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WorkKeys Testing 2013-2014

WorkKeys Testing 2013-2014. Overview (Part I, PowerPoint) KDE:OCTE:WorkKeys:10/15/2013. Purpose. To provide a general overview and updates for WorkKeys To help schools securely and efficiently administer the WorkKeys Assessments

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WorkKeys Testing 2013-2014

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  1. WorkKeys Testing2013-2014 Overview (Part I, PowerPoint) KDE:OCTE:WorkKeys:10/15/2013

  2. Purpose • To provide a general overview and updates for WorkKeys • To help schools securely and efficiently administer the WorkKeys Assessments • To stress crucial information from the current WorkKeys Supervisor’s Manual • WorkKeys Supervisor’s Manual is located at: http://www.act.org/workkeys-private/manuals/SupervisorsManual.pdf

  3. Purpose • All staff who administer, proctor or work with WorkKeys testing in any capacity must view: • WorkKeys PowerPoint trainings, located at: http://education.ky.gov/CTE/Pages/ACT-WorkKeys.aspx • Overview • Facility Preparation and Administering the Tests (Part II, posted at a later date closer to testing window) • After the Tests (Part III, posted at a later date closer to testing window) • WorkKeys Supervisor’s Manual (page A-1), located at: http://www.act.org/workkeys-private/reference/manuals.html • A signature page shall be signed by each employee after reviewing the Supervisor’s Manual and faxed to ACT

  4. Purpose • All staff who administer, proctor or work with WorkKeys testing in any capacity must view: • KDE’s Administration Code and Inclusion of Special Populations Training for Kentucky’s Alternate Assessment, located at: http://education.ky.gov/AA/distsupp/Pages/AdminCode.aspx • A signature page shall be signed by each employee after the completion of training and retained on file by the school/district

  5. WorkKeys Assessments • To meet the benchmark set for WorkKeys and to receive a National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC), students must take the following assessments and score a Silver level or higher on all three assessments: • Applied Mathematics • Locating Information • Reading for Information

  6. WorkKeys Assessments – Reading for Information • Reading for Information

  7. WorkKeys Assessments – Applied Mathematics • Applied Mathematics

  8. WorkKeys Assessments – Locating Information • Locating Information

  9. WorkKeys Assessments – NCRC • The lowest level score from all three tests determines the NCRC earned: • Level 6 and above = Platinum NCRC • Level 5 = Gold NCRC • Level 4 = Silver NCRC • Level 3 = Bronze (not recognized in Kentucky) • For example, if a student scores a Level 5 on Applied Mathematics, Level 5 on Reading for Information, and a Level 4 for Locating Information. This student will earn a Silver NCRC.

  10. WorkKeys Contract2013-2014 • KDE has a state contract • With KDE state funding for WorkKeys assessments, further instructions will be conveyed in PowerPoint II regarding approved test sites, ordering tests, etc. • KDE has a RegiSTAR site – do not pay for your own ($2,000.00). All test sites will be entered into KDE’s site • The only expense your school/district may incur is: • $105.00 one-time setup fee for online testing, if applicable • Fees for retesting • If you choose to have an outside source to print NCRC certificates (they will be emailed/scanned to your school/district)

  11. Students Eligible to take WorkKeys2013-2014 • KDE has a state contract to provide funding for preparatory seniors enrolled in Career and Technical Education programs • The definition of preparatory is a student who has completed two credits in a career pathway and is enrolled in the third credit in the same pathway • All preparatory seniors must be entered in TEDS by January 15, 2014. • For KDE state funding, only preparatory seniors are eligible to take the WorkKeys assessments

  12. Testing Window for WorkKeys2013-2014 • The testing window is February 1, 2014 – March 31, 2014 • You may test outside of this timeframe; however, funding sources will only be provided for the testing window of February 1, 2014 – March 31, 2014. • Funding is not available for retesting. Your school/district is responsible for costs associated with retesting.

  13. Testing Methods2013-2014 • Tests may be administered by either pencil/paper form or online • All test sites must be an approved testing site by ACT/WorkKeys • If you are not an approved testing site, further instructions will be conveyed in PowerPoint II

  14. Testing Online2013-2014 • If testing online: • The minimum requirements of the WorkKeys Internet Version Technical Checklist must be met, located at: http://www.act.org/workkeys/tech/index.html • If testing site is not already an established online testing site, there is an additional one-time $105.00 setup fee. Your school/district will be responsible for this cost.

