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真菌、地衣、苔蘚植物 Fungi & Lichens & Bryophyta

真菌、地衣、苔蘚植物 Fungi & Lichens & Bryophyta. Made by Gwo-Ing Liao in Nov. 2005. 真菌 Kingsom Fungi None chlorophyll Cell wall cellulose - 卵菌綱 Oomycetes chitin - 結合菌綱 Zygomycetes - 子囊菌綱 Ascomycetes - 擔子菌綱 Basidiomycetes - 不完全菌綱 Fungi Imperfecti. Chitin 幾丁質. 利用蝦蟹殼製備 、 利用各種不同之菌株法製備

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真菌、地衣、苔蘚植物 Fungi & Lichens & Bryophyta

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  1. 真菌、地衣、苔蘚植物 Fungi & Lichens & Bryophyta Made by Gwo-Ing Liao in Nov. 2005

  2. 真菌 Kingsom Fungi • None chlorophyll • Cell wall • cellulose-卵菌綱 Oomycetes • chitin -結合菌綱 Zygomycetes • -子囊菌綱 Ascomycetes • -擔子菌綱 Basidiomycetes • -不完全菌綱 Fungi Imperfecti

  3. Chitin 幾丁質 • 利用蝦蟹殼製備、利用各種不同之菌株法製備 • 用途: • 生物醫學材料:手術縫合線,傷口癒合,及藥物釋放控制等 。 • 機能性食品:具類似醫藥品的臨床效果,包括無毒性的抗癌效果、改善消化吸收機能、降低脂肪及膽固醇攝取、降低高血壓、強化免疫力等。 • 食品加工的應用:可開發成高纖機能性減肥飲料。而其多醣組成具有清爽甜味及保濕性,同時也有調味及改善食品品質的功能。 • 農業上的應用:可作為植物保護的用途。植物病害有80%以上由真菌所引起,病原菌入侵植物時,植物本身即有辨識系統,可辨認病原真菌細胞壁上之幾丁質,使植物中原本低量活性之幾丁質酵素生成量大量提高,用以分解真菌細胞壁之幾丁質。

  4. Type of plant body • single cell e.g., Yeast 酵母菌 (Ascomycetes) • hyphae • e.g., Penicillium 青黴菌 • (Ascomycetes)

  5. Type of hyphae None septa 無隔膜的菌絲 卵菌綱 Oomycetes 結合菌綱 Zygomycetes With septa 有隔膜的菌絲 子囊菌綱 Ascomycetes 擔子菌綱 Basidiomycetes

  6. 真菌 Kingsom Fungi • 卵菌綱 Oomycetes - oospore, zoospore • 結合菌綱 Zygomycetes - zygospore, spore • 子囊菌綱 Ascomycetes - ascospore,conidia • 擔子菌綱 Basidiomycetes - basidiospore • 不完全菌綱 Fungi Imperfecti

  7. Water mold on dead fruit fly in water 卵菌綱 Oomycetes e.g., water mold 水黴菌 Asexual reproduction Sexual reproduction zoospore oospore sporangium

  8. 結合菌綱 Zygomycetes e.g., Bread Mold Rhizopus 黑麵包黴 sporangium sporangium zygote zygospore Sexual reproduction Asexual reproduction

  9. 子囊菌綱 Ascomycetes 人類使用的第一個抗生素-青黴素 是從青黴菌分離出來的 Fleming discovered penicillin (the first antibiotics) in 1928.放置多天準備丟棄的細菌培養基被一種綠色黴菌(後來命名為青黴菌Penicillium notatum)污染,在黴菌菌落的四周並沒有任何細菌生長,形成一個明顯的生長抑制圈,將其純化分離出來培養,發現黴汁含有一種可以殺死細菌的物質,他把這種殺菌物質稱為「青黴素」(penicillin,也稱為盤尼西林),直至1944 年青黴素方得以商業化生產 。 青黴菌 Penicillium

