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Regarding salvation, what’s the most controversial topic among Bible believers? *. ~ Necessary VS Unnecessary ~ One Method VS Any Method ~ Non-Miraculous VS Miraculous ~ Mature Only VS Infants Also. B A P T I S M. Tony E. Denton, 10/07. ASiteForTheLord.com.
Regarding salvation, what’s the mostcontroversialtopicamong Bible believers?* ~NecessaryVSUnnecessary ~One MethodVSAny Method ~Non-MiraculousVSMiraculous ~Mature OnlyVSInfants Also B A P T I S M Tony E. Denton, 10/07.ASiteForTheLord.com
Surely no one who truly respects the authority of Jesus in religious matters and who recalls Hisprayer forunityamongHispeoplewillcon-clude that all of these contradictory views are supported by the Scriptures or that the Father is pleased with such confusion, especially re-lative to a salvation issue! Such confusion is causedbyman,forconfusiondoesn’temanate from God(1 Cor. 14:33). Besides… The Bible doesn’t teach contradicting things about any doctrine; and when it reveals itself on any subject dealing with our obedience to God, it does it clearly and simply so that no honest seeker of truth will be ignorant con-cerning what God expects of him.
Nearly30years after the church began, God said that there was only one valid baptism in force (Eph. 4:4-5), meaning that this baptism cannot be BOTH… ~in water AND/OR with the Spirit. ~immersion AND/OR sprinkling. ~for forgiveness AND/OR not for forgiveness. ~for infants AND/OR not for infants. So… Since there are four components involved in baptism (viz. the WHICH, HOW, WHY, & WHO), let’s discover what ONE interpretation and conclusion the New Testament provides for us concerning these questions. In Part One let’s study the HOW and…
There are five baptisms described in the NT: ➀ Bap. of Suffering & Death (Mark 10:38), ➁Bap. of John (Luke 3:3-4), ➂Bap. of Fire (Luke 3:16), ➃ Bap. of the Holy Spirit (Mat. 3:11), ➄Bap. ofthe Great Commission (Mat. 28:19). If there is indeed only one valid baptism for us now (Eph.4:4-5)—onebaptism that’s somehow connected to our salvation, then WHICH bap-tism is it? Well…
➀It Isn’t of Suffering and Death, for it wasn’t connected to salvation, rather Jesus applied it to Himself and His apostles who would en- dure suffering and martyrdom for His cause. Consider Mark 10:35-40: When Jesus asked James & John if they were able to “be bap- tized with the baptism”He was being bap- tized with (viz. the baptism of suffering and death), they said they were. So Jesus said to them, “You will indeed … [be baptized] with the baptism I am [in the process of being] baptized with.”
➁It Isn’t the Baptism of John, for it pointed to- ward the Messiah and was thus discontinu- ed once Jesus ascended back to the Father. In fact, this is the easiest one to show that it isn’t theone we need,because in Acts 19: 2-5we can read of the Ephesians (the folks ofEph.4:4-5,incidentally)whowerebaptized with the baptism of John and therefore had to be re-baptized to be saved, obviously im- plying that John’s baptism was no longer valid. After all, three years before Jesus’ death, John said that he must decrease, and Jesus must increase (John 3:30).
➂It Isn’t the Baptism of Fire, for it was to be dispensed by Jesus Himself in judgment. Consider Luke 3:16-17: Of Jesus John said, “He will baptize you … with fire,” explaining that to mean that “His winnowing fan is in His hand, and He will thoroughly purge His threshing floor and gather the wheat into His barn, but the chaff He will burn with un- quenchable fire.” InRevelation21:8Jesus,speakingofsinners in general,said that they“shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone.”(Cf. lake with baptism.)
➃ItIsn’t theBaptismof theHolySpirit,for that wasapromise(Acts1:4-5).But youmayask: Andwhy would the fact that it wasapromise preclude it? Simply because the baptism for salvation is one that must be obeyed (as we’lldiscuss more about shortly),andapromisecan only be received, not obeyed; in fact, it was this promise that Peter told the Jews they’d receive IF they submitted to the baptism for salvation (Acts 2:38). Interestingly… Allthisimplies that the baptism for salvation is one that’s geared toward man’s free-will.
