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Paul Revere Charter Middle School

Paul Revere Charter Middle School. Making A Change…. School Culture 2007-2008. 2007-2008 Discipline Statistics. 503 Total Suspension Days 435 – General Education 68 – Special Education 200 – Intervention Room Referrals. Admitting there is a problem…. Time to “Flip The Switch”….

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Paul Revere Charter Middle School

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Paul Revere Charter Middle School Making A Change….

  2. School Culture2007-2008

  3. 2007-2008Discipline Statistics 503 Total Suspension Days 435 – General Education 68 – Special Education 200 – Intervention Room Referrals

  4. Admitting there is a problem…..

  5. Time to “Flip The Switch”… Be proactive and positive!!!

  6. Creating a Plan • Clear Expectations – • Based on Mutual Respect • Policies and Procedures – • Consistency in Consequences • Accountability • Communication • Building School Community

  7. Clear Expectations:

  8. Policies and Procedures • Decision Making – All major stakeholder are represented • - School Governance Council • - School Wide Committees (ex: Discipline, Budget, Tech, etc) • Follow school and district policies and procedures • - Bulletins • - Ask for clarification (Operations, Legal, etc)

  9. Implementing Change to Impact the Overall School Culture • Morning Arrival • Random Tardy Sweeps and Wandings • Cell Phone Policies  Confiscated Items

  10. Accountability

  11. Accountability • Documentation: Have EVERYTHING in writing! • Parent/Student Signature (Agenda Planner, Textbooks, Confiscated Items Log, Dress Code) • Discipline (ISIS, Jupiter, ID19, Grades, Culm. Req., Attendance, etc.) • Confidential Reporting – Statements, Bully Box, Revere Watch (online) • Monitor Assigned Consequences (Detentions, Parent • Shadows)

  12. Student Agenda Planners • Pick Up and Drop Off Procedures • School-Wide Behavior Expectations • Code of Conduct • School Dress Code • School Arrival Policy • Transportation Policy • Cell Phone Policy

  13. Revere Watch • Students can fill out an anonymous report online through google docs. • All submissions go directly to Student Services Office.

  14. True ID App

  15. Consistencyin Enforcement and Consequences Same rules apply to everyone – even for children of district and school employees.

  16. Communication • Call parent/guardian for EVERYTHING!! • Positive Call Log sheet • Return calls, emails, and texts promptly • Council Program - Student Communication • Parent Shadow • Jupiter Grades

  17. Council Council in Schools' mission is to inspire engaged, compassionate school communities through practices that connect academic and social emotional learning. cis.ojaifoundation.org

  18. Parent Shadow Program Parent Shadows are requested as an alternative to suspension. After meeting with a staff member in the morning, the parent is expected to spend the entire school day observing and attending class with their child. Benefits: Reinforces the “team concept” where the child, parent and school work together towards a common goal. Improve parental involvement/communication. Student is able to receive instruction and not miss a day of school. Deterrent for other students.

  19. Building School Community • Council • Teen Truth Live • Stand For The Silent • Lunch Clubs • Afterschool Program • Community Service • Superstar / Student of the Month

  20. PRMS Discipline Statistics2007-2013

  21. Suspension Data General Ed & Special Ed

  22. Consequences – Positive / Negative

  23. Discipline Staff 2007-2008 • Assistant Principal • 2 Deans • Intervention Coordinator • School Safety Officer • 4 Full Time Campus Aides 2012-2013 • Instructional Specialist • 1 Dean • 1 Full Time Campus Aide

  24. Financial Impact • Dean - $95,000 • Intervention Coordinator - $95,000 • Campus Aide - 3 x $30,000 = $90,000 • SSO - $50,000 $50,000 $90,000 $95,000 Total - $330,000

  25. Impact to Revere • Improved student and staff morale • Increased attendance rate • Financial savings • Improved test scores • Increased parental involvement

  26. Questions?

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