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Causes of disability in colombia. By: Nicolás Cortes, Laura Sofia Cobo , Felipe Velasquez. Land Mines.
Causes of disability in colombia By: Nicolás Cortes, Laura Sofia Cobo, Felipe Velasquez
Land Mines • A land mine is an explosive device, hidden under the ground and it is made to disable or kill the enemies when they step on it. The device may cause damage either by a direct blast or by fragments that are thrown by the blast. • The name originates from the ancient practice of military mining,. Tunnels were dug under ground where the enemy was located. These killing tunnels ("mines”)were destroyed and all of the people above fell and get injured, then the explosives explode.
Types of land mines There are two main types of land mines, the first one is anti-tank mines (AT) and the second is anti-personnel mines (AP). Anti-tank mines are designed to be activated by heavy vehicles like tanks, they are weight 5 kilos which is really heavy for a land mine. They measure almost the same that an average shoe. These kind of mines are really powerful. They have enough power to blow up a whole vehicle and people inside it or close to it. They are normally located on roads, bridges and tracks or places where heavy vehicles go trough.
Types of land mines • Anti-personnel mines are activated more easily than anti tank-mines. They are really small (like a packet of cigarettes) and weight only 50 grams. They can be of any shape colour and size. They are made to kill or injure the enemy.
How to protect from land mines • There are few ways to be protected against land mines. One of the ways to protect is wearing a landmine protection suit, that is specially design for professionals that have to go through a land mine field. There are also tanks or cars that can resist powerful mines.
Landmines are responsible for thousands of people without legs or with a disability. Landmines explode and destroy legs and can even kill, few people had have the luck to get through a landmine and be alright.This year there has been 310 victims of landmines: 179 soldiers, 131 civilians. 34 of them had been underage. During 2011, the total number of affected people had been 549.Colombia is the 3rd nation with more landmines, the first two are Camboya and Afganistán.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Land_mine On this page I found Land Mine information On this page I found information about land mines Bibliography http://www.un.org/cyberschoolbus/banmines/resources/minetypes.aspOn this page I found the types of mines, which are AT and AP http://www.tencate.com/5578/TenCate/Advanced-Armour/EMEA/en/home/Solutions/Armour-for-military-vehicles/Protection-against-landmines On this page I found about landmine protection.
Road Injuries in Colombia • The following information was taken in 2005 - 2007 • All of the following information was collected from death registers, hospital records, funeral records, health surveys, and police reports. Also from the Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadísticas (DANE), the Instituto Nacional de Medicina Legal y Ciencias Forenses and Accidentalidad Vial en Colombia published by Fondo de Prevencion Vial.
In 2005, road crashes resulted in 6.351 deaths (in Colombia), showing an annual injury rate of 14.1 deaths per 100.000 people. Almost one million people were victims of non-fatal road crashes.
All injuries in 2005, counting for intentional or not intentional were 34.529 (%18.3) of all deaths in Colombia. Road injuries were the second leading cause of injury or deaths.
Graphs of road injuries In Colombia, the most road injuries happen among males, %87 of the accidents were adults older than 20 years. Road injuries among males rise dramatically in their transition from childhood to young adults.
Road accidents occur among pedestrians (which means people who walk) and motorcyclist.
Accidents are higher in urban areas than in rural areas, which is about %75 higher.
Men have higher rates of non-fatal road injuries than women. The accidents occur in males between the ages of 15 to 49 years.
http://roadinjuries.globalburdenofinjuries.org/colombiaHere i gottheinfo, tablesandgraphs. Bibliography
Brain Damage • Brain damage is the destruction or degeneration of brain cells. Brain injuries often create disabilities which can vary in severity. Sometimes with you are born with brain damage other times it is made when you hit your head really hard. Also brain damage may cause coma. Many people can walk or have to stay on a wheel chair for the rest of their life because they are born with brain damage.
firing of a gun “balaperdida” is a saying in Colombia, it is something we say whan some one gets accidentally gets hit by a bullet. It happens when a person is in the middle of a fight between gangs. Bullets can kill, or make a person disabled, like when they hit the lumbar vertebra. Also soldiers are common to this cause to be disabled, when they start a fight or when they get shoot by the enemy. This is very common in Colombia, specially in the jungles (because FARC and other rebel forces) and in low class neighbourhoods.
Bibliography http://es.thefreedictionary.com/bala+perdida here I found the meaning of “balaperdida” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brain_damage Here I found information about brain damage. http://www.sciencedaily.com/articles/b/brain_damage.htm here I found more information of brain damage
Main causes of disability in Colombia • The secondproblem in colombiaisthetrafficaccidents. Thisproblemisthemostcommon in a country as colombia. Many peoplehavebeenaffectbytrafficaccidents and theyhavepermanentproblems as the paraplejia. Normallyallthisaccidentshappen in thepeoplethat drive a motor cycle, thisproblemisthemostcommon in colombiabut also theyhavepresentaccidentsbypeoplewhich drive with a highpercentage of alcohol and normally in thisproblemstheyendwithdeadpeople.
Main causes of dissability in colombia • The nextproblemisbased in theoccupationaldisease, thismighthappentopeoplethat are farmersorsoldiersthatwork in the monte or in paramos. The occupationaldisease in colombiareferstopeoplethatwork in dangerouszonesorthatrisktherelifeforwinmonie . Normallysoldiers are themostaffectedwiththeoccupationaldiseasebecausetheycould be affectedbyviolence.
Main causes of disability in colombia • The last cause of disabiulity in colombiaistheviolence. Here in colombiawehaveproblemswithsomegroupsthatwanttomakerevolutions in this country and theywanttomakeitwithviolence. Las farcisthemainrevolutionarygroup in colombia, soldiers of thecolombianrepublicrisktherelifeforendwiththerevolution, some times thissoldierscould be affectedbylandminesorcould be assaultedbybulletimpacts.