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Major Activities, Accomplishments and Next Steps. Orelena Hawks Puckett Institute PACER Center. American Institutes for Research University of Connecticut Health Center. Presentation prepared for the Office of Special Education Programs
Major Activities, Accomplishments and Next Steps Orelena Hawks Puckett Institute PACER Center American Institutes for Research University of Connecticut Health Center Presentation prepared for the Office of Special Education Programs “3+2” evaluation of the Center for Early Literacy Learning Washington, DC, August 19, 2008
Overview and Background Center for Early Literacy Learning
Orelena Hawks Puckett Institute Asheville & Morganton, NC American Institutes for Research Washington, DC PACER Center Bloomington, MN UCONN Center for Excellence in Disabilities Farmington, CT The Center for Early Literacy Learning (CELL) is a collaboration among the:
Synthesize research evidence to identify effective early literacy learning practices and interventions Develop evidence-based practices from the findings of this research Implement and evaluate the use of evidence-based practice guides Conduct general and specialized technical assistance promoting the adoption and use of evidence-based early literacy learning practices CELL Aims
Conceptualization Operationalization Field-Testing Technical Assistance Dissemination Evaluation CELL Goals
Define the domains of pre-literacy, emergent literacy, and early literacy development constituting the focus of CELL Define the key components of the CELL early literacy learning intervention model Conceptualization
Speech Processing Skills Oral Language Phonological Awareness Listening Comprehension Print-Related Skills Print Awareness Written Language Alphabet Knowledge Text Comprehension Domains of Early Literacy Learning a a Adapted from A. van Kleeck (1998). Pre-literacy domains and stages. Journal of Children’s Communication Development, 20, 33-51.
CELL Early Literacy Intervention Model Literacy-Rich Environments Everyday Literacy Activities Responsive Teaching Early Literacy Learning Outcomes Child Interests
Conduct practice-based research syntheses of early literacy learning experiences and practices Develop evidence-based practice guides using findings from the research syntheses to inform the content of the practices Operationalization
A practice-based research synthesis attempts to identify, unpack, and disentangle those characteristics of environmental experiences (practices, interventions, treatments, etc.) that have development-enhancing features and elements. Practice-Based Research Syntheses
As many practice characteristics as possible of an intervention are coded and analyzed, and the presence and absence of the characteristics are related to the study outcomes to identify those characteristics that “stand out” as most important. Disentangling and Unpacking the Characteristics that Matter Most
Research-to-Practice Approach Research Syntheses Practice Characteristics Evidence-Based Practice Guides
What is the practice? What does the practice look like? How do you do the practice? How do you know the practice worked? Evidence-Based Practice Guides CELL practices (paper, DVDs, PPP, etc.) are prepared in a manner that provides end-users (practitioners and parents) information about four elements of a practice:
CELL Practice Guides All CELL practice guides include the four “how to” elements and “real life” examples of the practices being implemented by practitioners or parents. At least one vignette includes descriptions of how the practice can be modified or adapted for a child with a disability.
Tier 1: Universal Practice Guides Tier 2: Practice Guides with Adaptations Tier 3: Individualized Practice Guides Practice Guide Hierarchy
Adapt Environment Adapt Activity Adapt Materials Adapt Instruction Provide Assistance Adaptation Continuum Least Intrusive Most Intrusive Source: S. Milbourne & P. Campbell (2007). Cara’s kit. Philadelphia: Thomas Jefferson University.
Field-tests of CELL practices are being conducted in early intervention, preschool special education, Early Head Start, Head Start, and other early childhood programs in four states. The kinds of field- test studies being implemented are: Process studies of exemplary practices Social validity studies of CELL practice guides Fidelity studies of the use of CELL practice guides Outcome studies of child, parent, and practitioner benefits Field-Tests of CELL Practices
Generalized Technical Assistance Specialized Technical Assistance Technical Assistance
Generalized Technical Assistance Generalized technical assistance is accomplished by the inclusion of CELL materials and products into the provision of training opportunities through existing national, regional, and state programs and organizations working with children with disabilities and their families.
