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To reflect and ...  Act. Suy nghó vaø …haønh ñoäng

To reflect and ...  Act. Suy nghó vaø …haønh ñoäng The difference between the poor countries and the rich ones is not the age of the country. Söï khaùc bieät giöõa caùc nöôùc ngheøo vaø nöôùc giaøu khoâng phaûi laø hình thaønhñöôïc bao nhieâu naêm.

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To reflect and ...  Act. Suy nghó vaø …haønh ñoäng

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  1. To reflect and... Act. Suy nghó vaø …haønh ñoäng The difference between the poor countries and the rich ones is not the age of the country. Söï khaùc bieät giöõa caùc nöôùc ngheøo vaø nöôùc giaøu khoâng phaûi laø hình thaønhñöôïc bao nhieâu naêm.

  2. This can be shown by countries like India & Egypt, that are more than 2000 years old and are poor. Thöïc teá cho thaáy; AÁn ñoä vaø Hy Laïp ñaõ thaønh laäp hôn 2000 naêm vaø vaãn coøn ngheøo.

  3. On the other hand, Canada, Australia & New Zealand, that 150 years ago were inexpressive, today are developed countries and are rich. Traùi laïi ; Canada ; UÙc vaø New Zealand môùi thaønh laäp hôn 150 naêm ; nhöng hoï laø nhöõng nöôùc phaùt trieån vaø giaøu.

  4. The difference between poor & rich countries does not reside in the available natural resources. Söï khaùc nhau giöõa caùc nöôùc giaøu vaø ngheøo khoâng phaûi chæ döïa nguoàn taøi nguyeân thieân nhieân.

  5. Japan has a limited territory, 80% mountainous, inadequate for agriculture & cattle raising, but it is the second world economy. The country is like an immense floating factory, importing  raw material from the whole world and exporting manufactured products. Nhaät Baûn coù dieän tích haïn cheá ; 80% laø nuùi ; khoâng thích hôïp cho noâng nghieäp vaø chaên nuoâi ; nhöng coù neàn kinh teá ñöùng thöù hai theá giôùi. Nöôùc Nhaät gioáng nhö moät nhaø maùy noåi roäng lôùn ; nhaäp khaåu nguyeân lieäu thoâ töø moïi nôi treân theá giôùi vaø xuaát khaåu thaønh phaåm.

  6. Another example is Switzerland, which does not plant cocoa but has the best chocolate of the world. In its little territory they raise animals and plant the soil during 4 months per year. Not enough, they produce dairy products of the best quality. It is a small country that transmits an image of security, order & labor, which made it the world’s strong safe. Moät ví duï khaùc laø Thuïy Syõ; nôi khoâng troàng ñöôïc caây cacao nhöng laïi laø nôi cung caáp soâ-coâ-la toát nhaát theá giôùi. Thuïy Syõ coù dieän tích raát nhoû vaø chæ chaên nuoâi vaø troàng troït chæ 4 thaùng trong 1 naêm. Hoï ñaõ bieán ñieàu baát lôïi thaønh lôïi theá baèng vieäc cheá bieán nhöõng saûn phaåm haøng ngaøy vôùi chaát löôïng toát nhaát. Chæ laø moät nöôùc nhoû; nhöng Thuïy Syõ ñaõ xaây döïng hình aûnh ñaát nöôùc thaät aán töôïng vôùi söï noåi tieáng veà : söï an toaøn ; an ninh ; kyû luaät vaø tinh thaàn laøm vieäc chaêm chæ.

  7. Executives from rich countries who communicate with their counterparts in poor countries show that there is no significant intellectual difference. Caùc nhaø ñieàu haønh cuûa caùc nöôùc giaøu ñaõ trao ñoåi vôùi ñoái taùc cuûa hoï ôû caùc nöôùc ngheøo vaø cho bieát giöõa hoï khoâng coù söï khaùc bieät lôùn veà trí tueä.

  8. What is the difference then? Vaäy ñaâu laø söï khaùc bieät ?

  9. The difference is the attitude of the people, framed along the years by the education & the culture. Söï khaùc bieät ñoù laø do THAÙI ÑOÄ cuûa moãi ngöôøi; aûnh höôûng bôûi giaùo ñieàu veà giaùo duïc vaø vaên hoùa töø theá heä naøy ñeán theá heä khaùc.

  10. On analyzing the behavior of the people in rich & developed countries, we find that the great majority follow the following principles in their lives: Phaân tích haønh vi cuûa nhöõng ngöôøi giaøu vaø caùc nöôùc giaøu ; chuùng ta thaáy raèng phaàn lôùn hoï ñaõ theo caùc nguyeân taéc sau trong cuoäc soáng cuûa hoï :

  11. 1. Ethics, as a basic principle.(Ñaïo ñöùc ; laø moät nguyeân taéc chuû ñaïo) 2. Integrity.Chính tröïc ; lieâm chính 3. Responsibility.Tinh ThaànTraùch nhieäm 4. Respect to the laws & rules.Toân troïng phaùp luaät vaø caùc chuaån möïc. 5. Respect to the rights of other citizens. Toân troïng con ngöôøi 6. Work loving.Yeâu lao ñoäng 7. Strive for saving & investment.Luoân tieát kieäm vaø ñaàu tö 8. Will of super action.YÙ chí haønh ñoäng maõnh lieät. 9. Punctuality. Ñuùng giôø ; ñuùng heïn.

  12. In poor countries, only a minority follow these basic principles in their daily life. Coøn ôû caùc nöôùc ngheøo; chæ coù moät soá nhoû theo caùc nguyeân taéc naøy trong cuoäc soáng haøng ngaøy.

  13. We are not poor because we lack natural resources or because nature was cruel to us. Chuùng ta khoâng ngheøo bôûi vì chuùng ta thieáu nguoàn taøi nguyeân; hay vì thieân nhieân khaéc nghieät vôùi chuùng ta.

  14. We are poor because we lack attitude. Chuùng ta ngheøo bôûi vì chuùng ta thieáu thaùi ñoä tích cöïc We lack the will to comply with and teach these functional principles of rich & developed societies. Chuùng ta thieáu yù chí haønh ñoäng vaø chöa choïn loïc caùc nguyeân taéc maø caùc nöôùc giaøu ñaõ laøm ñeå aùp duïng.


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