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N C R M P Phase-II, Project Steering Committee Meeting Quarter ending June, 2016. NCRMP Ph II. States : Goa, Gujarat, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra & West Bengal. Project Cost Rs 2361.35 Cr.
N C R M P Phase-II, Project Steering Committee Meeting Quarter ending June, 2016.
NCRMP Ph II • States : Goa, Gujarat, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra & West Bengal. • Project Cost Rs 2361.35 Cr. • Project agreement signed on 11th August, 2015 & after due legal vetting effective from 9th November, 2015. • Date of completion 31st March 2020.
Agenda item No.1:Status of Staff Goa : Fresh applications are being invited for hiring IT/MIS Specialists . ToR for appointment of EIA Consultant is being finalized. Gujarat : KPMG engaged as Project Management Consultant (PMC). M/s Mukesh & Associates were engaged as Consultant for Design & Construction Supervision (DSC) wef 27.05.2016. Karnataka: Post of Procurement Specialist yet to be filled. ToR for Internal Auditor & TPQA finalized. ToR for EIA Consultant under review by the World Bank. EoI to be floated shortly. Kerala : Procurement Specialist has been selected and to be appointed shortly. Applications for Accountant received and shortlisted for interview. Maharashtra : Financial bid opening for Project Management Consultant (PMC) scheduled on opening on 07.09 2016. EIA /SIA Consultant & Micro level Consumer Survey Consultant appointed. Vacancies of Financial Controller and Procurement Specialist advertised. Process to be completed by September 2016 West Bengal : All posts filled except Social Management Specialist for which applications have been received and are under process.
Agenda Item No.2: Component –A(EWDS) • Technology option/RfP finalised under Phase-I shared with Phase-II States. States to assess their requirements in consultation with stakeholders and incorporate same in their RfP. • Goa has received a techno-commerical proposal from M/s TCIL which is under examination by the Govt. of Goa. • In Gujarat, RfP with the help of PMSC for appointment of vendor for installation of EWDS is under preparation. • Karnataka’s proposal on EWDS scrutinized by PMU and observations conveyed. It has to submit a revised proposal and obtain concurrence from the World Bank. Regarding Consultant for EWDS, Karnataka is in touch with M/s TCIL which has already given a presentation in Bangalore in July, 2016. • SPIU, Kerala had a meeting with M/sTCIL on 14.07.2016 regarding scope of implementation of EWDS in the State. Kerala is yet to customize the requirement of this Component for the State. • Maharashtra preparing RfP on basis of Technology option of AP & Odisha. Tender will be floated for appointment of EWDS Consultant. • West Bengal is to obtain concurrence of World Bank on ToR of Consultant for EWDS. ToR has been cleared by PMU, NCRMP. West Bengal is yet to customize requirement of EWDS for the State.
Agenda item No.3&4: Comp.-B(CRMI) Goa • MPCS (40) – Because of constraints of land and budget, Goa is focusing on 20 MPCSs. Architectural drawing finalized. Structural design submitted to World Bank in August,2016 for concurrence after which DPR shall be prepared. No Environment Clearance required. Award of work by Dec 2016. • Roads(30Km) – 2 sites identified of 2.25 km length. More roads will be identified, if required. • Saline Embankments (2/30Km) : Design under finalization. • Underground Cabling (UGC/25KM) : Site for UGC identified at Anjuna Beach. State Electricity Deptt. entrusted to prepare DPR and execute the work.
Agenda item No.3&4: Comp.-B(CRMI) Gujarat • MPCS (128) – Out of 128 MPCSs, 19 under construction, for 11 construction to be initiated, 09 under tendering process, 31 sites in design stage, 12 sites yet to be designed, 04 sites under CRZ clearance and 42 sites have land issues. • Roads (43 Nos/156.69 km) – 19 fully completed, 01 near completion, tender awarded for 22 roads. For 01 road CRZ clearace has just been obtained. • Underground Cabling (UGC / 65 Kms.) Site & DPR finalized. 21 firms have responded to EoI for appointment of EIA/SIA consultant , evaluation in progress and will be shared with the World Bank by 3rd week of September, 2016.
Agenda item No.3&4: Comp.-B(CRMI) Karnataka • MPCS (11) - Sites finalized ; CRZ clearances obtained .DPR for MPCS at Thakatte to be resubmitted to World Bank after minor design modifications. • Roads (110 Kms)- CRZ clearances obtained. DPR for Harikudru Road approved by World Bank with minor addition on environment aspect on 16.08.2016. • Bridges(3)- DPR for Kodikaniyana bridge under resubmission after compliance of World Bank observations. • Saline Embankments (10.46 Kms)- CRZ clearances obtained .DPR for Manikatte SE(7 km) resubmitted to World Bank after compliance of observations.
Agenda item No.3&4: Comp.-B(CRMI) Kerala • MPCS (27) • 27 Sites finalized for MPCSs. 03 architectural drawings submitted to World Bank out of which 02 drawings have been approved. Structural drawing of one site submitted to World Bank for approval. Bid documents and DPR are under preparation which will be submitted to the World Bank for approval. • Received resolutions from Panchayat/Municipal Corporation for 14 Sites. • 07 MPCSs awaiting CRZ clearance from Kerala Coastal Zone Management Authority(KCZMA). • It is planned to initiate 20% of construction work of 5 MPCS in the current FY.
