadays about 50% of artificial light.
Safe disposal of the burnt Hg lamps is a serious problem as Hg is potentially hazardous causing environmental pollution.
These lamps are now phased out and lamps based on LED are used in developed countries.
With the advent of GaN technology LEDs emitting around 390 nm have become available. These diodes are coated with phosphor blend, which on excitation by 390 nm emit in white. During last decade solid state lighting has emerged as a new area.
No work has been done in India on development of phosphors for solid state lighting. It is likely that our country will go for large-scale import of such phosphors during next decade. It is fruitful to develop our own phosphors.
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7. LED Structure 8/23/2012 GNIEM, Nagpur IIES-2011
8. Applications in pictures 8
9. Global benefits enabled by solid-state lighting technology over a period of 10 years.
Savings under 5.5% scenario Savings under 11% scenario
Reduction in total 43.01 × 1018 J × 5.5% × 4 × 10 43.01 × 1018 J × 11% × 4 × 10
energy consumption = 94.62 × 1018 J = 189.2 × 1018 J
Reduction in electrical 228.9TWh × 4 × 10 = 9, 156TWh 457.8TWh × 4 × 10 = 18, 310 TWh
energy consumption = 32.96 × 1018 J = 65.92 × 1018 J
Financial savings 22.89 × 109 $ × 4 × 10 = 915.6 × 109$ 45.78 × 109 $ × 4 × 10 = 1, 831 × 109 $
Reduction in 133.5Mt × 4 × 10 = 5.340 Gt 267.0Mt × 4 × 10 = 10.68 Gt
CO2 emission
Reduction of crude-oil 12.03 × 106 barrels ×4 × 10 24.07 × 106 barrels ×4 × 10
consumption = 481.2 × 106 barrels = 962.4 × 106 barrels
Number of power 35 × 4 = 140 70 × 4 = 280
plants not needed
s 8/23/2012
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10. How LED Will Change the Industry
11. Finally Mankind Desires
12. Conclusion Acknowledgments
The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support by the Department of Science and Technology, (DST), Govt. of India, New Delhi. Benefits of SSL:-
Energy savings
Reduction of environmental pollution
New functionalities
Reduction of global-warming-gas
Reduction in pollutant emissions 8/23/2012 GNIEM, Nagpur IIES-2011
13. References [1] A. Bergh, M.G. Craford, A. Duggal, and R. Haitz, The promise and challenge of solid-state lighting, Phys. Today, vol. 54, pp. 4247, Dec. 2001.
[2] J. Edmond, H. Kong, and C. Carter, Blue LEDs, UV photodiodes and high-temperature rectifiers in 6H-SiC, Physica B: 7th Trieste ICTPIUPAP Semiconductor Symp., vol. 185, pp. 453460, 1993.
[3] N. Nakayama, S. Kijima, S. Itoh, T. Ohata, A. Ishibashi, and Y. Mori, High-efficiency ZnCdSe/ZnSSe/ZnMgSSe green light-emitting-diodes, Opt. Rev., vol. 2, pp. 167170, 1995.
[4] R. Haitz, F. Kish, J. Tsao, and J. Nelson, The Case for a National Research Program on Semiconductor Lighting. Washington, DC: Optoelectronics Industry Development Association, Oct. 1999.
[5] W.D. Nordhaus, Do real-output and real-wage measures capture reality? The history of lighting suggests not, in The Economics of New Goods, T.F. Breshnahan and R.J. Gordon, Eds. Chicago, IL: Univ. of
Chicago Press, 1997, pp. 2970.
[6] J.Y. Tsao, Ed., Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) for General Illumination Update 2002. Washington, DC: Optoelectronics Industry Development Assoc., Sept. 2002.
[7] Schubert E F and Kim J K 2005 Solid-state light sources getting smart Science 308 1274
[8] Schubert E F 2006 Light-Emitting Diodes 2nd edn (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press)
[9] United States Energy Information Administration 2004 Annual energy review Report No. DOE/EIA-0384 and http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/aer/elect.html
[10] Bergh A, Craford M G, Duggal A and Haitz R 2001 The promise and challenge of solid-state lighting Phys.Today 5544 42
[11] US Department of Energy (DOE) 2006 Solid-State Lighting Research and Development Portfolio; Multi-year program plan FY07-FY12 (Chicago: Navigant Consulting)
[12] United States Energy Information Administration 1998 25th Anniversary of the 1973 Oil Embargo
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14. Publications ? International Referred Journal Articles:-
1 Luminescence of Ce3+ IN Ca0.65La0.35F2.35 Host , S.S.Pote , C.P.Joshi, S.V.Moharil, P.L.Muthal and S.M.Dhopte,
J.Luminescence 130(666-668) 2010 (Impact Factor 1.847).
