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Learn about the BSN, its stations, and its mission to monitor local seismicity in the OKD region for seismic hazard assessment and neotectonic studies. Established in 2005 in Botswana.
Botswana Seismic Network (BSN) Tarzan Kwadiba Botswana Geological Survey (Ministry of Minerals, Energy & Water Resources) [Currently based @ Wits University, JHB] John Hopkins University, April 2, 2009
Structure of the presentation Lay out of the BSN stations Motivation Statement of the problem Significance & contribution to knowledge Main objective of BSN State of progress Future activities
List of BSN stations • STNLATLONELVNNAME • TOT120.377OS22.965OE940mTOTENG • SVT118.582OS24.072OE940mSAVUTI • MTP120.230OS24.099OE936mMOTOPI • MWG19.630OS23.820OE962mMOWANA • KBH120.702OS23.051OE1042mKGWEBE • TSD118.707OS21.713OE10450mTSODILO • UBOT20.540OS22.740OE957mBOTHATOGO • ORC19.900OS23.520OE955mOK. RES CENTER
Stations distribution SVT1 TSD1 MWG Gantsi-Chobe belt MTP1 Damara belt Other stns in bw: LBTS (SE) AA (north central) ORC TOT1 UBOT KBH1
Motivation • Scientific curiosity to better understand long-term seismicity of the OKD region • Explore detailed seismological characteristics of the OKD: e.g. 1-D & 3-D seismic wavespeed structures associated with the crust beneath the region
Statement of the problem • Lack of seismic networks in Botswana to monitor local and regional seismicity • Few seismological studies of earth structure beneath the OKD compared with many other regions of the world such as Japan, western United States and western Europe • So that there is a need for detailed definition of the seismic radiation pattern & earth structure in the OKD region
Significance & contribution to knowledge According to Reeves (1972) & Schulz (1975): OKD represents an incipient rifting system within the southwesterly propagating branch of EARS. OKD therefore represents an ideal natural laboratory for studying an ongoing process of continental fragmentation, by means of monitoring the microseismicity of the delta
Main objective of BSN Monitor local microseismicity of the OKD rift system (ORS). Recorded time series data will allow a variety of seismological techniques to be used to investigate crustal structure below the OKD, and to understand the ORS neotectonics within the context of EARS Long-term MOMS will allow seismic hazard assessment & mitigation of ERNDs
State of progress BSN was established 14 years ago & since then it has been recording seismic events from all over the OKD region One product of the BSN has been the collation of annual Seismological Bulletin of the Department of Geological Survey for the period 2001-2006 However, no waveform qc has been undertaken to ensure acquisition & archiving of high quality data
Future activities BSN will deploy more stations in the next few fiscal years with the aim of attaining a homogeneous station coverage of the entire country Undertake routine quality checking of the collected data Establish a data format suitable for regional and international data exchange collaboration