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General media offer. Effective from 1st January 2014. Napi.hu is an independent business and financial magazine has been operating for over 13 years as a member of CEMP (established in 2000)
General media offer Effective from 1st January 2014
Napi.hu is an independent business and financial magazine has been operating for over 13 years as a member of CEMP (established in 2000) • The selected team of 11 experienced editors-journalists, whom under the control of Korányi G. Tamás, the well-known stock market expert writer, is one of the three largest online business portal maker editorial of Hungary • Napi.hu helps their readers in the business decisions with more than 1.200 articles and analysis per month (average 60 on working days) • Objectively andunderstandable news and analyses • Stock exchange rates, calculators, databases and collection of encyclopedias • In their analysis it’s focusing on the potential impact of the the financial world events and the possible explanations • Columns: Economy, Real Estate, Corporations, Taxation, Stock Exchange • Napi.hu is available on mobile platforms (browser and application)
Napi.hu is thefirst • Napi.hu’s newsappearedinmedia most of thetime out of theeconomicnewsportals of thesurvey (495 times based on the current month’s summary) • News of theannual 100 richestHungariansmagazinearepublished 158 times. • Portfolio.hu followed Napi.hu news portal inthesurveywith224 publishings. Source: OBSERVER Budapest Médiafigyelő Kft. quantitativemediasurvey, May 2014
Audience of Source: Ipsos - Gemius SA: gemius/Ipsos Fusion Data, 2013-11 (15+ domestic audience), * Budapest or county seat
reach • monthly real user: 387.000 RU • daily real user: 60.000 RU • daily page impression: 170.000 PI • daily ad view:leaderboard (total site): 136.000 AVroadblock (article pages): 135.000 AV Source: Ipsos - Gemius SA: gemius/Ipsos Fusion Data, 2013-11 (15+ domestic audience), Adverticum Adserver NG November 2013
reach Forrás: Online Publisher’s Audit January-November 2013 (RU=15+ domesticaudience), domestic average
Monthly reach of economic contents 387.000 RU/month Source: Ipsos - Gemius SA: gemius/Ipsos Fusion Data, 2013-11 (15+ domestic audience)
Daily list prices of Banners Leaderboard Half page Roadblock 1 Advertisement appears under the heading on every page of the publication. Leaderboard, pushdown and billboard cannot be ordered on same day. 2 Advertisement appears on every page of the publication. Half page/filmstrip, medium rectangle „A” cannot be ordered on same day.
daily list prices of Rich media solutions 1Frequency capping: 1/user/day. Appears in opened position and closes on click. After closing a strip remains, which reopens on click. Advertisement appears under the heading on every page of the publication. Leaderboard cannot be ordered on same day and site. 2 Frequency capping: 1/user/day 3Freq. capping: 1 user/day automatically. It pushes down the given site’s content and every other time it expands on click. Advertisement appears under the heading on every page of the publication. Leaderboard cannot be ordered on same day and site. Billboard, interstitial, pushdown and XL layer cannot be ordered on same day and site 9
Napi.hu mobile + application mobile browser mobile application 1 Both static and animated picture format (jpeg, png, gif) can be used. Flash (swf) format mobile advertisement is not supported. 480x480 px banners can be ordered on traffic price + 50%. 2 Cost per thousand adviews (AV)
advertorial • Appearance: front page + article pages of Napi.hu • Advertorial (PR article): • max. 2.000 characters with spaces • 2-3 statis pictures • Highlighting of PR lead (text box) on front page and subpages of Napi.hu • title: max. 35 characters with spaces • lead: max. 200 characters with spaces • List price: 600.000 Ft/nap • Expected reach: 60.000 RU/day • Expected ad view: 136.000 AV/day Napi.hu címlap PR lead Source: Ipsos - Gemius SA: gemius/Ipsos Fusion Data, 2013-11 (15+ domestic audience), Adverticum Adserver NG November 2013
Sponsorations Size of sponsorations: 990x60px Specific solutions are provided on columns of Napi.hu Forrás: Online Publisher’s Audit, domestic average of October 2013 (RU=15+ real user)
Thematic supplementNapi.hu + Index.hu • Content: thematic supplement for a week in an economic topic • Number of articles: min. 5 articles • authors: online staff Napi.hu • Expected reach and ad view: • napi.hu: 65.000 UV/week, 200.000 AV/week • front page of index.hu: 525.000 RU/week, 13.400.000 AV/week* • Sponsorship package • branded supplement on Napi.hu • branded box on the front page of Index, Index Economic, Napi.hu and the front page of Inforadio.hu and on business blogs of Blog.hu. The box links to the supplement. • header sponsoration (640x90 px) in the supplement • fix half page (300x600 px) in the supplement • mobile logo (m.napi.hu) in the articles of the supplement • Sponsored link on tablet, in the articles of the supplement Net-net price: 1.600.000 HUF The net-net price does not include engineering (350.000 HUF), which is not part of the media budget and discounts can not be reduced. Unique solutions for thematic supplements are also provided on Napi.hu * Forrás: Ipsos - Gemius SA: gemius/Ipsos Fusion Data, 2013-11 (15+ domestic audience) weekly average, Adverticum Adserver NG, November 2013
article series on Napi.hu • Content: article series in an economic topic, with url target • Number of articles: 3 articles on Napi.hu • articles are highlighted in the front page of Index in the box of Napi.hu • Expected reach and ad view: • napi.hu (article): 10.000 UV/day, 15.000 AV/day • front page of Index (highlighting of articles)*: 378.000 RU/day, 1.900.000 AV/day • Sponsorship package • roadblock (640x360 px) in the articeles of the series, with url target • mobile logo (m.napi.hu) in the articles of the series • sponsored link on tablet, in the articles of the series Net-net price: 1.200.000 HUF * Forrás: Ipsos - Gemius SA: gemius/Ipsos Fusion Data, 2013-11 (15+ domestic audience), Adverticum Adserver NG, November 2013
Prices do not include appearance on seasonal sections of publications. VAT not included.CEMP Sales House reserves the right of changing rate cards. The pictures in the offer are illustrated. The estimated datas in this offer was determined by results of gemius Online Publishers' Audit, gemius / Ipsos Audience and Adverticum NG. The informations included in the offer are the property of a CEMP SH Ltd., Index.hu Ltd. and Közép Európai Média és Kiadó Ltd. („CEMP”). Parties hereby undertake to keep all and any data and/or information constituting Trade secret strictly confidential and not to make such information public or disclose to third parties, nor to allow third persons to have access thereto unless expressly agreed to by the other Party in writing. Otherwise the recipient of the offer acknowledges the fact that Index.hu Zrt or any member of the CEMP Group has the right to ask restitution from them or the third party, in case of unauthorizedly sending or using the informations.