So the only baptism left is the fifth one—the baptism referred to by Jesus in what’s often called “The Great Commission” (Mat. 28:19). Note some facts learned: ➀For some reason, Deity purposely avoids playing a direct role in water baptism; in fact, John wrote, Jesus Himself did not baptize, but His disciples did (John 4:2). ➁Unlike some of the others, this baptism is obviously in water since it’s the only bap- tism which, like John’s baptism, can be ad- ministered by man (cf. Acts 8:36). So…
➂When salvation was at stake, men adminis- tered water baptism in fulfillment of The Great Commission (cf.Acts2,8,9,16,&19). ➃ The circumstances and the fulfillment of the promise of Holy Spirit baptism was fulfilled nearly30years beforePaul wrote that There is … one baptism (Eph. 4:4-5). So… ➄ Sincethisonebaptismisthesalvation bap- tism ofTheGreat Commission,then the WHICH of this baptism is WATER; so we’re to be baptized in water, and we’re to baptize others in water instead of in the Holy Spirit, or suffering & death, or condemnation (fire).
If baptism weren’t biblically described, it’d be impossible to know what God expects: Are we to be sprinkled with, poured upon by, or im-mersed in water? So let’s consider the New Testament testimony:
●Mark 1:5&9 People & Jesus were bap- tized by John in the Jordan River. ~ The Greek term here for in is eis which lit- erally means into, meaning that a person can’t be poured or sprinkled into a river … unless he has been cremated. But… ~ Immersing someone into water makes per- fect sense and agrees with the meaning of baptism and the preposition in. Besides… ●John 3:23John … was baptizing in Aenon … because there was much water there; i.e., it wasn’t just a shallow place in the river, which is all that’d be needed for sprinkling.
●Acts 8:36-38 Philip and the Ethiopian … came to some water. And the eunuch said, “See, here is water. What hinders me from being baptized?” Then Philip said, “If you believe with all your heart, you may.” … So he commanded the chariot to stand still. And both Philip and the eunuch went downinto[eis]the water, and he baptized him. ~ The Ethiopian came to the water; the water wasn’t brought to him as in sprinkling. ~ He went down into and came up out of the water, actions unnecessary for sprinkling.
●Romans 6:4-5We were buried with Christ through baptism into death. … [So] if we’ve been planted together in the likeness of His death, certainly we also shall be in the like- ness of His resurrection. ●Colossians 2:11-12You were … buried with Christ in baptism, in which you also were raised with Him through faith. ~ At baptism people are buried; a body is not sprinkled into a grave, because (un- like water which is a liquid) dirt is a solid. ~ At baptism people are raised.* Besides…
The word baptize is not an English word; it’s a transliteration of a Greek term which means to engulf, overwhelm, dip, dunk, immerse, sub-merge, or plunge into something. I.e…. While Mark 1:9 in the NKJV says that Jesus was baptized of John in the Jordan river, we could (based on the meaning of baptize), re-wordit tosay that Jesus was plunged byJohn into the Jordan river. If not, why not? So… In Summary: The one baptism that lives on is the baptism of The Great Commission, viz. the baptism of immersion in water—the baptism directly connected to man’s salvation. (End of Part One.)
Regarding salvation, what’s the mostcontroversialtopicamong Bible believers?* ~NecessaryVSUnnecessary ~One MethodVSAny Method ~Non-MiraculousVSMiraculous ~Mature OnlyVSInfants Also B A P T I S M Tony E. Denton, 10/07.ASiteForTheLord.com
Surely no one who truly respects the authority of Jesus in religious matters and who recalls Hisprayer forunityamongHispeoplewillcon-clude that all of these contradictory views are supported by the Scriptures or that the Father is pleased with such confusion, especially re-lative to a salvation issue! Such confusion is causedbyman,forconfusiondoesn’temanate from God(1 Cor. 14:33). Besides… The Bible doesn’t teach contradicting things about any doctrine; and when it reveals itself on any subject dealing with our obedience to God, it does it clearly and simply so that no honest seeker of truth will be ignorant con-cerning what God expects of him.
