1. Interviewing for an Academic Position:What to Know Before You Go Stacy Rudnicki, MD
Associate Professor of Neurology
2. Overview Academic vs. Private Practice
Academic Pathways
Promotion and Tenure
Departmental Support
Salary and Benefits
Department Expectations and Protected Time
The Interview
Final Thoughts
3. Questions to Ask Yourself Do I enjoy research?
Do I enjoy writing/can I write?
Do I have a single area of interest in which I want direct my efforts?
Fellowship training
Do I enjoy teaching?
Do I enjoy the stimulation of continued education that an academic center provides?
Am I willing to get paid less compared to a private practice physician?
4. Finding What is Out There Journals
Web sites
Word of mouth
5. What is a Triple Threat? Clinician
Can one person be all three?
What about a departmental triple threat?
6. Academic Pathways Tenure
This is a system that is in a state of flux and varies substantially between institutions
What does tenure �mean�?
7. Tenure Tracks at UAMS Research Clinical Teaching
Basic 50-85% 5-30% 10-30%
Clinician- 15-85% 5-70% 10-50%
Clinician 5-15% 30-85% 10-60%
8. Non Tenure Tracks at UAMS Clinical Track
9. Level of Appointment Both tenure and nontenure tracks will have
Assistant Professor
Associate Professor
(Full) Professor
Tenure is typically achieved with promotion to Associate professor
10. Initial Level of Appointment Will you be an instructor or an assistant professor?
At some institutions, if you are not board certified you must be appointed as an instructor
Appointment as an instructor will allow you additional time to get your academic career underway
Appointment as an instructor increases your time to be eligible for promotion to associate
11. The Move Away From Tenure Tracks Tenure tracks
More and more reserved for those with significant basic science research
Frequently but not exclusively for MD/PhDs
Expectation that you will receive competitive funding to support yourself
Non-tenure tracks
Everyone else - including those with teaching, clinical, and research responsibilities
May be broken down in a similar manner as the tenured positions
12. Philosophical Question If you are a clinician, clinical researcher and or teacher applying for a position at an institution that only has tenure tracks for those who do basic science research, does that imply something about what the institution thinks about the value of what you do?
13. What Track Will You Be On?What Track Should You Be On? What is the system at the institution?
Ask younger faculty what track they are on and do they feel it is appropriate for what they are doing
Older faculty may have initially been on tracks that either no longer exist or whose requirements have changed along the way
You want to be on a track that you can be promoted on AND that you believe is fair
What track is most appropriate for you is dependent upon your background and interests but also is institution dependent
14. Promotion and Tenure(aka P&T) Obtain the regulations for the institution
Frequently can be found on the web
Alternatively, ask for a faculty handbook
Requirements for promotion are going to be a bit vague - but usually generalities can be gleaned
ex: rules about the soonest and the latest you can go up for promotion from Assistant to Associate Professor
15. P&T, continued Requirements differ b/w Tenure and Non-Tenure and b/w different tenure tracks
Medical Students
Clinical workload
16. Additional Questions to Ask About P&T Will you be assigned a P&T committee, a mentor or alternatively meet with your chair yearly to discuss your progress?
Who has recently been promoted to associate professor? Talk to them about the process
Has anyone come up for promotion in the last few years and not been promoted? If so, why not?
17. Planning Ahead for P&T(It�s never too early!) Keep your CV up to date and inclusive
Develop a teaching portfolio
Track all lectures, case conferences, teaching materials you�ve developed, etc
Collect and save teaching evaluations (particularly the good ones!)
Determine if your institution has a model for CV/teaching portfolios that you need to follow
Ask others in the department for their CV
Consider meeting with the head of the P&T committee within a few months of when you arrive to get pointers
18. Departmental Support Office space
Lab space
Computer (s)
? Access from home
On line journal access through library
Secretarial support
Nursing support
The busier you get the more you will appreciate how much time they can save you
19. Salary Know your worth
If the institution is a state university, salaries are usually �public record�
However, this may exclude bonuses and so be misleading
Data available from professional societies
Colleagues, fellowship directors
Data from AAMC Salary Support
To purchase a copy call the AAMC Section for Publications Orders 202 828 0416 or on line www.AAMC.org
20. AAMC Report on Medical School Faculty Salaries 2000-2001 Mean Salary, Private and Public institutions, all regions
Assistant Professor
Pediatrics (2450) 121, 000
Family Practice (1079) 132,000
General Surgery (533) 194,000
Ob/Gyn (833) 173,000
21. Salary What is the source of your salary?
State, clinical income, medical school
If you are on a track that expects you to support yourself through funding, how long are you given to obtain funding?
Your current salary will play a role in determining your future salary
Money doesn�t make you happy but it sure helps!
Consider other benefits that are offered
Think of it as a �package�
22. Bonus Plan Does it exist?
How long has it been in existence?
Is it guaranteed at an institutional level or is it dependent on your department�s finances?
What is the range of recent bonuses paid out in the department?
How frequently is it distributed?
