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California MPOs and RTPAs

Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) Overview and Considering Greenhouse Gas Emissions in MTC’s 2035 RTP. Joan Sollenberger, Chief Lisa Klein

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California MPOs and RTPAs

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  1. Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) Overview and Considering Greenhouse Gas Emissions in MTC’s 2035 RTP Joan Sollenberger, Chief Lisa Klein Division of Transportation Planning Senior Planner Analyst California Department of Transportation Metropolitan Transportation Commission

  2. California MPOs and RTPAs The regional agencies responsible for the development of regional transportation plans (RTPs) in California are: • 18 federally designated Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) • 26 State designated Regional Transportation Agencies

  3. RTPs can also be called: Metropolitan Transportation Plans (MTPs) or Long-Range Transportation Plans

  4. Regional Transportation Plans (RTPs) • 20-year vision for transportation in the region. • Identify the transportation policies, goals and objectives for the region. • Provide an 20-year estimate of funds available for transportation improvements. • List of transportation projects.

  5. How RTPs are paid for: • MPOs receive metropolitan planning funds from the Federal Highway Administration (PL) and the Federal Transit Administration (5303) • RTPAs use State planning funds called Rural Planning Assistance (RPA)

  6. RTP Air Quality Conformity The Clean Air Act as amended in 1990 is the federal law that governs air quality. Transportation conformity means the projects listed in the RTP do not exceed the emissions budget set forth in the SIP. Federal regulations state the U.S. DOT cannot fund, authorize, or approve Federal actions to support transportation projects that do not conform to the SIP.

  7. Coordinates land use, transportation and environmental planning decisions with enhanced public engagement. Currently underway in most urbanized areas of the state, includingseveral rural counties. Regional Blueprint Planning

  8. Air Quality Conformity Analysis Regional Blueprint Plans RTPs City/County General Plans

  9. Regional Transportation Plan Guidelines • Identify federal and State RTP related regulations and statutes. • Provides a uniform transportation planning framework throughout California. • Promotes a planning process that considers the views of all stakeholders in the decision-making process. • Prepared by Caltrans under the direction of, and are adopted by the CTC.

  10. The full update of the RTP Guidelines was adopted by the CTC in 1999. Currently, the RTP Guidelines are being updated in two phases: Phase I - SAFETEA-LU changes. To be adopted by the CTC in September 2007. Phase II - Greenhouse gas emissions. Estimated to be adopted by the CTC early CY 2008.

  11. Significant Recent Federal Regulations Impacting RTPs • Enhanced public participation during the development of the RTP. • The RTP must discuss the types of potential environmental mitigation activities. • During the development of RTP, the MPO/RTPA must consult with federal, State and Tribal resource agencies.

  12. Considering Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Transportation 2035 Plan Lisa Klein, Metropolitan Transportation Commission Regional Transportation Plan Guidelines Work Group Meeting June 28, 2007

  13. Three Opportunities • Performance-based visioning • Corridor & investment performance • Environmental impact review

  14. Carbon Dioxide Emissions Outlook -3% +33% Source: Transportation 2030 Plan EIR

  15. Transportation 2035 Approach Vision Finances

  16. Scenario Performance Assessment ECONOMY ENVIRONMENT EQUITY Congestion VMT Reduce VMT per capita by 10% from today VMT Emissions Access & Cost CONGESTION Reduce delay by 20% TBD EMISSIONS Reduce CO2 by 40% from 1990 Reduce PM by 10% from today VMT Underdefinition • Investment scenarios • freeway operations; high-occupancy/toll lanes & bus; rail & ferry 2. Policy measures sensitivity analysis (a) smarter growth; (b) user-based pricing; and (c) fleet mix

  17. Corridor & Investment Performance • Legislatively required of MTC (SB 1492 - Perata, 2002) • Financially constrained plan • Greenhouse gases, vehicle miles traveled & energy consumption – among others

  18. RTP Environmental Impact Report • Energy • Energy consumption • CO2 emissions • Transportation • Vehicle miles traveled • Mode share and trips by mode • Vehicle hours of delay

  19. Questions?

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