  10. 青黴菌 Penicillium conidia conidiophore ascus ascospore Sexual reproduction Asexual reproduction

  11. 麴菌 Aspergillus • 製造醬油和味噌(黃豆、大麥加入米麴菌 A. oryzae) • 提煉檸檬酸(黑麴菌 A. niger)(添加於果汁、甜點、糖果產生酸味) • 黃麴菌 A. flavus (儲存的玉米、花生或黃豆) 分泌黃麴毒素( Aflatoxin ),吃後會肝臟中毒。 • 可能會引發人體感染或過敏,在呼吸道或肺部深處生長,形成一個結實的「真菌球」。 • 工作環境高量或長時間暴露下 • 肺部曾受傷或患有嚴重疾病 • 過敏出現氣喘或一種名為「過敏性支氣管肺麴菌病」 conidia

  12. 擔子菌綱 Basidiomycetes 洋菇 button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) 草菇 straw mushroom (Volvariella volvacea) 香菇 shitake mushroom (Lentinus elodes) 木耳 black fungus (Auricularia polytricha)

  13. 擔子菌綱 Basidiomycetes 蕈蓋 cap (pilei) 蕈褶 gills 蕈環 ring (annulus) 蕈柄 stalk (stipe) 蕈托 volva

  14. 擔子菌綱 Basidiomycetes 擔孢子basidiospore 擔孢子柄basidium 蕈褶 gill 擔孢子梗basidiophore Cross section of the gill

  15. Lichens • Symbiosis a fungus+ one or more algae • The fungal partners are mostly (over 95%) Ascomycetes. Most of the rest are Basidiomycetes. • The algae partners are mostly Cyanophyta or Chlorophyta. • Many lichens are very sensitive to pollution in the air.

  16. major morphological types of Lichens thalli 殼狀地衣 Crustose lichen 葉狀地衣 Foliose lichen 莖狀地衣 Fruticose lichen

  17. upper cortex algal layer medulla lower cortex rhizine • 殼狀地衣 Crustose lichen • form a crust on the surface of the substrate on which they are growing • none rhizines • some crustose lichens no lower cortex • very difficult to remove from their substrates • 莖狀地衣 Fruticose lichen • attached to their substrate by a single point and rise, or more usually, dangle from this • the algal part exists as a ring around the thallus Cross section of the foliose lichen • 葉狀地衣 Foliose lichen • have an upper and lower cortex • generally raised to some extent above the substrate but connected to it by rhizines (specialised root-like hyphae) • easier to remove from their substrate

  18. Lichen Reproductive Structures • spore forming bodies - spore formation is a function of the fungal partner only Ascomycetes → ascospores Ascomycetes → conidiospores Basidiomycetes → basidiospores • vegetative reproductive bodies • soredium 粉芽 • Isidia 裂芽、珊瑚芽、針芽 • lobules 小裂片(小裂片芽)

  19. Ascomycetes → ascospores Apothecia 子囊盤normally look like exposed disks which may be raised above the surface of the thallus, level with it, or sunk below the surface.

  20. 裂芽Isidia are extensions of the surface of the thallus and may be cylindrical, globular, brachiate (branched) or lobula (lobe-like). 20-30% of foliose and fruticose lichens have isidia. Isidia are really very small bits of the top of the thallus. 粉芽Soredia are small bundles of algal cells in a fungal hyphae mesh. Unlike Isidia, they do not contain any of the cortex. Instead they are more similar to the medulla portion of the thallus with some algal cells included. 小裂片Lobules are living lobes which grow on the edges of the thallus of foliose lichens. They are flat and break off from the thallus for wind or water distribution.

