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Ap European History powerpoint Ekam Singh, Juan Diaz, Ariz Bringas, Curtis, Isaiah Ward, Alfanso Belangel, Christian Allamby
Renaissance Ekam Singh, Juan Diaz, Christian Allamby, ArizBringas, Curtis Kremerskotter, Isaiah Ward, AlfansoBelangel
Scientists Nicolaus Copernicus Galileo Galilei
Why We Chose Nicolaus Copernicus Important figure His achievements were not limited to one area He was not just an austronomist He influenced many scientists
Why We Chose Galileo Galilei Multi-Fielded Made technological advances Considered one of the greatest scientists of all time Helped improve discoveries with his technological advances
Questions Nicolaus Copernicus Galileo Galilei Why did you get into house arrest? What were your greatest achievements? What type of books did you write? Did you ever imagine becoming such an important figure in science, and why? • What influenced you to discover the heliocentric theory? • What encouraged you to begin studying astronomy? • What were other contributions that you had besides the heliocentric theory? • What did you study at the University of Krakow?
Philosopher Niccolo Machiavelli
Why We Chose Niccolo Machiavelli He influenced many Many great works Not just a philosopher so he could discuss his life
Questions Niccolo Machiavelli • What were some of your greatest works? • Who were some of your followers? • What is something your strongly believe? • What was your purpose of writing “The Prince”?
ReligiousFigure Martin Luther
Why We Chose Martin Luther Very influential His ideas would provide endless discussion points He has a degree in theology He could discuss his life
Questions Martin Luther • What prompted you to become a monk? • What was the beginning of your dislike for church corruption? • Did you expect the 95 Theses to spread the way it did? • What actually led to your excommunication from the church?
Writer and Artist William Shakespeare Leonardo da Vinci
Why We Chose William Shakespeare Important landmark in in English lit. Accomplished much throughout his life Wrote many famous plays and poems
Why We Chose Leonardo da Vinci He can keep any conversation going He would spice up dinner with his imagination and curiosity He would draw curiosity and attention He would also be asked questions
Questions William Shakespeare Leonardo da Vinci What is depicted in “The Last Supper”? Is there anything unique with your notebook? What do you think helped you set apart from other Renaissance polymaths? We all know what you did as a painter, but what significance did you bring to the science world? • How many plays did you write? • What was your writing style? • When and why did you retire from theatre? • What influenced you to write Romeo and Juliet?
The Table Shakespeare Machiavelli Menu Menu Wine Ale Swan Ham Rabbit Fruit Course (Fruit, Jellies, Nuts, Cheese) Wine Ale Swan Ham Rabbit Fruit Course (Fruit, Jellies, Nuts, Cheese) DaVinci Copernicus Galileo MartinLuther
Niccolo Machiavelli