  15. Paper/Pencil Method2013-2014 • If administering by paper/pencil method - • Test booklets can only be ordered 3 weeks before the testing date(s). The order form is located on KDE’s website: • http://education.ky.gov/CTE/Pages/ACT-WorkKeys.aspx • How to order tests will be covered in PowerPoint Part II and will be posted closer to the testing window • You must wait until January 1, 2014 or later to order tests • For paper/pencil testing, it can take up to 3 weeks to get the scores back from ACT. Please plan to test early in the testing window, if you plan to review scores and retest students. For online testing, results are immediate.

  16. Administering Testing • Tests can be administered in any order for the three assessments • For example – Applied Mathematics can be administered first, middle, or last • Tests can be administered on different days • For example: • Monday am – test students on Reading for Information • Tuesday pm – test students on Locating Information • Wednesday am – test students on Applied Mathematics (Security is very important when using this scenario)

  17. WorkKeys Timed Tests • Each assessment must be administered from the beginning to the end of the test. There cannot be any breaks during the individual test. • Planning of time for each test is important • Applied Mathematics, Reading for Information, and Locating Information are timed tests: 55 minutes for internet-based; 45 minutes for paper/pencil method. Tests with accommodations vary per times – refer to the WorkKeys Supervisor’s Manual • You must also allow additional time for students to complete the demographic information before the tests

  18. Pre-Test Day Procedures – What can I do right now? • Inform students and parents of the WorkKeys tests, along with benefits and value of the National Career Readiness Certificate • Review PowerPoint trainings, WorkKeys Supervisor’s Manual, and KDE’s Administration Code and Inclusion of Special Populations Training for Kentucky’s Alternate Assessment • Decide which testing method to use: paper/pencil testing or online testing. If online testing, the technical specifications must be met. Follow procedures for online testing or paper/pencil testing

  19. Pre-Test Day Procedures • Identify and train the testing staff • All testing staff must sign and FAX Verification form to ACT/WorkKeys (WorkKeys Supervisor’s Manual, page 89) • You must wait until January 1, 2014 • Identify the testing room (WorkKeys Supervisor’s Manual, pages 3-5) • For paper/pencil testing, identify a secure site to store the test materials when they arrive • You must wait until January 1, 2014 or later to order tests • More information will be posted closer to the testing window in PowerPoint II, Facility Preparation and Administering the Tests, on the KDE WorkKeys webpage: • http://education.ky.gov/CTE/Pages/ACT-WorkKeys.aspx

  20. Inform Students and Parents • Print resources: • Student and Parent Informational Brochure - http://www.eed.state.ak.us/tls/assessment/WorkKeys/WK_ParentStudent_Brochure.pdf • Occupations Opportunities based on WorkKeys scores http://www.careerready.alaska.gov/docs/workkeys/ACT-pubs/ACT-OccupationalOpportunities.pdf • Video Resources • School district in Indiana implements WorkKeys assessments http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0zHSgqtltE • Not WorkKeys specific, but a good wake up call to thinking about careers and testing. “A high school student has a "nightmare" experience as he learns that his lack of preparation or focus in high school is going to leave him falling without a parachute. “ http://youtu.be/zHuAEKvZGYY

  21. Prepare Students for WorkKeys • Use WorkKeys Sample Test Questions for Bell Ringers, etc. • Sample Test Questions, located at: • http://www.act.org/workkeys/assess/sample.html • http://www.michigan.gov/documents/mde/Preparing_for_the_WorkKeys_Assessments_209367_7.pdf • View the PowerPoint on WorkKeys Preparation and Test-Taking Strategies, located at: • http://education.ky.gov/CTE/Pages/ACT-WorkKeys.aspx

  22. WorkKeys Timeline

  23. WorkKeys Timeline

  24. WorkKeys PowerPoint II, III and Frequently Asked Questions • Will be posted closer to the testing window: • http://education.ky.gov/CTE/Pages/ACT-WorkKeys.aspx • PowerPoint II, Facility Preparation and Administering the Tests (posted late November) • PowerPoint III, After the Tests (posted closer to testing window) • Frequently Asked Questions (posted late November)

  25. Contact Information • Angie Fischer, Office of Career and Technical Education • Email Address: Angie.Fischer@education.ky.gov • Phone Number: 502-564-4286 • Kentucky Department of Education, WorkKeys web page • http://education.ky.gov/CTE/Pages/ACT-WorkKeys.aspx • WorkKeys Contact Center (24 hour hotline) • Phone Number: 800-967-5539 • Email Address: workkeys@act.org(only during business hours of 7am-7pm, central standard time)

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