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Managing communication

Managing communication. Chapter 14. Learning Objectives. 14. 1 Define the nature and function of communication. 14. 2 Describe methods and challenges of interpersonal communication. Develop your skill at listening effectively. Know how to overcome barriers to communication.

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Managing communication

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  1. Managing communication Chapter 14 communication. Developed by Prof. Majed El-Farra2019

  2. Learning Objectives 14.1 Define the nature and function of communication. 14.2 Describe methods and challenges of interpersonal communication. Develop your skill at listening effectively. Know how to overcome barriers to communication. communication. Developed by Prof. Majed El-Farra2019

  3. Learning Objectives 14.3 Explain how communication can flow most effectively in organizations. 14.4 Describe how the Internet and social media affect managerial communication and organizations. 14.5 Summarize communication issues in today’s organizations. 14.6 Discuss how to become a better communicator. communication. Developed by Prof. Majed El-Farra2019

  4. What Is Communication? • Communication • The transfer and understanding of meaning. • Transfer means the message was received in a form that can be interpreted by the receiver. • If no information has been conveyed, communication has not occurred • Understanding the message is not the same as the receiver agreeing with the message. communication. Developed by Prof. Majed El-Farra2019

  5. What Is Communication? • Interpersonal Communication • Communication between two or more people • Organizational Communication • All the patterns, network, and systems of communications within an organization communication. Developed by Prof. Majed El-Farra2019

  6. Functions of Communication • Control • Formal and informal communications act to control individuals’ behaviors in organizations. E.g., communicate to ensure following the rules. • Motivation • Communications clarify for employees what is to be done, how well they have done it, and what can be done to improve performance. communication. Developed by Prof. Majed El-Farra2019

  7. Functions of Communication (cont’d) • Emotional Expression • Social interaction in the form of work group communications provides a way for employees to express themselves. • Information • Individuals and work groups need information to make decisions or to do their work. communication. Developed by Prof. Majed El-Farra2019

  8. Process Of Interpersonal Communication Elements of the Process message - expresses the purpose of the communication. It can be the written document, the oral speech, and even the gestures and facial expressions we use. 11-8 communication. Developed by Prof. Majed El-Farra2019

  9. Process Of Interpersonal Communication Elements of the Process encoding - converting the message in symbolic form affected by the skills, attitudes, and knowledge of the sender, and by the culture of the organization. A sender initiates a message by encoding a thought. Four conditions influence the effectiveness of that encoded messages: skills, attitudes, knowledge of the sender, and the sociocultural system. Example teaching at IUG. 11-9 communication. Developed by Prof. Majed El-Farra2019

  10. Process Of Interpersonal Communication Elements of the Process channel - medium for conveying the message a. Managers need to recognize that certain channels are more appropriate for certain messages. A manager might want to use multiple channels—this decreases the potential for distortion. 11-10 communication. Developed by Prof. Majed El-Farra2019

  11. Process Of Interpersonal Communication Elements of the Process The receiver is the individual to whom the message is directed. a. The receiver must decode the message. b. Decoding: retranslating a sender’s message. Accuracy of decoding is limited by the skills, attitudes, knowledge of the receiver, and socio-cultural system. 11-11 communication. Developed by Prof. Majed El-Farra2019

  12. Process Of Interpersonal Communication Elements of the Process The feedback loop\circle is the final link in the communication process. a. Feedback provides a check on whether understanding has been achieved. b. Because feedback can be transmitted along the same types of channels as the original message, it faces the same potential for distortion. 11-12 communication. Developed by Prof. Majed El-Farra2019

  13. The Interpersonal Communication Process Message Medium Receiver Encoding Decoding Noise Message Feedback Sender 11-13 communication. Developed by Prof. Majed El-Farra2019

  14. Distortions in Communications • Message Encoding • The effect of the skills, attitudes, and knowledge of the sender on the process of encoding the message • The social-cultural system of the sender • The Message • Symbols used to convey the message’s meaning • The content of the message itself • The choice of message format • Noise interfering with the message communication. Developed by Prof. Majed El-Farra2019