  21. 苔蘚植物(Bryophyta) • 植物體小形,有葉綠素,沒有維管束,孢子體長在配子體上。生殖器官由多細胞構成,有特化細胞保護配子或孢子。 • 可分為三大類: • 蘚類(liverworts)配子體多為葉狀體,腹面具單細胞的假根及多細胞的鱗片,多雌雄異株。例如:地錢的♂葉狀體背面凸出雄托,頂端雄托盤背面長數個藏精器;♀葉狀體背面凸出雌托,頂端雌托盤腹面倒懸數個藏卵器。 • 角蘚類(hornworts)配子體為葉狀體,腹面具假根,藏精器及藏卵器埋在背面組織中,多雌雄同株,孢子體具長角狀的蒴凸出於配子體背面。 • 苔類(mosses)配子體幼期呈絲狀稱原絲體(protonema) ,長出芽和假根後逐漸發育成有似根、莖、葉構造的配子枝,莖頂長出數個藏精器或藏卵器。

  22. 蘚類 liverworts - 地錢 Marchantia 孢芽gemmae ♀ 孢芽杯 ♂ 孢子spore 孢芽杯 gemmae cup 足 柄 ♂ ♀ 蒴 彈絲elaster ♀

  23. 角蘚類(hornworts) 假彈絲pseudoelater 孢子spore 配子體為葉狀體,腹面具假根,藏精器及藏卵器埋在背面組織中,多雌雄同株,卵受精後發育為具有足及蒴的孢子體,長角狀的蒴凸出於配子體背面,蒴內有孢子、假彈絲(pseudoelater)及蒴軸。 蒴 capsule 包鞘 蒴 capsule archegonium antheridium 足 foot

  24. 頸部 calyptra 蒴帽 苔帽 腹部 蒴 capsule 苔類(mosses) 原絲體 protonema(young gametophyte) → 長出芽和假根 → 發育成有似根、莖、葉構造的配子枝 → 莖頂長出藏精器或藏卵器 → 卵受精後發育為具有足、柄、蒴的孢子體, 有些種類蒴的上方有苔齒、苔蓋及苔帽。 archegonium protonema ♀ antheridium paraphyses 側絲 ♂

  25. 實驗項目 • 黑麵包黴模型 黑麵包黴有性生殖標本玻片(B225) 青黴菌、麴菌、黑麵包黴無性生殖標本玻片(B223) • 擔子菌模型 菌褶整體橫切面(No. 32) 新鮮洋菇(擔子菌)菌褶橫切片-光學顯微鏡觀察 • 地衣乾燥標本-殼狀地衣、葉狀地衣、枝狀地衣 標本玻片:葉狀體橫切面(B293)、子囊盤縱切面(B294) • 地錢模型 標本玻片:孢芽杯縱切面(B322)、雄托盤縱切面(B323) 、雌托盤縱切面(B325)、孢子體縱切面(B328) • 角蘚孢子體的蒴縱切面(B300) • 苔類模型 新鮮苔類-解剖顯微鏡觀察

  26. Quiz(Dep. of Medicine)

  27. 真菌、地衣、苔蘚植物 Fungi & Lichens & Bryophyta Quiz (Dep. of Medicine) Made by Gwo-Ing Liao in Nov. 2005

  28. Quiz 1. What are the five divisions of Fungi base onthe way in which the fungus reproduces sexually? 真菌依其有性生殖方式可分為哪五類? 2. Lichens are composed of two organisms, an and a , helping each other. This is know as symbiosis. 地衣是由哪兩種生物組成? 3. What are the three major morphological types of Lichens thalli? 地衣依植物體形態,可分為哪三類? 4. How to identify liverworts, hornworts, and mosses base on major morphological characters? 簡易區別蘚類、角蘚類、苔類之形態特徵?

  29. 真菌、地衣、苔蘚植物 Fungi & Lichens & Bryophyta Quiz Made by Gwo-Ing Liao in Nov. 2005

  30. 1.真菌依其有性生殖的方式可分為哪五類 ? 2.地衣若依形態分類,可分為哪三種? 3.簡易區別蘚類 (liverworts)、角蘚類 (hornworts)、苔類 (mosses)之形態特徵。

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