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Commonomics : Developing a. Muhammad Farms Fundraising Products. Post Yakub Economy.
Commonomics: Developing a Muhammad Farms Fundraising Products Post Yakub Economy As Salaam Alaikum (Peace Be Unto you). The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan recently stated, "we've got to help our farm in Georgia.” We are seeking your support for our 1,556 acre Farm in Bronwood, Georgia. By purchasing our products below, you can help promote the mission of The 3 Year Economic Program to build a life for ourselves on our own land and generate revenue towards our growth and development. Muhammad Farms T-Shirts Muhammad FarmsApron Muhammad Farms Cap (Sis. Linda of Jackson, Mississippi Ministry of Agriculture) • For everyone...not just gardeners and farmers. (Caption is the front and back of t-shirt) (Bro. Gerald of Jackson, Mississippi Ministry of Agriculture) Books By Dr. Ridgley Abdul Mu’min Muhammad The Science and Business of Farming • Variety Seed Packet Set • These are non-hybrid seeds in an amount • fit for a 50ft. row garden.Set includes: Sweet corn, English Peas, Green Beans, Cabbage, Eggplant, Bell Pepper, Spinach, Rutabaga, Carrots, Tomatoes, Broccoli, Yellow Squash and Okra vs. The Art and Hobby of Gardening By Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min Muhammad To place an order, view contact your local Ministry of Agriculture Coordinator. Items will be available for coordinator’s to pick up at Savior’s Day 2013 and bring back to your city. (you can also purchase directly from our vendor booth) www.noimoa.comwww.muhammadfarms.com