Nearly30years after the church began, God said that there was only one valid baptism in force (Eph. 4:4-5), meaning that this baptism cannot be BOTH… ~in water AND/OR with the Spirit. ~immersion AND/OR sprinkling. ~for forgiveness AND/OR not for forgiveness. ~for infants AND/OR not for infants. So… Since there are four components involved in baptism (viz. the WHICH, HOW, WHY, & WHO), let’s discover what ONE interpretation and conclusion the New Testament provides for us concerning these questions. In this second part, let’s study the WHO and…
Firstly, let me say that I firmly believe that we are saved, not by any works of merit on our part, but through the blood of Christ, some-thing we’lltalk about inafew moments.Now… Just as our earthly fathers sometimes do, the Heavenly Father doesn’t always clearly reveal to us the reason for a command, but such isn’t the case with baptism. In other words… Just as He didn’t leave us clueless about the WHAT and HOW, so He hasn’t left us clueless about the WHY. So let’s consider 8 passages that all agree concerning the reason for man’s spiritual need to be immersed in water.
●Mark16:16 Jesus said, “He who believes and is baptized shall be saved.” I.e…. ~Belief + Baptism = Salvation, not… ~Belief – Baptism = Salvation, and not… ~ Belief = Salvation + Baptism later! But… Because Jesus went on to say, “He who does not believe will be condemned,” some say, See, it’s only the lack of faith that condemns, not the lack of baptism; and in a sense they are correct. Why? Because…
Jesus said in John 3:18 that “He who doesn’t believe is condemned already,” meaning that One who doesn’t believe in Christ couldn’t be baptizedifhewould,wouldn’tbebaptizedifhe could, and wouldn’t do him any goodif hedid. Thepointis,sincefaithiswhatmotivatesusto obedience (John 1:12), then why would Jesus have had to say, “Hewhodoesn’tbelieve and doesn’t get baptized will be condemned”? What if Jesus had said, “He who believes and repentsshallbesaved.Buthe whodoesn’tbe-lieve shall be condemned”? Would that mean that repentance isn’t necessary for salvation? I don’t know of anyone who would claim that!
●Acts 2:38 Peter said, “Repent and … be baptized … for the remission of sins.” I.e…. ~Repentance + Baptism = Forgiveness, not… ~Repentance – Baptism = Forgiveness, & not… ~ Repentance = Forgiveness + Baptism later! Yes, for can mean because of or in order to get something. So which is it here? Well, the exact same clause is found in Matthew 26:28 whereJesus said that Hisblood was shed“for the remission of sins.” So the answer is obvi-ous:JustasJesus’blood wasshedinorder to secure forgiveness of sins, so baptism is in order to secure remission of sins.
●Acts 10:48 Peter commanded them[Cor- nelius and his household]to be baptized. ~ Firstly, this shows, without a doubt, that baptism is a command. ~ Secondly, when Peter recounted this story in Acts 11, he said that the angel of God had told Cornelius that Peter would tell him what he needed to do in order to be saved (vv. 13- 14). How clear is that?
●Acts 22:16 Ananias said to Saul, “Why are you waiting? Arise and be baptized, and wash away your sins.” ~ As with the Philippian jailer who was bap- tized at midnight (Acts 16:25ff), baptism isn’t something to put off: “What are you waiting for?,” Ananias was asking. ~ Just as with Mark 16:16 and Acts 2:38, many today would have us reverse the order here: insteadof“bebaptized,andwashawayyour sins,” they’d have Ananias say, Wash away your sins, then get baptized!
●Romans 6:3 Paul said that As many of us as were baptized into Christ were baptized into His death,after which we’re raised towalk in newness of life(v. 4). ~ Jesus’bloodwasshedinHisdeath(John 19: 33-34),andwithoutHisbloodtherecanbeno remission of sins (Heb. 9:22 & Eph. 1:7). So… ~ The obvious conclusion is that those who haven’tbeenbaptizedhaven’tcomeintocon- tact with Jesus’ blood, so they still haven’t had their sins washed away. And again… ~ Just as with Mark 16, Acts 2 and 22, many wouldhaveusreversePaul’s words to say that the new life is before not after baptism!