  15. Distortions in Communications (cont’d) • The Channel • The sender’s choice of the appropriate channel or multiple channels for conveying the message • Receiver • The effect of skills, attitudes, and knowledge of the receiver on the process of decoding the message • The social-cultural system of the receiver • Feedback Loop/circle • Communication channel distortions affecting the return message from receiver to sender communication. Developed by Prof. Majed El-Farra2019

  16. Process Of Interpersonal Communication (cont.) Methods of Communicating Interpersonally a wide variety of communication methods exist. choice of a method should reflect: the needs of the sender the needs of the receiver the attributes of the message the attributes of the channel 11-16 communication. Developed by Prof. Majed El-Farra2019

  17. Evaluating Communication Methods • Feedback - how quickly can the receiver respond to the message? • Complexity capacity - can the method effectively process complex messages? • Breadth potential - how many different messages can be transmitted using this method? • Confidentiality - can communicators be reasonably sure their messages are received only by those intended? • Encoding ease - can sender easily and quickly use this channel? • Decoding ease - can receiver easily and quickly decode messages? • Time-space constraint - do senders and receivers need to communicate at the same time and in the same space? 11-17 communication. Developed by Prof. Majed El-Farra2019

  18. Evaluating Communication Methods • Cost - how much does it cost to use this method? • Interpersonal warmth - how well does this method convey interpersonal warmth? • Formality - does this method have the needed amount of formality? • Scan ability - does this method allow the message to be easily browsed or scanned for relevant information? • Time of consumption - does sender or receiver exercise the most control over when • the message is dealt with? 11-18 communication. Developed by Prof. Majed El-Farra2019

  19. Interpersonal Communication Methods • Face-to-face • Telephone • Group meetings • Formal presentations • Memos • Traditional Mail • Fax machines • Employee publications • Bulletin boards • Audio- and videotapes • Hotlines • E-mail • Computer conferencing • Voice mail • Teleconferences • Videoconferences communication. Developed by Prof. Majed El-Farra2019

  20. Exhibit 14-2Comparison of Communication Methods (1 of 3) Exhibit 14-2 provides a comparison of various communication methods. communication. Developed by Prof. Majed El-Farra2019

  21. Exhibit 14-2Comparison of Communication Methods(2 of 3) Exhibit 14-2 provides a comparison of various communication methods. communication. Developed by Prof. Majed El-Farra2019

  22. Exhibit 14-2Comparison of Communication Methods (3 of 3) Exhibit 14-2 provides a comparison of various communication methods. communication. Developed by Prof. Majed El-Farra2019

  23. Group work • Evaluate the teaching method of management 2 through lecturing, by using the evaluation criteria of communication methods? communication. Developed by Prof. Majed El-Farra2019

  24. Process Of Interpersonal Communication (cont.) Methods of Communicating Interpersonally (cont.) nonverbal communication - communication without words. Sounds with specific meanings or warnings Images that control or encourage behaviors Situational behaviors that convey meanings Clothing and physical surroundings that imply status 11-24 communication. Developed by Prof. Majed El-Farra2019

  25. Process Of Interpersonal Communication (cont.) Methods of Communicating Interpersonally (cont.) Types of nonverbal communication body language – gestures\signs, facial expressions, and other body movements that convey meaning verbal intonation \tone- emphasis someone gives to words or phrases that conveys meaning every oral communication is accompanied by a nonverbal message. It is not what you said, it is how you said it. nonverbal component usually carries the greatest impact 11-25 communication. Developed by Prof. Majed El-Farra2019