CELL Partners Technical Assistance PartnersGeneralized Specialized Puckett X X AIR X PACER X UCONN X
Parents PACER and Puckett Technical Assistance UCONN and Puckett Providers Practitioners Puckett (in collaboration with existing programs and organizations) Generalized Technical Assistance Target Audience CELL Partners
Capacity-Building Approach Scaling-Up Model Participatory Training Processes Specialized Technical Assistance
Stage 1….Exploration and Planning Stage 2….Initial Implementation Stage 3….Full Implementation Stage 4….Practice Adoption Specialized Technical AssistanceImplementation Stages
State Leadership Team State-Level Technical Assistance Providers Regional and Local Technical Assistance Providers End-Users (Practitioners and Parents) Multi-level approach to scaling-up the adoption and use of evidence-based early literacy learning practices
State-Level Capacity-Building Specialized Technical Assistance Implementation Intervention
Maine Montana Pennsylvania South Carolina South Dakota Utah Vermont West Virginia Specialized TA States
Vision Leadership Team Needs Assessment Outreach and Training Self-Evaluation Five Components of the CELLCapacity-Building Approach
Relationship Between CELL Implementationand Intervention Practices CELL Training Methods CELL Practices Implementation (Training methods used with end-users) Intervention (CELL practices you want end-users to do)
Specialized Technical Assistance Training Procedures Training Methods Preview of CELL Intervention Practices Participatory Learning Opportunities Use of InterventionPractices Reflection and Understanding
Previews of Targeted Practices (Knowledge Transmission) Participatory Involvement (Learning by Doing) Reflection and Mastery (Internalization) CELL Training Methods a a Adapted from D. Molnar (2001). Accelerated learning. Unpublished paper, and J. Bransford et al. (2001). How people learn. Washington, DC, National Academy Press.
CELL Web Site Conference Presentations NECTAC eNotes OSEP TA Centers National, Regional and State TA Programs CELL E-mail Announcements Dissemination
Process Studies Social Norm Messages Studies Output Studies Social Validity Studies Fidelity Studies Outcome Studies Evaluation
Activities and Accomplishments Center for Early Literacy Learning
Numbers of CELL Research-to-Practice Activities CELL Activity Indicator Outcome Literature Searches Number of Located Studies 1200+ Research Syntheses Number of Synthesis Topicsa 25 Evidence-Based Practices Number of Practice Guidesb 100+ a In process. b Completed and in process.
Distribution of Practices by Literacy Domain NUMBER OF PRACTICES Alphabet Knowledge Oral Language Print Awareness Written Language Phonological Awareness Listening Comprehension Text Comprehension LITERACY DOMAINS
CELL Products ProductsCompleted In-Process Total CELLpapers CELLreviews CELLnotes CELLpractices CELLdvds CELLscales 5 3 2 68 3 8 2 5 6 78 3 2 7 8 8 146 6 10
Additional CELL Accomplishments Web Site Products 78 Web Site Visits 13,000 + Web Pages Viewed 58,000 + Conference Presentations 16 Specialized Technical Assistance 3 Field-Test Case Studies 24
Dissemination and Technical Assistance Activities TYPE OF ACTIVITY
Evaluation Center for Early Literacy Learning
Process Evaluation Output Evaluation Outcome Evaluation Evaluation Model
Process Studies of Exemplary Practices Social Norm Messages Studies Web Site Visits Study Social Validity Studies Fidelity of Training Studies Fidelity of Practice Adoption Studies Child, Parent and Practitioner Outcome Studies Types of Evaluation Studies
Field-Test Site Case Studies to Identify Exemplary Practices NUMBERS States Classrooms/ Programs Practitioner Interviews Exemplary Practices FIELD-TEST SITES
Social Norms Messages Survey Resultsof the Importance of Early Literacy Learning
Effects of Different Events Influencing Web Site Visits A: New York PTA Announcement B: Survey Monkey (I) Announcement C: Part C/Part B (619)/PACER E-mail Announcement D: Survey Monkey (II) Announcement E:Practice Guides Posted on Web Site E D C B A
CELL Advisory Board Members Web Site Visitors Parents Practitioners Technical Assistance Providers Social Validity Studies of CELL Practices
Social Validity Studies Framework a Targets of Appraisals Practices Outcomes Importance Type of Validity Appraisals Acceptability a Adapted from S. Foster & E. Mash (1999). Assessing social validity in clinical treatment Research: Issues and procedures. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 67, 308-319.