23. Bonus Plan, cont. How is it determined
Clinical productivity
Number of patients
Billing vs. collections
Relative value work (RVW)
Industry sponsored studies
Competitive research
24. Future Salary What is the average percent merit salary increase per year, and what is the range?
Have there been years with no increase or a pay cut?
Are there cost of living allowance (COLA) increases yearly?
Is the salary increase when you are promoted significantly more than the typical salary increase?
25. Other Potential Sources of IncomeAre these yours or theirs? Legal fees
Honorarium for talks
University / Professional meeting
Pharmaceutical sponsored engagements
Consultant fees for industry
26. �Slush Fund� Fund to help pay for:
Attending meetings
Buying books
Professional dues
Journal dues
License fees
Is this taxable or non-taxable income?
27. Retirement Contributions What are your options?
Other mutual funds
If your salary is split between 2 institutions (such as VA and a University Hospital) or between 2 funding sources within the same institution (ex: medical school and clinical group) how does this affect your retirement contributions?
What amount does the institution contribute?
What will you contribute? (This is pretax dollars)
What about matching funds?
How long before you are vested?
If you are working for a �for profit� organization, is there a profit sharing plan?
28. Additional Benefits Signing bonus
Loan repayment
Moving allowance
Vacation time
Sick leave
Maternity/paternity leave
How does this influence the promotion clock?
29. Additional Benefits, continued Malpractice Insurance
CME time
Health insurance
Who pays?
Dental plan
30. Some More About the Business End of Things Privileges at hospitals (how many?)
Becoming a provider for various insurance plans
Obtaining license / DEA number
These may take much longer than you imagined!
What happens if your start date ends up before you have this taken care of?
31. The Structure of Your Schedule Clinic time
Other patient related care
Attending responsibilities
Teaching responsibilities
Other administrative responsibilities
Protected time
Quality of life issues are increasingly being considered
33. Clinic Time How many half days of clinic will you have?
Do you have control over how the clinic is scheduled?
Amount of time for new and f/u patient appointments
How are overbook appointments handled?
What type of patients will you be seeing?
ie if you have subspecialty interest, will you see only those patients or �all comers�
Self referred or doctor referred
How many half days of clinic do other faculty have?
34. Other Patient Care Responsibilities Procedures
OR time
Interpreting studies
How are things assigned?
In blocks
By patients
35. Attending Responsibilities Ward time
Consult service
Resident clinic
Call schedule
What happens to your clinic schedule when you are on service?
36. Teaching Responsibilities Medical Students
Basic science lectures
Lectures for students in their clinical years
Summer work programs
37. Residents Teaching Residents and Fellows
Didactic lecture series
Grand Rounds
What is the quality of the training program?
How many per year?
Does the program fill?
Do the residents participate in research at a clinical level?
38. Other Responsibilities Residency director
Many if not all ACGME programs now require that the director be 3 years out of training
Clerkship director
May involve no more than a one time meeting with the students and filling out paperwork to giving all didactic lectures to students on rotation
Ask details!
39. Protected Time Time in which you have no patient responsibilities
Ideally, it should be �sacred�
Time to
Do research (including clinical research)
Write papers
Work on presentations
40. What You Should NOT Have to do in Your Protected Time Answer patient phone calls
Dictate notes
Fill out patient forms
See overbook patients
Protected time should be used for you to advance your academic career
41. What Makes Sense for You? Will depend upon what your track is
Scientist vs clinician vs educator
What is your focus?
It is likely that no one has ever said they don�t have enough clinical responsibilities!
Teaching is essential from a P&T standpoint
What types of teaching interest you the most?
Hint: teaching of medical students usually counts more than teaching of residents from a P&T standpoint
Hint: getting residents or students involved in research projects may increase your research productivity with the added bonus of making the chairman happy
42. The Position and Department Are you replacing someone or are they increasing the number of faculty?
Talk to those who have left recently
Is the number of faculty appropriate for the work load?
Will you be starting a new area of subspecialty for the department or joining an existing one?
A good mentor who can help promote your career is worth their weight in gold!
Does the department have a good reputation within the institution and on a national level?
43. A Few Comments on Negotiating Set priorities and determine what you
Can get
Be realistic
Negotiating requires investigation
Don�t be afraid to ask
Negotiating begins with you
You are your own best advocate
Negotiating is a 2 way street
44. Negotiating Your in a stronger position if
You have more than one job offer
They have a clear cut need that you can meet
There are limited potential applicants with the required skills
Set limits but keep them private
A bad job offer may be worse than no job offer
45. The Money It�s not easy to talk about money
But it is important to be up front about it
Salaries may be fairly structured within an institution - and salary of current faculty play a role in what you will be offer
Where is there �give�?
Signing bonus
Paying off school loans
Paying for meetings, etc
46. Who to Meet? Department Chair
Division chair if indicated
Clinic director
Young faculty member
Some of the residents or fellows
Business manager
Think ahead of questions to ask each of these - and chose carefully what you ask of whom!
Listen carefully to what is said and what is not said