  26. Facial Expressions Convey Emotions 11-26 communication. Developed by Prof. Majed El-Farra2019

  27. Barriers to Effective Interpersonal Communication Filtering - the deliberate manipulation/handling of information to make it appears more favorable to the receiver. upward communication is condensed by senders to avoid information overload by top-level receivers. extent of filtering affected by: The number of vertical levels in the organization Culture of the organization: the importance of appearance. Selective Perception - is when people selectively interpret what they see or hear on the basis of their interests, background, experience, and attitudes. 11-27 communication. Developed by Prof. Majed El-Farra2019

  28. Barriers to Effective Interpersonal Communication Emotions - interpretation of a message is affected by the way the receiver feels. extreme emotions likely to hinder effective communication It’s best to avoid reacting to a message when the receiver is upset because he/she is not likely to be thinking clearly. Information Overload-information available exceeds processing capacity. Such as 600 waiting e-mail messages in the inbox. Frequent complaint of executives. a. Receivers tend to select out, ignore, pass over, or forget information when they have too much information. b. Or, receivers may put off further processing until the overload situation is over—still ineffective communication. 11-28 communication. Developed by Prof. Majed El-Farra2019

  29. Barriers to Effective Interpersonal Communication Defensiveness - behaviors that result from feeling threatened. engaging in behaviors such as verbally attacking others, making sarcastic remarks, being overly judgmental, and questioning others’ motives—happens when people feel that they’re being threatened. 11-29 communication. Developed by Prof. Majed El-Farra2019

  30. Barriers to Effective Interpersonal Communication Language - meaning of words differs among people with diverse backgrounds. a. Age, education, and cultural background can influence language use and definition given to words. b. Jargon is specialized terminology or technical language that members of a group use to communicate among themselves. National Culture - cultural values affect the way people communicate. E.g., Arab versus USA. individualism versus collectivism 11-30 communication. Developed by Prof. Majed El-Farra2019

  31. Group work • Choose the right channel of communication for the follows: • IUG would announce for new registration system. • The ministry of higher education established new fund to support students to pay fees. • Academic Affairs decided new examination system. This is needed to be conveyed to students. • A manager fired his employee because of low performance and he needs to submit the decision to the worker/employee. • New restaurant was opened near be the IUG. How to convey the message to customer. communication. Developed by Prof. Majed El-Farra2019

  32. Overcoming the Barriers to Effective Interpersonal Communication Use Feedback - ask a set of questions about a message to determine whether it was understood as intended ask receivers to restate the message in their own words Simplify Language - tailor the language to the audience for whom the message is intended. Jargon can facilitate understanding when used in appropriate groups. Listen Actively - listen for full meaning a. Listening is an active search for meaning, whereas hearing is passive. b. Active listening is listening for full meaning without making premature judgments or interpretations, and demands total concentration. c. Active listening is enhanced by developing empathy\sympathy with the sender—placing yourself in the sender’s position. 11-32 communication. Developed by Prof. Majed El-Farra2019

  33. Active Listening Behaviors Avoid interrupting the speaker Be empathetic\ kind Make eye contact Paraphrase/ rephrase Active Listening Don’t overtalk Exhibit affirmative head nods and appropriate facial expressions Avoid distracting/ Disturbing actions Or gestures Ask questions 11-33 communication. Developed by Prof. Majed El-Farra2019

  34. Overcoming the Barriers to Effective Interpersonal Communication Constrain Emotions - emotions severely cloud and distort the transference of meaning. refrain from communicating until one regains her/his composure/calm. Watch Nonverbal Cues \signals- actions should be aligned with words Nonverbal message should reinforce verbal message. 11-34 communication. Developed by Prof. Majed El-Farra2019

  35. Organizational Communication Formal Communication communication that follows the official chain of command or is communication required to do one’s job. It takes place within prescribed organizational work arrangements. Informal Communication not defined by the organization’s structural hierarchy. It fulfills two purposes permits employees to satisfy their needs for social interaction creates alternative, and frequently faster and more efficient, channels of communication 11-35 communication. Developed by Prof. Majed El-Farra2019

