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Willis Wildkat 2011-2012 Success Plan. W. I. N. . What’s Important Now ! Becoming a Champion in Every Aspect Of Life. . Obligations & Responsibilities vs. Rights and Privileges.
W. I. N. What’s Important Now ! Becoming a Champion in Every Aspect Of Life.
Obligations & Responsibilities vs.Rights and Privileges “Coach what’s the difference between athletes today and the athletes of twenty years ago” “The same difference that I see in society today. Today everyone wants to talk about their rights and privileges. Twenty years ago people talked about their obligations and responsibilities.” - Lou Holtz Winning Everyday First – To Your Family Second – To your Spirituality
Obligations & Responsibilities vs.Rights and Privileges Third – Your Professional Relationships • Teacher • Coach • All others that you have chosen to take on. • You have a right provided it is legal to do anything we want as individuals. • However when you joined this team, you gave up the right to jeopardize our chances for success. • Your freedom to do things haphazardly ends where your obligation to others begins. • When you belong to a team you can no longer see yourself as an individual.
Willis Wildkat Academic Success Plan “Winning is never accidental. All successful coaches and players have at least on thing in common: a strong game plan.” - Lou Holtz Winning Everyday • The plan is composed of 10 steps, each with their own importance. • Our willingness to adhere to these steps will dictate our future success.
Willis Wildkat Academic Success Plan Step 1 Clearly Defined Expectations • Be early, not on time • Come to class prepared • Sit in front or middle of class room • Complete assignments and take examinations when scheduled • Communicate with instructors on weekly performance • Must maintain a 75 average in all academic classes • Develop relationships with non athletes • Discipline referrals are not tolerated for any reason
Willis Wildkat Academic Success Plan Step 2: The Power of Attitude • What we are capable of achieving is determined by our talent and ability. • What we attempt is determined by our motivation. • How well we do something is determined by our attitude. • When in a position of leadership – you have an obligation to develop a positive attitude because you will have a powerful impact on others. • Great leaders have a great passion for the cause – you cannot fake it – if you do not have the hunger to accomplish something, you will not be able to lead anyone. • Standards do not choose us – we can all achieve if we set average goals – I will attempt to achieve the biggest dreams and shall be graded at the highest of standards.
Willis Wildkat Academic Success Plan Step 3: Tackle Adversity: Expect Obstacles “Don’t be afraid of failure, there is no such thing.” - Miles Davis • We have to expect obstacles – we will get knocked down. • To achieve success we will have to solve problems • Our competitors will have problems as well, if we react more quickly and positively we will gain an advantage. • There is not a single problem that we can not correct. • Do not let what we don’t have keep us from using what we do have. • Never evaluate an individual on appearance alone. • Never use your shortcomings as an excuse for failure. • The people who get the most out of what they have been given are too busy winning to notice all the things they lack.
Willis Wildkat Academic Success Plan Step 3: Tackle Adversity: Expect Obstacles Cont… “Don’t be afraid of failure, there is no such thing.” - Miles Davis • Taking a deeper look at Failure • F – Frustration – You do not have the answers. • A – Aggression – Often misdirected. • I – Insecurity – You can not cut it anymore • L – Leadership – You abandon it. • U – Undisciplined – You stop practicing the fundamentals. • R – Resentment – You assume the victims role. Why me? • E – Excuses – It is everyone's fault but my own.
Willis Wildkat Academic Success Plan Step 4: Have a Sense of Purpose • The sense of purpose is the road map to success for any organization • It must be a durable long-term goal in which the entire decision making process revolves. • All winning organizations are Goal Oriented. • Everyone connected with them concentrates their efforts to specific goals. • They go about their business with blinders on, you can not distract them from achieving their purpose. • Losing Organizations lack focus. • They are composed of individuals who act on behalf of their own agendas. Even if that agenda is cross-purpose with the goals of their colleagues and organization.
Willis Wildkat Academic Success Plan Step 4: Have a Sense of Purpose Cont… • Having a sense of purpose will allow us to understand what it is we are trying to accomplish. • We will have the ability to completely focus on achieving our goals. • You cannot solve the issues of you organization until you define your sense of purpose. • In any crisis – the answer will reveal itself once you weigh your options against you objectives.
