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Special Education

Defining Problems, Finding Solutions. Special Education. Ed.D. Residency, Minneapolis, MN July 2008. Objectives of the Seminar. This seminar explores SPECIAL EDUCATION. as a topic for your DOCTORAL STUDY. Introduction. Kate Swetnam - Live in Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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Special Education

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  1. Defining Problems, Finding Solutions Special Education Ed.D. Residency, Minneapolis, MN July 2008

  2. Objectives of the Seminar This seminar explores SPECIAL EDUCATION as a topic for your DOCTORAL STUDY

  3. Introduction Kate Swetnam - • Live in Calgary, Alberta, Canada • Formerly from Houston, Texas • Spring Branch ISD – Special Educ. Dept. • Married – three grandsons • Teaching at Walden for past 6 months • Love to ski, hike, jog, climb, read kathryn.swetnam@waldenu.edu

  4. Objectives of the Seminar With you, we will actually explore elements of Chapter 1 Introduction to Your Doctoral Study Chapter 1 is an overview of and the foundation for your entire study.

  5. Together, we will answer these questions: What’s your problem? What questions arise because of your problem? What do you think will solve your problem? ~ hypothesis or research questions~ What is the purpose of your study? How are you going to achieve your goal? ~ methodology ~ What difference will you make? Why bother? So what? ~ social change ~ What exactly is a Review of the Literature? Objectives of the Seminar

  6. Problem? What problem? What’s your problem? How did you become aware of your problem? Why is it a problem? DISCUSSION

  7. Problem? Who’s got a problem? • What local evidence proves that there really is a problems? • Your experience? • Testimony of others? • Data? • DISCUSSION

  8. Who’s got a problem? Problem? • What evidence from the professional literature proves that there really is a problem? • Why is evidence important to identify the problem? • DISCUSSION

  9. Together, we will answer these questions: What’s your problem? What questions arise because of this problem? What do you think will solve the problem? ~ hypothesis ~ What is the purpose of your study? How are you going to achieve this goal? ~ methodology ~ What difference will you make? Why bother? So what? ~ social change ~ What exactly is a Review of the Literature? Objectives of the Seminar

  10. What questions? Questions? • Your problem gives rise to many questions. • What are some questions that you might ask about your problem? • DISCUSSION

  11. Together, we will answer these questions: What’s your problem? What questions arise because of this problem? What do you think will solve the problem? ~ hypothesis ~ What is the purpose of your study? How are you going to achieve this goal? ~ methodology ~ What difference will you make? Why bother? So what? ~ social change ~ What exactly is a Review of the Literature? Objectives of the Seminar

  12. Your Hypothesis A Possible Solution? • At this point, what do you think is the solution to your problem? • In one sentence, predict what your answer to the problem will achieve. • DISCUSSION

  13. Together, we will answer these questions: What’s your problem? What questions arise because of this problem? What do you think will solve the problem? ~ hypothesis ~ What is the purpose of your study? How are you going to achieve this goal? ~ methodology ~ What difference will you make? Why bother? So what? ~ social change ~ What exactly is a Review of the Literature? Objectives of the Seminar

  14. Your Goal/Intent? Your Purpose? • You are conducting your study for a purpose. You have a goal in mind. • What is that purpose, that goal? What do you hope to achieve? • DISCUSSION

  15. Your Purpose? Your Goal/Intent? • Compare • Relate • Test • Describe • Understand • Explore • Develop • Other…

  16. Together, we will answer these questions: What’s your problem? What questions arise because of this problem? What do you think will solve the problem? ~ hypothesis ~ What is the purpose of your study? How are you going to achieve this goal? ~ methodology ~ What difference will you make? Why bother? So what? ~ social change ~ What exactly is a Review of the Literature? Objectives of the Seminar

  17. The Process Your Methodology? • Your methodology depends on your question. • What would your question look like for • A quantitative study? • A qualitative study? • A mixed methods study? • A project study? • DISCUSSION

  18. Quantitative Research Questions Question word Independent variable Analysis (description, comparison, relationship) Dependent variable Population Control variable(s)

  19. Quantitative Research Question - Example Example: • Does (question word) academic success (independent variable) relate (analysis) to social acceptance by peers of third graders (population), controlling for socio-economic status of parents (control variable)? • Dr. Linda Crawford, Walden University (2003)

  20. Qualitative Research Questions • Central questions • Sub-questions • Format: • Questions word (usually “what” or “how”) • Central phenomenon • Population of interest

  21. Qualitative Research Question - Example Example: How (question word) do teachers (population) perceive the root of violence in adolescent students(central phenomenon)? • Dr. Linda Crawford, Walden University (2003)

  22. The Process Your Methodology? • Your methodology depends on your question. • What would your question look like for • A quantitative study? • A qualitative study? • A mixed methods study? • A project study?

  23. Together, we will answer these questions: What’s your problem? What questions arise because of this problem? What do you think will solve the problem? ~ hypothesis ~ What is the purpose of your study? How are you going to achieve this goal? ~ methodology ~ What difference will you make? Why bother?So what? ~ social change ~ What exactly is a Review of the Literature? Objectives of the Seminar

  24. Social Change Why bother? So What? • You want to make a difference. • That difference occurs • in the lives of students and teachers • in the school • in the community …state…nation…world! • You are engaged in social change. • DISCUSSION

  25. Together, we will answer these questions: What’s your problem? What questions arise because of this problem? What do you think will solve the problem? ~ hypothesis ~ What is the purpose of your study? How are you going to achieve this goal? ~ methodology ~ What difference will you make? So What? Why bother? ~ social change ~ What exactly is a Review of the Literature? Objectives of the Seminar

  26. Review what? the Professional Literature • You need to review the professional literature exhaustively. • What exactly is professional literature? • Research and Theory • Sources: examples • How do you know when you are exhausted? • Theoretical Frame work • DISCUSSION

  27. List of Journals Adapted Physical Education Quarterly http://www.humankinetics.com/APAQ/journalAbout.cfm Journal of Autism and Developmental Disordershttp://www.springer.com/public+health/journal/10803 Teaching Exceptional Childrenhttp://escholarship.bc.edu/education/tecplus/ and More…Walden EDD Residency: Minneapolis, MN July 2008 - Handouts

  28. Special Education Websites Example: Disability Rights, Education and Defense Fund (DREDF):http://www.dredf.orgA national law and policy center dedicated to protecting and advancing the civil rights of people with disabilities. and More…Walden EDD Residency: Minneapolis, MN July 2008 - Handouts

  29. Thank you!A special thanks to Dr. Daniel Farrell for creating the majority of this presentation. And for goodness sakes… Go forth and solve your problem.

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