  36. Communication Flows Diagonal Upward Downward Lateral communication. Developed by Prof. Majed El-Farra2019

  37. Direction of Communication Flow Downward - flows from a manager to subordinates used to inform, direct, coordinate, and evaluate employees Upward - flows from subordinates to managers keeps managers aware of employees’ feelings Source for ideas on improving operations The amount of upward communication is affected by the culture of the organization: Trust and empowerment increase upward flow Mechanistic and authoritarian environment decrease upward flow 11-37 communication. Developed by Prof. Majed El-Farra2019

  38. Direction of Communication Flow Lateral communication: takes place among employees on the same organizational level. Horizontal cross functional team. Diagonal - cuts across both work areas and organizational levels Benefits: efficiency and speed. e-mail facilitates diagonal communication. Diagonal communication has the potential to create problems if employees don’t keep their managers informed. 11-38 communication. Developed by Prof. Majed El-Farra2019

  39. Organizational Communication Networks Organizational Communication Networks combination of vertical and horizontal flows into a variety of patterns. Types of Networks chain - communication flows according to the formal chain of command, both direction. wheel - flows between a clearly identifiable and strong leader and others in a work group or team. Leader serves as a hub through whom all communication passes. all-channel - flows freely among all members of a work team. No single network is best for all situations 11-39 communication. Developed by Prof. Majed El-Farra2019

  40. Three Common Organizations Communication Networks and How They Rate on Effectiveness Criteria 11-40 communication. Developed by Prof. Majed El-Farra2019

  41. Organizational Communication Networks Grapevine\gossip- an informal network that is active in almost every organization. Important source of information. Identifies issues that employees consider important and anxiety producing. Can use the grapevine to disseminate important information. Rumors can never be eliminated entirely a. The grapevine is active in almost every organization. One survey reported that 75 percent of employees rumors on the grapevine hear about matters first through. b. The grapevine can act as both a filter and a feedback mechanism. 11-41 communication. Developed by Prof. Majed El-Farra2019

  42. Information Technology • How Technology Affects Managerial Communication • Information technology has changed organizational communication: • Benefits of Information Technology (IT) • Increased ability to monitor individual and team performance • Better decision making based on more complete information • More collaboration and sharing of information • Greater accessibilityto coworkers communication. Developed by Prof. Majed El-Farra2019

  43. Workplace Design and Communication • Open workplaces:workplaces with few physical barriers and enclosures communication. Developed by Prof. Majed El-Farra2019

  44. The 24/7 Work Environment • IT has made it possible to stay connected around the clock, seven days per week. • IT has made it possible for people in organizations to be fully accessible, at any time, regardless of where they are. communication. Developed by Prof. Majed El-Farra2019

  45. Working From Anywhere • Wireless communication technology has the ability to improve work for managers and employees. • Internet access is increasingly available through Wi-Fi and wireless access hotspots. And the number of these hotspot locations continues to grow. communication. Developed by Prof. Majed El-Farra2019

  46. Working From Anywhere • With more than 50 million “mobile” workers in the United States, smartphones, notebook computers, computing devices such as iPad.. • We’ll see more organizational members using it as a way to collaborate and share information. communication. Developed by Prof. Majed El-Farra2019

  47. Social Media • Devoting a channel for information exchange about a specific topic can help compartmentalize the conversation. • It can also start a useful conversation in which employees can share their experiences and make suggestions for creating competitive advantage. communication. Developed by Prof. Majed El-Farra2019

  48. Balancing the advantages and disadvantages • Communication and the exchange of information among organizational members are no longer constrained by geography or time. • Constantly staying connected has its downsides, such as impeding creativity. communication. Developed by Prof. Majed El-Farra2019

  49. Choosing the Right Media • It is important for managers to understand the situations in which one or more media facilitates effective communication. communication. Developed by Prof. Majed El-Farra2019

  50. Managing Communication in a Digitally Connected World • Legal and security issues • Personal interaction communication. Developed by Prof. Majed El-Farra2019

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