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Alex M.J. Riemersma Lector Frisian & Multilingualism in Education

Towards the quality of multilingual Education in Friesland: development of common standards. Alex M.J. Riemersma Lector Frisian & Multilingualism in Education Frysk filologekongres 15 juny 2012 . 100 Jahre (west-) Friesisch im Unterricht. 1907 Als AG nach der Schule

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Alex M.J. Riemersma Lector Frisian & Multilingualism in Education

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  1. Towards the quality of multilingualEducation in Friesland: development of common standards Alex M.J. Riemersma Lector Frisian & Multilingualism in Education Fryskfilologekongres 15 juny 2012

  2. 100 Jahre (west-)FriesischimUnterricht • 1907 Als AG nach der Schule • 1937 FakultativesFach • 1955 Als Unterrichtsspracheerlaubt • 1980 Pflichtfach in Grundschulen (4-12) • 1993 PflichtfachimSekundarunterricht • 1989 Verein der FriesischenundbilingualenKindergärten (2,5 – 4 Jahre)

  3. Overview • General introduction • Pupils / students • Teachers’ qualities • Schools’ Language Policies • Teacher Training • Conclusions

  4. Friesisch im Unterricht (1) • 300 Kindergärten (2,5 – 4 Jahre): 110 bilingualeoderFriesisch-ImmersionKindergärten • 500 Grundschulen (4 – 12 Jahr):- alle SchulenFriesisch als Pflichtfach- 100 Schulen: FachundUnterrichts- sprache (halbes Tag / einen Tag)- 45 DreisprachigeSchulenmitFriesisch, NiederländischundEnglisch

  5. Trilingual education in Fryslân • Model: Frisian, Dutch and English as subject & medium of instruction- Grade 1-6: 50 % Frisian, 50 % Dutch- Grade 7-8: 40 % Frisian, 40 % Dutch, 20% English • Early start English • Conscious split of languageusage: person / time / themes

  6. Trilingual education in Fryslân • Developments:2012 > 50 primary schools (= 10%) • Continuitytosecondaryeducation:2012: 3 pilot schools with the concept of multilingualclil (= medium of instruction) • Teacher training forprimary:2011: Trilingualstream2011: Minor (30 ECTS)

  7. Friesisch im Unterricht (2) • Sekundarunterricht (12-17/18 Jahre):- Pflichtfach in erste(n) Klasse(n) – 1 Stunde pro Woche- WahlfachfürAbitur- DreiSchulenmitdreisprachigemUnterricht • BeruflichesUnterricht (16-19 Jahr):- nureinige Modulen / Zusatzfach • Afûk-Abendklassen / www.edufrysk.nl

  8. MultilingualSecondaryEducation • MainstreamSecondaryeducation: - Dutch dominant- English andFrisian as a subject only- limiteduse of Frisian as medium in oraluseonly • Experiments in progress: • 3 TTO-schools: Dutch and English medium andFrisian as a subject only • 3 ME-schools: Dutch, English andFrisianboth as a subject and a medium Reitze Jonkman en Alex Riemersma

  9. Goals of bilingualeducation • Transitionalbilingualism, aiming at > bettercommand of nationallanguage; • Sustainable bi- / multilingualeducation > full bilingualism, biliteracy(in mother tongue andnationallanguage) Longstanding reality of minority & migrant languages: • Neglectof (real) mother tongue = submersion > subtractivebilingualism

  10. Common European Standards • Core goals in languagecommand • Time investment • Teaching OF and teaching IN • Continuity of teaching & learning • Teaching materials • Teacher training andqualification

  11. Pupils / students • Goals of education:languagecommand in the fields oflistening, reading, speaking, writing • Results of teaching andlearning[= “learopbringsten”] (tobe) testedby common standards

  12. Common European Framework of Reference • GRID withcan do-statements: 5 fieldsof languagecommand: listening, reading, speaking, conversation, writing6 levels of languagecommand: (A1 – A2 – B1 - B2 – C1 – C2) • Developedforforeignlanguagelearning • Applicablefor second languagelearningandmother tongue education

  13. Comparative levels

  14. Synergy of multilingual education? Problem 1: in theory, pupils are expectedtoacquire more languagessimultaneously in context of the CUP-model / ice mountain (Cummins), but in school practice the watershed is persistent.Problem 2: comparability of different target languageswithregardto levels of commandand the measurement. Reitze Jonkman en Alex Riemersma Lectoraat Fries & Meertaligheid in Onderwijs en Opvoeding

  15. Ice berg of JimCummin Reitze Jonkman en Alex Riemersma Lectoraat Fries & Meertaligheid in Onderwijs en opvoeding

  16. Iceberg of JimCummins – 3 peaks

  17. Comparison of CEFR andAnglia levels Reitze Jonkman en Alex Riemersma Lectoraat Fries & Meertaligheid in Onderwijs en opvoeding

