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Building Character for Success

Building Character for Success. “The Growing Universe” Lesson 9.8 Created By: Pam Gunter. Challenge for the Week – Follow Up.

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Building Character for Success

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  1. Building Character for Success “The Growing Universe” Lesson 9.8 Created By: Pam Gunter

  2. Challenge for the Week – Follow Up • How did everyone do with the challenge last week? Were you able to identify the differences between your healthy and unhealthy relationships? What relationships strengthen who you are, which relationships need a little work? Would anyone like to share their discovery?

  3. Preparation • Materials Needed: • The solar system from the previous lesson. • A notecard or piece of paper for everyone. • Classroom Setup: • Break the class into groups of 5-8 students.

  4. The Activity • Provide a copy of the following paragraph to each student or group: • “We’re probably going ta have ta reschedule our nest test depending on what I might teach today. There is a lot we might go over but hopefully we’ll get around to it as soon as timer permits. When we have our test is probably going to depend on what might happen today if we have time.” • Have the students assess the paragraph and discuss the following points. What can we determine about the writer? How important was this communication? Was is meaningful to the receiver? • Discuss as a class some of the answers. • Rewrite the paragraph so it has more meaning, gives the author more credibility, and is more direct and clear. • Share a few ideas and suggestions from each group.

  5. The Activity - Continued • Have the students discuss important components of effective communication, both verbal and written. • Word selection, accuracy of word usage, clarity of written and spoken words, tone/volume of voice, etc. • Do we communicate the same with everyone in our environment? Do we speak the same in an interview as we do with a close friend? Do we address teachers differently than we speak with a parent? • What should be included in all means of communication? • Respect, accuracy, and thinking before communicating to ensure the message being delivered is appropriate. It is difficult to take back things that are already delivered. It can either contribute to a healthy relationship, or break it down and ultimately destroy it.

  6. The Object of the Lesson • There are many methods of communication: texting, talking on the phone, writing notes, speaking face-to-face, Facebook, and more. • When communicating, always think before sending messages, think before speaking on critical topics, address your audience appropriately (interview, family member, teacher, coach, friend, etc.), always demonstrate respect. • Take time to review written messages before sending them. Credibility is everything when communicating. Cyber messages can be retrieved, read, and used as evidence when used inappropriately. • What we say and how we act affects all relationships, it is in your control if you choose to build them up, or break them down.

  7. Challenge for the Week • Throughout the week, work on identifying the level of relationships you have with others. Address people in your “universe” appropriately, keeping in mind the “rippling” affect. Always anticipate future relationship opportunities. Choose the best method of communication and exercise strong communication skills that will reflect who you are as a person.

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