Agenda item No.3&4: Comp.-B(CRMI) Maharashtra • MPCS (13 ) – 10 Sites finalized in consultation with World Bank . Revised design approved by World Bank. Two DPRs sent to World Bank. Finalization of 03 sites is in progress. Floating of tender expected by October, 2016. • Saline Embankments (50 Kms)- Design, Model DPR approved by World Bank. EIA/SIA Consultant appointed . CRZ clearance for all 08 SEs obtained. Floating of tender expected by October 2016 after completion of EIA/SIA. • Underground Cabling (UGC/130 Kms) • EIA/SIA Consultant appointed and study will be completed by mid October 2016. • Consultant for Micro level consumer study for UGC appointed. Microlevel consumer survey for UGC will be completed within 3 months for 03 sites. • CRZ clearance awaited for Alibaugh, Ratnagiri & Satpati towns. Preparation of DPR for Ratnagiri and Satpati in progress. Tender likely to be floated by November 2016. • Model DPR for Alibaugh submitted.
Agenda item No.3&4: Comp.-B(CRMI) West Bengal • MPCS(150)- All works awarded and are under execution. 65 MPCS have achieved progress of work up to plinth level, 40 MPCS have achieved progress of work up to foundation level , 5 MPCS have achieved progress of mobilisation of work and 40 MPCS have achieved no progress due to land problem, dismantling of old structures and delay in survey work. • Underground Cabling (UGC)(60 Kms)- DPR to be resubmitted to World Bank after minor modification. EIA/SIA study for this work under progress by Anna University.
Agenda item No.6 : Status of UC/IUFR • IUFR received up to June, 2016 submitted to World Bank .IUFR report consolidated expenditure of 159.35 Cr .(GoI + States) • Rs. 77.88 Cr.(GoI share) has been disbursed by the World Bank against the claim submitted till March 2016.
Agenda item No.7 : Component –C (Technical Assistance) • Draft ToR for Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment study under Phase-II was shared with the World Bank for their comments/concurrence. World Bank has asked to hold back the same till the HRVA study entrusted to M/s RMSI Pvt. Ltd. is completed. • NIDM will roll out training of Master Trainers for all 08 States shortly. Finalization for States shall be based upon feedback received during training of Master Trainers.
Agenda item No.8 : Shelter Level Training • All Phase-II States to form MPCS Maintenance & Management Committees with Bye-laws before sending the proposal for Shelter Level training. • A comprehensive shelter level training programme has been shared with all NCRMP-II States as a model. States have to customize it as per their requirement
Issues / Concerns • Delay in appointment of staff- Goa, Maharashtra • No progress in finalization of Consultant for Comp.-A-Maharashtra, Kerala. Efforts put by other States also yet to take concrete shape. • Delay in Finalization of DPRs- Goa, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra. • States not likely to award any work in next 3 months- Goa, Kerala, Maharashtra, Karnataka • Gujarat yet to utllize 1st instalment released during 2015-16, unspent available- Approx.Rs.30 Cr. Fresh demand can be considered only after full utilization. • Large unspent funds available with less expenditure- Goa, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala
Physical /Financial Deviation – NCRMP Phase-I & AF Andhra Pradesh • Projected Deviation/Excess Expenditure – Rs.211.92 Cr. • Physical Deviation- MPCSs (-10), Roads (-81/197.61 km), Bridges (-02), Saline Embankment.(-3.7 km)= (-)93/201.31 km Odisha • Projected Deviation/Excess Expenditure – Rs.127.03 Cr. • Physical Deviation- MPCS (-01), Roads (-48/65.15 km), Saline Embankments (-11/99.3 km)= (-)60 No./164.45 km • Savings:- PMU, NCRMP (+15.42 Cr.) & NIDM (+7.58 Cr.) Net Fin.Deviation –Rs.315.95Cr Reasons For Physical Deviation • Gap of 03 years between preparation and actual implementation of Project. • Some works were executed by line Deptts. through other schemes like PMGSY, NABARD, State Funds etc. • Some identified works could not be executed due to land problems, forest areas, wild life sanctuaries, sensitive areas, port areas and court litigations. • In Odisha, sanctioned outlay of 157 km Saline Embankment was costing Rs.600 Cr. Hence, 57.7 km SE was priortized within the sanctioned financial outlay.
Physical /Financial Deviation – NCRMP Phase-I & AF (Contd.) Reasons For Financial Deviation/Excess Expenditure • Quantum shift in technological aspects originally conceptualized for implementation of EWDS based on outlay and the Technology Option based on latest integrated multi technology. • Estimates were prepared in both States based on Standard Schedule of Rates for Civil Works prevalent during 2008-09, while most of works were awarded during 2012-2015. Rates of labour and materials were revised several times between 2009 to 2016. • Minimum wages of skilled and unskilled workers were also frequently revised all over the country. • In AP, the awarded cost increased due to higher premium bids due to inflation, change in type of foundation based on soil condition, raising of plinth levels of MPCSs resulting in an extra expenditure of Rs.52.09 Cr. Additional Financing for MPCS works due to revised plans is Rs.53.76 Cr. Bids were received with high premium ranging from 3.96% to 29%. 253 No. of works were awarded with 15% excess and financial implication on this account was Rs.48.87 Cr. • Odisha has asked Rs.31.6 Cr.for shelter level eqipment and training to operationalize MPCSs which was not provided in the sanctioned outlay. • Strict implementation of Environment & Social Management Framework (ESMF) as per Wold Bank requirement also imposed financial burden on contractors.