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Ofsted on our curriculum Feb 2010

Ofsted on our curriculum Feb 2010.

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Ofsted on our curriculum Feb 2010

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  1. Ofsted on our curriculum Feb 2010 • ‘There is a rich and impressive range of courses on offer for older students which match their interests and needs.There is a very strong curriculum focus on employability skills and this is raising achievement across all groups of students. Link courses with local colleges and BTEC courses in school are an integral part of the framework of choice. As a result, almost all Year 11 students remained in education after they left school.’

  2. The Core Curriculum and Options

  3. The Core Curriculum – (3 days) English Language GCSE English Literature GCSE Mathematics GCSE Science (2 GCSE’s, Core & Additional) Personal, Social and Health Education (including RE and Citizenship) Physical Education IT (OCR National Units)

  4. Options – choose four subjects/courses

  5. Questions I Should Ask Myself • Which subjects do I enjoy studying? • Which subjects am I good at? • Have I chosen from different curriculum areas? • Have I spoken to my subject teachers? • What are the career implications? • Does it matter what my friends have chosen?

  6. Will I Be Able to Follow the Courses I Have Chosen? • Last year we were able to meet 401 out of 412 choices • We cannot make arrangements for every possible combination of courses • We cannot run courses for very small numbers • Courses at Yeovil College, Lufton, Paragon & Windmill Training are shared with 5 other schools – places are very limited, you will need to apply and be successful at interview

  7. Now . . . . • Think carefully ….seek advice!! • Talk to subject teachers… …in school, talk with parents. • Additional support…Connect South West / Careers, Yeovil College, Curriculum Support

  8. Where to go tonight ? FLC (turn left) Curriculum Support Dining Area (turn left) Maths & English Departments ML1 (left cross foyer, up stairs) Languages 3 timed presentations: 6.50; 7.20; 7.40. IT3 (left down the corridor right at the end) IT Art Studio (turn right, under covered way out) Art/Photography PECGraphics, Catering/Hospitality, Music, Resistant Materials, Geography, Business studies, History, Dance, P.E., Sport, Triple Science. Foyer Connexions Careers officer Sean Parry, Yeovil College, Paragon, Windmill, Lufton

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