●Galatians 3:26-27 Paul wrote, You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. FOR as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. ~ This verse-division is unfortunate, for verse 27 explains how faith makes us God’s sons. ~ There are only two verses in the Bible that tell us how to get into Christ where every- oneagreessalvationisfound:Galatians3:27 & Romans 6:3, both of which say thatwe’rebaptizedintoChrist wherein there’snocon- demnation (Rom. 8:1) and wherein all spirit- ual blessings are found (Eph. 1:3).
●FirstPeter 3:20b-21a Speaking of The Flood, Peter wrote that eight souls were saved through water. There is also an anti- type which now saves us, namely baptism. ~ Just as water saved them by delivering the ark from the old world of sin to a new world cleansed of sin, so baptism delivers people from sinfulness to sinlessness. ~ Those who don’t like this passage because it comes right out saying that baptism saves us are prone to say that it must be referring to Holy Spirit baptism, but it’s obvious such cannotbethecasesincethewordwaterisspecified (v. 20b).
●John 3:5 Jesus said, “Unless one is born of water & the Spirit, he cannot enter God’s kingdom”wherein salvation is found. So… ~ Baptism involves two components: Water and Spirit. ~ Whenoneisbornintothephysicalworld,he hasbeendelivered fromtheprenatalstatein which his body has been totally submerged in water to the new state of existence in the open world; likewise, when one is baptized, his body is completely submerged in water, thenhe’sbornof water towalkinanew state of existence, free from sin. So…
~ How does obedience to physical water bap- tism wash away sins? That’s the Spirit’s part: Upon our obedience to God, the Spirit washes us clean … spiritually, of course (1 Cor. 6:11), and at the same time the Spirit places us into the body of Christ (1 Cor. 12: 13) and God’s kingdom (John 3:5). SUMMARY:TheWHYor thepurposeof theone baptism (Eph. 4:4-5) is to secure the forgive-ness of sins, thereby reconciling us to God & enabling us to call Him Father (Gal. 4:6). One last question to be answered briefly…
Infant baptism (sprinkling or pouring [holy?] water on babies) is practiced in many church-es.But does theNT authorize such?Let’s see: ● Since baptism is for the purpose of washing sins away (Acts 22:16), then to be a candi- date for baptism one must have sins, but babies don’t. ~Ezekiel18:20hasGodsaying,“The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father.” And… ~Matthew 18:3 has Jesus saying, “Unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom.”
~ Related to “Firstly,” to be a candidateforbaptism,onemustrepent(Acts 2:38), but babies have nothing to repentof; besides,they don’t have the ability to repent if they did have sin. Likewise… ~ Accordingto Mark16:15b-16a where Jesus saidto“PreachtheGospelto every creature. Hewhobelieves&isbaptized willbe saved,” a candidate for baptism must be able to be- lieve the Gospel, but babies don’t have that ability either. (Cf. Acts 18:8 & 2:41.) Likewise again…
~ According to First Peter3:21 where Peter said that baptism is the answer of a good conscience towards God, a candidate for baptism must be able to act on his consci- ence, but babies can’t do that either. Like- wise again… ~ According to Matthew 28:19-20, baptism makes disciples—those who learn from andimitateChrist,somethingelsebabiesare un- able to do, which is why Acts 8:12 says that men & women were baptized. Lastly… ~ In Acts10:48Peter commandedpeople to be baptized. Can a baby be commanded to do anything? So…
SUMMARY: Only rational human beings are candidates for baptism because only they can act in relation to their conscience, obey com-mands, believe in Christ, and repent of their sins; besides, babies don’t have any sins to repent of. So…
The Characteristics of the One New Testament Baptism Are as Follows: WHO: Rational beings only WHICH: The water baptism of The Great Commission HOW: Immersion only is acceptable WHY: It’s necessary for salvation