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Republic of Serbia BENCHMARKING AND SETTING ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE AND ENFORCEMENT INDICATORS. Ministry of S cience and E nvir onmental P rotection Directorate for Environmental Protection State Inspectorate Ljiljana Stanojevi ć, assistant director Branisl a v Galešev, senior adviser
Republic of Serbia BENCHMARKING AND SETTING ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE AND ENFORCEMENT INDICATORS Ministry ofScience and EnvironmentalProtection Directorate for Environmental Protection State Inspectorate Ljiljana Stanojević, assistant director Branislav Galešev, senior adviser Vesna Nanuševski, adviser Svetlana Parežanin, adviser
INPUTS • ORGANIZATION (Ministry, Directorate, Inspection department) • NUMBER OF INSPECTORS (total number in Serbia on 3 level - 300 environmental inspectors) • LEGISLATION (4 new laws from December 2004, the number of bylaws & regulation) • TRAINMENT (knowledge , education, trainings & workshops, ethical standards, good atmosphere) • BUDGET & EQUIPMENT (PCs for each inspector + connection to Intranet + web site, vehicles, fuel) Workshop on Benchmarking and Setting Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Indicators 29-30 March, 2007, Szentendre, Hungary 2
INPUTS • PLANNING (annual plan – elaboration of the annual plan, through the setting up of goals, tasks and concrete ways of action; monthly plans for each inspector, in accordance with the priorities from the annual plan) • NUMBER OF INSTALLATIONS FOR CHECKING - total number is 3337 • 2090 INDUSTRY • ~ 242 IPPC INSTALLATIONS • 1247 NATURE PROTECTION Workshop on Benchmarking and Setting Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Indicators 29-30 March, 2007, Szentendre, Hungary 3
OUTPUTS • DIRECTIVE (DECEMBER 2006) OF PLANNING & REPORTING • DATA'S COLLECTED FROM INSTALLATIONS INSPECTED • NUMBER OF TRAINING PROGRAMMES CONDUCTED • NUMBER OF PEOPLE TRAINED • NUMBER OF BOOKLETS - manual book for inspectors; booklet “The base quantity of dangerous waste on IPPC installations”; instruction for border officers on transboundary movement waste and poisons, protected species, CITES... Workshop on Benchmarking and Setting Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Indicators 29-30 March, 2007, Szentendre, Hungary 4
Record of Inspection Activities Report for the 2006 Workshop on Benchmarking and Setting Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Indicators 29-30 March, 2007, Szentendre, Hungary 5
OUTCOMES • From 630 operators issuing permit for export/import of poisonousmatters - ~ 35% had suspension of license (not in compliance) • From 62 operators issuing permit for export/import of waste - 4 had suspension of license (not in compliance) – data’s collected from august 2006 (starting date of working group for transboundary movement of waste) Workshop on Benchmarking and Setting Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Indicators 29-30 March, 2007, Szentendre, Hungary 6
OUTCOMES • Operator’s investment in improvement of environmental conditions (Refinery ‘’Pancevo’’, US steel, Holcim, Termo electric power plants are good examples) • Decreased number of incidents Workshop on Benchmarking and Setting Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Indicators 29-30 March, 2007, Szentendre, Hungary
Benchmarking • On the monthly report bases • Intrasectoral (between head offices) • Between inspectors • With neighbouring countries (RMCEI reportbased on the IMPEL guidance on point VIII of the Recommendation of the European Parliament and the Council of Europe, 4 APRIL 2001 PROVIDING FOR MINIMUM CRITERIA FOR ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTIONS IN THE MEMBER STATES (2001/331/EC)) Workshop on Benchmarking and Setting Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Indicators 29-30 March, 2007, Szentendre, Hungary 8
Progress Monitoring • DG ENVIRONMENT ON GOING PROJECT „Progress Monitoring“ STARTED AT THE END OF 2006 • AT THE END OF FEBRUARY DRAFT MATERIAL PASSED ON TO THE „COWI’’, DENMARK • CONTAINING: • TABLES OF COMPLIANCE • QUESTIONNAIRES FOR THE IMPLEMENTATIONOF PREFERRED EU DIRECTIVES Workshop on Benchmarking and Setting Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Indicators 29-30 March, 2007, Szentendre, Hungary 9
INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK Directorate for Environmental Protection: • Horizontal legislation • Air quality • Waste management • Water quality (geological research, underground waters, transboundary water protection) • Nature protection • Industrial pollution control and risk management • Chemicals • Noise • Nuclear safety – radiation protection (protection from ionizing and non-ionizing radiation) • Climate change Workshop on Benchmarking and Setting Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Indicators 29-30 March, 2007, Szentendre, Hungary 10
INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK • Air quality – quality of fuels: Institute for Standardization • Water quality: Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry • Nature protection – Forestry: Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry • Genetically Modified Organisms: Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry • Civil protection: Ministry of Interior Workshop on Benchmarking and Setting Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Indicators 29-30 March, 2007, Szentendre, Hungary 11
LEGAL APPROXIMATION • EU approximation process: • legal transposition • environmental institutions/administrative capacity building • providing financial resources for environmental investments • Law on Environmental Protection is framework law (2004); • Laws on EIA, SEA and IPPC are drafted under Project “Assistance in drafting environmental regulation in Serbia”, financed by Finish government - Jugolex. Transposed following directives: 85/337/EEC amended by 97/11/EC and 2003/35/EC, 2001/42/EC, 2003/35/EC. Workshop on Benchmarking and Setting Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Indicators 29-30 March, 2007, Szentendre, Hungary 12
LEGAL APPROXIMATION • Draft Law on Waste Management, (adopted by Government, in parliamentary procedure) transposed: 75/442/ЕЕЗ amended by 91/156/ЕЕЗ, 91/689/ЕЕЗ, 99/31/ЕЗ, 2000/76/ЕЗ, 94/62/ЕЗ, 91/157/ЕЕЗ, 75/439/ЕЕЗ, 2000/53/ЕЗ, 2002/95/ЕЗ, 2002/96/ЕЗ, 96/59/ЕЗ, 96/61/ЕЗ, 259/93/ЕЕЗ, 91/692/EEЗ, decision 2000/532/ЕЗ. Framework law, sub-legal acts on special waste streams shall be adopted. • Law on Air Protection (adopted by Government, in parliamentary procedure) transposed: Directive 96/62/ЕС, Directive 1999/30/ЕЗ, Directive 2002/3/ЕC, Directive 2000/69/ЕC, Directive 92/72/ЕЕC, Directive 98/70/ЕC(2003/17/ЕC), Directive 93/12/ЕЕC(99/32/ЕC)Directive 94/63/EC, Directive 97/68/ЕC, Directive 2001/81/ЕC, Directive 2003/87/ЕC, Directive 201/80/ЕC, Decision 99/296/ЕC, Decision 88/540/ЕЕC, Decision 2004/224/ЕЗ, Decision 2001/839/ЕЗ. Workshop on Benchmarking and Setting Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Indicators 29-30 March, 2007, Szentendre, Hungary 13
LEGAL APPROXIMATION • Law on Non-ionizing Radiation (adopted by Government, in parliamentary procedure); • Drafted: • Law on Sustainable Use and Protection of Fishery Resources; Law on Nature Protection; Law on noise protection, Law on Ionizing Radiation and Nuclear Safety; • Under drafting: • Law on Packaging and Packaging Waste; Law on Chemicals Management, Law on Biocides, number of by-laws – app. 120. Workshop on Benchmarking and Setting Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Indicators 29-30 March, 2007, Szentendre, Hungary 14
Cement factory ‘’Holcim’’ Serbia Ones upon a time… … and now! Workshop on Benchmarking and Setting Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Indicators 29-30 March, 2007, Szentendre, Hungary 15
Cement factory ‘’Holcim’’ Serbia • Hard work always gives a good results! Workshop on Benchmarking and Setting Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Indicators 29-30 March, 2007, Szentendre, Hungary 16
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Workshop on Benchmarking and Setting Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Indicators 29-30 March, 2007, Szentendre, Hungary 17