Willis Wildkat Academic Success Plan Step 5: Make Sacrifice Your Ally The time to worry is before you place your bet, not after you spin the wheel. If we put in the time we will not worry about the result. • Winners understand that their willingness to sacrifice places them among that rare breed of individuals who will do whatever is necessary within their purpose to attain their goals. • So few people are willing to make sacrifices. Those of us who habitually do that little bit extra will gain a huge edge over our competition. • Most Losing organizations are overpopulated with people who constantly complain about life’s difficulties. • They will drain the enthusiasm and energy of the organization.
Willis Wildkat Academic Success Plan Step 6: Adapt or Die “We are not holding anything. We will attack day and night. The time to start congratulating yourself is when the task or your career is over.” - General George S. Patton • Complacency is our enemy – Thing are always changing so you must embrace that your life and career are always in transition. • Yes we will achieve our goals, but do not trick yourself into believing that there is no further work to be done.
Willis Wildkat Academic Success Plan Step 6: Adapt or Die Cont… • When we become the best, it will be fundamentals that lead us there. • If we are to remain the best, it will be fundamentals that keep us there. • Fundamentals form the cornerstone of any successful program. • They are easy to ignore because the basics are often methodical and boring. • There will be time when we stumble and fall, however if our fundamentals are in place, they will act as a safety net.
Willis Wildkat Academic Success Plan Step 7: Dream Big What is a Visionary if not a Dreamer? • All great accomplishments start with a dream • Dreams fuel enthusiasm and vision • They give you that burning desire to wake up in the morning and achieve. • Boredom becomes our enemy – We must start living our dreams. • We get out of life exactly what we expect • Turn a little into a lot • Do we have the talent for using our talent? • Will we waste talent • The saddest thing in this world is wasted talent.
Willis Wildkat Academic Success Plan Step 8: Nurture Your Self-Image When people have no faith in you, you can respond two ways: 1. You can accept their opinions as fact and live whatever small life they have selected for you. 2. You can dedicate yourself to proving them wrong. • A positive self-image grows out of having strong character. • To be trustworthy, committed to excellence, and show care for others are the foundation of a successful person.
Willis Wildkat Academic Success Plan Step 9: Foster Trust Can I Trust You? • All relationships are based on trust. • People ruin tremendous opportunity’s because they don’t have the discipline nor the decency to do what’s right. • How do we know what right, ask yourself What isImportant Now? • Choosing to trust someone is easy, you read a person’s character and make a decision. • Creating trust in others is a more difficult matter • How do you foster trust? Simple answer is to DO RIGHT. • Champions have the discipline and courage to do what needs to be done to take care of What’s Important Now.
Willis Wildkat Academic Success Plan Step 9: Handle With care Do You Care About Me? • People will not care how much you know until they know how much you care. • Simple answer – Follow the Golden Rule. • Do unto others as you would have done to you. • Make yourself incomparable • Never compare yourself with anyone. • Whatever portion of success a person owns wasn’t stolen from you. • If you feel better about yourself when you see others fail, What does that say about you? • Do not dominate the Conversation. • If you dominate every conversation you have, you're broadcasting that you don’t care about anyone but yourself.
Success Plan Step 10: Commitment to Excellence Am I Committed to Excellence? • You must be willing to give everything you do, everything you have got. • Do everything to the best of your abilities. • High Standards start with you. • Everyone wants to be associated with people who maintain high standards. • If you hold a position of authority, you have an obligation to create an environment where others can succeed. • When things go wrong, our standards must then be higher than ever. • You cannot Fake IT. • You can fool everyone else, but you cannot fool yourself. • Don’t do it to gain approval, do it because you respect yourself to much to ever accept anything less than your best efforts.
What is Building Season? • Build a team full of members that are committed to our goal. • Transform into a discipline program. • Become men of character and Integrity. • Accept responsibility in our program, academics and life. • Give back to our community. • Respect our life skills. • Develop short term goals. • Organize our academics, athletics and free time. • Believe in your teammates, coaches and teachers. • Show the community, county, state and country that we are uncommon men.