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Emergency Evacuation Map: Ministry of Environment, 3 rd Floor, 2975 Jutland Road Version– Oct 15, 2013 Emergency Floor Marshall: Eric Taylor 356-2186. Deputy Emergency Floor Marshall: Lucy Hewlett 387-6787
Emergency Evacuation Map: Ministry of Environment, 3rd Floor, 2975 Jutland Road Version– Oct 15, 2013 Emergency Floor Marshall: Eric Taylor 356-2186. Deputy Emergency Floor Marshall: Lucy Hewlett 387-6787 Chief Emergency Warden: Margaret Crowley 387-6018. Deputy Chief Emergency Warden (vacant) Security: Jim / Wayne 387-6876 South End Wardens: Lucy Hewlett/ Kellie Paterson Southwest Wardens: Ana Tsui/ Ardith Gingell West Central Wardens: Jesse Givner / Colm Condon Northwest Wardens: Raymond Ho/ Robyn Paterson (alt-Elaine Jennings) Assembly Floor 3N Assembly Floor 3S Assembly Floor 3N Assembly Floor 3S Floor Sweep- Eric Taylor (south); Linda Stephens (north) Tolia Smith Baines Gingell Morneau Hoesly K Paterson Remacle Ashe Vacant Kennedy Reese Warner Birnie Birnie Bjornert Fehr Dobbie La- jeunesse Ho Sutherland Lowe Environmental Management Branch Pabla McCaw Vacant (Vacant) Vacant ESB Admin Morgan Moss Jousi Rebner Mos McIntosh Dohan Hutchison Stephens Vacant Hykaway Mort- ensen Webb Zoschke Coutts Walton Cook R Paterson Martins Hilborne Wakelin Carrillo (Vacant) Carney ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DIVISION Begg Condon Foyd Walsh Kliska Poss (TBD) Vacant Regional Operations Branch Ainsworth (Vacant) Vacant (Meeting Space) Armstrong (Vacant) Yerex Lawes ESB Admin Vacant Wilson Nystedt Peterson Dunn (Vacant) Vacant Environmental Standards Branch Lee Om Prakash Ferguson Woodhouse Jones Kelly JULIARADCLIFFE JOYCEAUSTIN Bates Chew (Vacant) RYAN WIEDERICK Southeast Central Wardens: Rob Gibson/ Sharon Gunter Southeast Wardens: Bob Konkin/ Brett Yerex Northeast Central Wardens: Laura Ralph/ Ted Weick Northeast Wardens: Laura Singer/ Li Huang AXOR-3-North AXOR-3-South Assembly Floor 3S Assembly Floor 3N Assembly Floor 3S Assembly Floor 3N ESB admin
Evacuation Assembly Points for 2975 Jutland Road Updated Oct 15 2013 - Eric Floor 2N Floor 2N Floor 3N Floor 4N Floor 1 NorthBuilding Floor 3S Floor 2S 2975 Jutland North Floor 5 Floor 4S 2975 Jutland South SouthBuilding