The Cold War Heats Up "In my generation, this was not the first occasion when the strong had attacked the weak….Communism was acting in Korea just as Hitler, Mussolini, and the Japanese had acted ten, fifteen, and twenty years earlier. I felt certain that if South Korea was allowed to fall, Communist leaders would be emboldened to override nations closer to our own shores." - President Harry Truman
The Korean War • During WWII – Allies divided Korea at the “38th parallel” • North under Soviet Union (Communist) • South under United States (Democratic) • After WWII – Both countries wanted to re-unify the country under their own rule
The Korean War • Border skirmished for years then finally, in 1950, war errupts! • U.S. Helps South Korea while USSR helps North Korea. • So...who started the war??
Who started the war? • With your group, read through the two textbook excerpts, answer the questions provided, and decide WHO started the war!
The Korean War • North Korean troops started the war! • They invade South Korea! • U.S. was shocked!! • “What the Communists, the North Koreans, were doing was nothing new...Hitler and Mussolini and the Japanese were doing exactly the same thing in the 1930’s...Nobody had stood up to them. And that is what led to the Second World War” – President Truman
The Korean War • 1953: The War ends (really just a stalemate) • Communism had been contained without starting a war. • Korea was still two nations! • Americans were affected • 54,000 American’s dead • 20-22 billion $$$ • This war increased fear of Communist aggression and prompted a hunt for spies!
Part II The Cold War On The Home Front…
War on the home front • In your group of 3, you need to come up with one sentence that describes your topic, 5 words you would use to describe it and a picture that depicts your topic. You will present these to the class…
Topics: • McCarthyism • The House Committee on Un-American Activities • The Hollywood Ten • Alger Hiss • The Rosenberg's
McCarthyism • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olESET1Tr7s