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JOSEPH STALIN. 1879-1953. Thesis Statement. • Joseph Stalin, along with Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky were three major figures in the 20 th century, specifically the Russian Revolution. Joseph Stalin also played a large role in World War II. Joseph Stalin’s Life.
Thesis Statement • Joseph Stalin, along with Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky were three major figures in the 20th century, specifically the Russian Revolution. Joseph Stalin also played a large role in World War II.
Joseph Stalin’s Life Joseph Stalin was born on December 21, 1879. He came to power in 1922. While he was in power, he had many allies. However, he turned many of them into enemies over simple disagreements. He abused his power, and he killed a lot more people than he had to. He died on March 5, 1953.
Vladimir Lenin Vladimir Lenin was born on April 10, 1870. He was a major person in the Russian Revolution. He met Stalin in 1905, and they became familiar with each others beliefs. Lenin died on January 21, 1924.
Leon Trotsky Leon Trotsky was born on November 7, 1879. He worked with Lenin in 1902 on Iskra. However, he broke with Lenin the next year when joined the Menshevik’s. He organized the Red Army. Also, he was opposed to Stalinism. He was assassinated on August 20, 1940 by one of Stalin’s agents.
Timeline • 12/21/1879- Joseph Stalin is born. His full name is Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili. • March 1898- The first congress of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party • Summer of 1903- Bolsheviks and Mensheviks form from the Social Democrats • 1905- There is a revolution in Russia. • December 1905- Stalin meets Lenin for the first time. • August 1914- Beginning of World War One • March 1917- Beginning of Russian Revolution. The Czar’s government fails. Replaced by provisional government.
Timeline continued • 1918-1920- Civil War in Russia. Trotsky organizes Red Army. Stalin commands forces in Tsaritsyn, Petrograd (St. Petersburg). • 1922- Official founding of Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. • April 1922- Stalin is elected General Secretary of the Communist Party. He gains power. • January 1923- Lenin warns Party to remove Stalin from power. • January 1924- Lenin dies. • 1927- Stalin begins the first 5 year plan. • December 1929- Stalin announces liquidation of kulaks as a class ; land used to form collective farms.
Timeline continued • 1931-1932- Famine across Soviet Union ; millions die. • December 1934- Sergei Kirov killed by Stalin’s agents. Great Terror begins • August 1936- First show trial • September 1939- World War Two begins. • Stalin’s agents assassinate Trotsky. • Hitler invades USSR.
Timeline continued • Aug. 1942-Feb. 1943- Battle of Stalingrad. Turning point in war. • April 1945- Hitler commits suicide. Red Army controls Eastern Europe • August 1945- World War Two ends • 3/5/1953- Stalin dies
Works Cited Simkin, John. Joseph Stalin. Ask.com. 29 Oct. 2006 <http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/ RUSstalin.htm> Joseph Stalin timeline. Sparknotes. 29 Oct. 2006 <http://www.sparknotes.com/biography/stalin/timeline.html “Leon Trotsky.” Encyclopedia of Marxism: glossary of people. MIA: Encyclopedia of Marxism. 29 Oct. 2006 <http://www.marxists.org/glossary/people/t/r.htm>