  18. Synergyof ME and the comparablemeasurement of target languages • Towhatextentcan different testing systems show validatedresultsconcernigreference levels in the target languages? • Towhatextentcan the common practice in didacticsbeappliedtowardsintegratedlanguagelearning? Reitze Jonkman en Alex Riemersma Lectoraat Fries & Meertaligheid in Onderwijs en opvoeding

  19. Comparability of tests • Dutch: student monitoring system + Cito-test at end of primary school • English: Anglia-tests (10 levels) • Frisian: basisskoalle-eksamenDevelopment of Frisia-test (4 levels)Language Portfolio (student / teacher)

  20. Teacher’squalities • Language command (B2 > C2) • Meta-linguistic awareness • Didacticcommand: - language input;- clil: content & languageintegrated- transfer / translanguaging;- activatingdidactic approach

  21. Kennisbasis learaarFrysk

  22. Secondarytrilingualeducation • Pilot at three schools:Frisian medium: history / (biology) / physical training / culturalaffairsEnglish medium: science / geography / economy • Towards “TTO-plus” ?Dutch: 40% - English 30% - Frisian 30%

  23. Secondarytrilingualeducation • Mainchallenges: • Materials • Language command of subject teachers • Didacticintegration of languagesand subjects • Terminology

  24. Example: scienceterminology • Modern Mathematics 1B (Havo/Vwo):Acute angleObtuseanglePerpendicularQuadrilateralVertex / VerticesIsoscelesTriangle

  25. Teachers’ (peer-)teaching • Cooperation of languageand subject towards CLIL: subject terminologies • Glossaries / personal idiom file (pif) • Common schooling (“Fortbildung”) towards CLIL skills and team building

  26. Example: TaaldoarpFrysk Opdracht: Fytseferhier Do wolst in fyts hiere foar trije dagen. De fyts kostet fiif euro deis. Do moatst by it opheljen fan de fyts kontant betelje. Do krigest in bewyske fan beteljen; dat bontsje moatst goed bewarje. De fytseferhierder freget oft jim de foarskriften foar it brûken fan de hierfytsen wol witte. Freegje de ferhierder wat jim dwaan moatte by in lekke bân en as jim ûnderweis tinke, dat jim net op ‘e tiid weromkomme kinne. • Kaaiwurden: Eigner = eigenaar • Bûnte jûn = bonte avond • Foarsjennings = voorzieningen • Hokker = welke • Húske & brûs = wc & douche Wurdfjild: 1. Pakjedrager = bagagedrager 2. Betelje = betalen 3. Hierfyts = huurfiets 4. Bewarje = bewaren5. Fytse = fietsen6. Werom wêze = Terug zijn7. Strân = strand8. Bewyske = bonnetje9. Ophelje = ophalen10.Bânplakkersguod = doosje met benodigdheden om banden te plakken

  27. School Language Policies • Clear goals andContinuity • Integration (“buidlingbridgesbetween”) of subjects & languages • Well-thought model aiming at (Fishman): “multilingual / multi-literate” • Investment in time, materials, schoolingandparents’ & students’ support

  28. School & class room policies • Teamwork of teachers of subjects and medium of instruction > integral approach • Common descriptors of languagecommand in the target languages > CEFR • Comparabletestingmethods > student monitoring system • Learning strategies of pupilsbased on translanguagingandlanguageuse Reitze Jonkman en Alex Riemersma

  29. Lehrer- aus- bildung • AusbildungzumehrsprachigemUnterrichten an Hochschulen / Universitäten

  30. Friesisch in Lehrerausbildung • LehrerausbildungfürPrimarunterricht (B):- ZusatzfachmitZertifikat (etwa 8 ECTS)- DreisprachigeAbteilungmitEnglisch & Friesisch als Fach & Unterrichtssprache- Minor Zweisprachigkeit (30 ECTS) • LehrerausbildungfürSekundarunterricht:(B): Dreijahrigerpart-time Studie (M): Einjahriger Studie (60 ECTS)

  31. Trilingualstream at PABO • Common stream of NHL & Stenden • Extra languagelessons of Frisianand English • Frisianand English as medium • Minor Multilingualism (30 ECTS) • Internship at trilingual schools

  32. Teacher Training forMultilingual Classroom • Project grantedby ECML / CoE (Graz) (2012-2015) • Partners in Catalunya, Ireland, Wales • Guide of common practices & standards • Preparing joint European Master on Multilingualism & Education

  33. Conclusion • Holistic view & approach towardsanIntegratedLanguage School:primary – secondary – teacher training • Concept fits well toEU- & CoE-policy  Mother tongue + 2 CLIL & ImmersionLinguisticDiversityinclusive:minorityand migrant languages Reitze Jonkman en Alex Riemersma

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