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Strategic Planning and Analysis in Evolving Defence Environments

Explore the significance of scenario-based planning and warfighting analysis in adapting to changes, synergizing soft and hard operational analysis methods, and enhancing international military forums. Suggestions for enhancing ISMOR's impact and reach are discussed.

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Strategic Planning and Analysis in Evolving Defence Environments

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  1. Syndicate 1 submission

  2. Question 1 • Simple answer; no • Changes in Israeli defence environment • Other European nations undergoing radical changes

  3. Question 2 • Both future scenarios and future worlds should be considered: • Priority should be placed on future scenarios

  4. Question 3 • Scenario based planning still important: • Common context for discussions • Future planning • Provision of ORBATS and geographical locations • Basis for analysis

  5. Question 4 • Warfighting analysis will always be required at the tactical level: • Has a future but needs adapting to meet requirements

  6. Question 5 • Previous analysis is still very useful: • Issues with archiving & access • Falls into different categories: • All still valid • Can copy methodology • Can use data

  7. Question 6 • Overall synergy required between soft and hard OA: • Using right tool for the job • Perhaps artificial barriers exist between hard and soft OA

  8. Future of ISMOR • Inclusion of more tactical work • Ongoing requirement for international military OA forum – other forums available • Military & academic attendance has decreased • Need to increase awareness domestically, across Europe and rest of world • Ensuring the right people from organisations are invited: • Requirement for mixed demographic attendance

  9. DSTL currently supporting Maths Institute conference: • Perhaps greater DSTL support for ISMOR • Increase cooperation with MORS & CORA • Formal ISMOR committee: • Small team including government, industry, academia (international and self funded) • Require a ISMOR champion • Altering format to include a session on OA history

  10. Make calling notice more inclusive • Have ISMOR posters at other OR conferences • Have a speaker at other OA/OR conferences

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