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Join us for Curriculum Night and learn about our use of the NC Essential Standards in reading, math, science, and social studies. Discover our emphasis on college readiness, integration of writing across the curriculum, and focus on deepening student knowledge.
Welcome to Curriculum Night 2019-2020
We use the North Carolina Essential Standards for all subjects. • These standards match the global shift in education to college readiness by deepening students’ knowledge.
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There are six units of study • Emphasis on informational text and literature. • Reader’s Workshop allowsstudents to dig deeper with a self-selected text. • Students are expected to be able to answer the following questions for alltexts: • 1. What is the author saying? Citeevidence. • 2. How did the author say it? Examine author’scraft. • 3. How do Ievaluate what the author has told me and • how can Igo beyond that?
Students will integrate writing across the curriculum. There are four types of writing taught this year: • Argument/Opinion-based • Informative/Explanatory • Narratives • Short research projects
Listening & Speaking:This will be met by partner discussions and book clubs during Reader’sWorkshop. • Students will be expected to justify their thinking in allsubjects. • Students should be able to independently follow oral and written directions. • Students will practice Turn and Talks inReading.
Unit 1: Building Mathematical Community & Understanding Equal Groups Unit 2: Using Data to Solve Problems Unit 3: Stories with Addition and Subtraction Unit 4: Making Sense of Multiplication and Division
Unit 5: Reasoning with Shapes and Their Attributes Unit 6: Applying the Operations to Area and Perimeter Unit 7: Understanding Fractions as Parts of a Whole Unit 8: Using Tools to Measure Length, Weight, and Capacity Unit 9: Understanding Time
LED Model in Math Students will be working on understanding mathematical concepts by using Launch Explore Discuss model. Students will be given a task at least 3 times a week where they need to figure things out through exploration then discuss with a partner or as a class.
Essential Standards • The units that are covered in 3rd grade science now include: • Energy: Conservation and Transfer • Earth Systems • Ecosystems: Plants and Soil • Earth: The Universe • Matter: Properties and Change • Forces and Motion • Human Body
Essential Standards • The units that are covered in 3rd grade social studies now include: • Earth’s Geographical Patterns • Cultural Diversity • Resources • Citizenship and Government* • Historical Perspectives*
Attendance is IMPORTANT Good attendance is critical for success in school. All absences will be coded unexcused unless an email or a written note from the parent/guardian is received within three days. Tardies and early dismissals both are reflected on the report card as tardies. State law allows absences to be excused for the following reasons:Illness or injury Quarantine Death in the immediate family Medical or dental appointments Court or administrative proceedings Religious observance Educational opportunity - Your request must be submitted for consideration at least three days prior to absence. An explanation of the trip/opportunity must be given. Please fill out either the Absence Excuse Formor the Educational Opportunity Form. It will be sent directly to our data manager. Our data manager will forward the information to your child's teacher. These can both be found on the School’s Webpage.
STANDARD BASEDGRADING • Provides more specialized reporting: precise and specific information about a child’s progress toward a standard. Supports common criteria for grading. Also supports students inanswering: • Where am I now? • Where am I going? • How can I close the gap?
Standards-based grading assesses a student’s overall work and most recent work so it tells us what a student has learned and what he orshe now knows rather than what they knew at the beginning of a quarter orunit. In other words, it measures students’ knowledge of grade-levelcontent overtime by reporting the most recent, consistent level ofperformance. A student might struggle in the beginning of a course with new content, but then learn and demonstrate proficient performance by the end of thecourse.
BOG (Beginning of Grade) and EOG (End of Grade) • Benchmark assessments will be completed three times a yearusing Mastery Connect for reading and math. • mCLASSwillbe completed three times ayear. (TRC only) • i-Ready Assessments will be completed three times this yearforreading and math. • IStation has also been implemented this year as an assessment tool for reading.
What is Read to Achieve? Read to Achieve is a part of the Excellent Public Schools Act which became law in July of 2012. "The goal is to ensure that every student is able to read at orabove grade level by the end of third grade."
HowWillRead to AchieveAffectmyChild? Your child will be assessed in reading at the beginning, middle, and end of theyear.Those assessments will give information to the teacher about the instructional needs of yourchild. Most beginning assessments are completed.The results will be shared with you during Parent-Teacher Conferences inOctober/November along with more explanation of the BOG scores. Your child will take the North Carolina End ofGrade test inMay.
What will happen if my child is not reading at or above grade level at the end of the year? • Your child will receive reading intervention throughout the school year if they are performing below grade level. • If your child does not pass the EOG, they will be given the Read to Achieve assessment. • If your child passes the RTA assessment, he/she will be promoted to 4th grade.
Scenarios • If your child does not show proficiency on any reading assessment, he/she will become a candidate for Summer Reading Camp and will take another test or complete a reading portfolio to determine proficiency at the end of the camp. If you choose not to enroll your child in the Summer Reading Camp, he/she will have a retention label in their record going into 4th grade. • If your child does not show proficiency at the end of the Summer Reading Camp, he/she will go into 4th grade with a retention label and will have another opportunity to pass a reading assessment around November of the 4th grade school year.
How Can I Help My Child? • Find some time for reading every day. Twenty minutes a day will make a big difference in your child’s achievement. • Take books everywhere you go! • Read books that your child enjoys. • Make sure the books that your child is choosing is on their reading level. • Talk about the books being read. • Make reading togetherfun!
PBIS stands for Positive Behavior Intervention and Support. Our goal is to TEACH behavioral expectations and recognize positive behaviors. We hope to DECREASE behavior disruptions school-wide. By decreasing time spent on behavior disruptions, we increase academic time.
Staff members use the Dragon award to recognize an entire classroom for good behavior and demonstrating school-wide expectations. • After receiving 12 Dragon awards, students in the homeroom class vote for a class reward from a menu of choices.
With the implementation of Class Dojo this year, our PBIS store will be based upon the number of points a student receives every 2 weeks. They will be able to trade in points for either a coupon or a prize. • The Quarterly celebration will be attended by those students that maintain 80% positive behaviors. Each quarter the requirement will increase by 5%.
Zones of Regulation The curriculum is geared toward helping students gain skills in consciously regulating their actions, which in turn leads to increased control and problem solving abilities. The Zones of Regulation is a conceptual framework used to teach students self regulation and self control. ... The Zones of Regulation categorizes states of alertness and emotions into four colored zones. It is important to know that it's fine for students to experience all of these emotions while they're at school. Because every child is important and needs to be understood!!
Agenda • Class Dojo • Webpages • Weekly newsletter • Thursday Folder • Email is best!
From the CCS web page: “Useful Links,” then ”CCS Volunteer” link. ** VALID FOR 2YEARS**
OctoberConferences Be sure to sign up for a conference through link that will be shared at a later date.
Homework & Other Notes Be sure to complete the Homework Form I sent through the Weekly Update email. If you do not choose, I will decide based on the student’s needs. Homework will begin on October 7th. If you want to be part of the Classroom Directory, please complete the form I sent in the email also.Please be sure you are reading emails and checking Communication Folders and Agendas!