2 Preparation of CaF2:U Phosphor by solid state metathesis ,S.S.Pote , C.P.Joshi,S.V.Moharil,P.L.Muthal and S.M.Dhopte,
J.Lum.. (Elsevier-with reviewer ) (Impact Factor 1.847).
3 Luminescence of Ce3+ IN Ca0.68La0.32F2 Host , S.S.Pote , C.P.Joshi, S.V.Moharil, P.L.Muthal and S.M.Dhopte, J.Physica B
.(Elsevier) ( Accepted) (Impact Factor 1.056).
4 Luminescence of Ce3+ In Sulfate Hosts ,S.S.Pote , C.P.Joshi, S.V.Moharil, P.L.Muthal and S.M.Dhopte, J.Lum. .(Elsevier)
(To be Communicated)
5 CaS Based host for Solid State Lighting S.S.Pote , C.P.Joshi, S.V.Moharil, P.L.Muthal and S.M.Dhopte, Journal of.Optical
Materials. .(Elsevier) (To be Communicated)
6 Luminescence of Uranium In Sulfate Hosts ,S.S.Pote , C.P.Joshi, S.V.Moharil, P.L.Muthal and S.M.Dhopte, J.Alloy &
Comp. .(Elsevier) (To be Communicated)
7 Luminescence of Uranium In Lithium Tungstates ,S.S.Pote , C.P.Joshi,S.V.Moharil, P.L.Muthal and S.M.Dhopte, J.Alloy &
Comp. .(Elsevier). (To be Communicated)
GNIEM, Nagpur IIES-2011
15. Publications
. ? International Conference Articles:-
1. Novel Eu2+ activated Phosphate Based Phosphors for Solid State Lighting,
S.S.Pote* , C.P.Joshi, S.V.Moharil , P.L.Muthal and S.M.Dhopte, Published in the
proceedings ofInternationalConference on Electroceramics, (ICE 2009) page
2 Fluorescence Characterization of some Metal and Rare Earth Salicylate
Complexes S.S.Pote* , C.P.Joshi, S.V.Moharil , P.L.Muthal and S.M.Dhopte
in MATCON 2010 Jan. 11-13, 2010. Cochin University of Science and Tech. Kochi.
3 Solid State Lighting- A New Lighting Paradigm Swapnil Sureshrao
Pote,C.P.Joshi,S.V.Moharil , accepted for publication in 1st India International Energy
Summit (IIES11), at VNIT being held on 28-31 Jan 2011.
4. Synthesis and Luminescent Properties of Ba2CdWO6:U S.S.Pote* , C.P.Joshi,
S.V.Moharil communicated to International Congress of Science and Technology(ICST-
2011) being organized on Dec. 16-19 2011, Allahabad, India.(communicated)
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16. ? National Conference Articles:- 1. Eu3+activated Double Pervoskite Tungstates(A2BWO6) for solid state lighting.Swapnil Pote. C.P. Joshi,S.V. Moharil,(communicated) in National Symposium for Material Research Scholars 2010 (MR-10) at IIT, Bombay , May 6-8, 2010.
2.Sulphide based phosphors for solid state Lighting, Swapnil Pote. C.P. Joshi, S.V. Moharil, in National Conference of Luminescence and its application, at CGCRI(CSIR-Lab),Kolkata, Feb. 13-17,2009.
3.UV-A Emitting Sulphate based Phosphors Swapnil Pote. C.P. Joshi, S.V. Moharil, in UGC Sponsered National Conference at Govt. Institute of Science , Nagpur Jan. 10-11, 2009.
4. Novel Uranium (U6+ ) Activated Barium Halo-Phosphate for Solid State Lighting, Swapnil Pote. C.P. Joshi, S.V. Moharil, P.L. Muthal, S.M.Dhopte in National Conference of Luminescence and its application, at Gandhigram Rural University, Gandhigram, on Feb. 09-11, 2010.
5. Some aspects of Synthesis and Luminescent properties of NaCaPO4:Eu2+ Swapnil S. Pote. C.P. Joshi,S.V. Moharil, in proceedinds of SAMA -2010,01-02. N.H. Science college, Bramhapuri, India , March 13th, 2010.
6. Synthesis and characterization of some Quinolines base Organic Phosphor.Amol V. Nande, D.H. Gahane, Swapnil.S.Pote, C.P.Joshi, S.V.Moharil in the proceedings of Symposium of Advanced Materials (SAMA-2010) on Mar.07, 2010.
7. Thin film and solid state luminescence of some Novel Metal Quinolates Swapnil Pote. C.P. Joshi, S.V. Moharil in National Conference of Luminescence and its aplication, at Pt.Ravishankar Shukla University,Raipur on Feb. 07-09, 2011. (accepted)
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