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“If everyone would think “the next generation will solve our problems”, the world will fall apart.” (Pim van Lommel, cardioloog en auteur).
“If everyone would think “the next generation will solve our problems”, the world will fall apart.” (Pim van Lommel, cardioloog en auteur) “If every Dutch household would replace 5 ordinary light bulbs by LED lights, we could possibly shut down one coal plant.” (Marius de Geus, eco-filosofer and political scientist) • “We find ourselves at a turning point. We now have the chance to spoil everything or take the opportunity to do the right thing.” (Paul van Vliet)
“Everyday I cycle to the office. But my neighbour flies to London three times a week. So how can I make a difference?” • “It’s just drops in the ocean … • “I do not want to be the only fool…” • “It’s just too complicated…”
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“A community has the power to motivate it’s members to exceptional performance. It can provide the climate in which great things happen.”