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What Does Propaganda Teach Us? What Does it Do?

Discover the power of propaganda in shaping societal norms, influencing behaviors, and driving towards goals. Learn how to analyze different forms of propaganda using the five persuasive appeals and a systematic approach. Explore primary sources from WWI, including George Creel's role, to understand propaganda's impact. Uncover how propaganda influences perception and learn to interpret propaganda messages for cultural insights.

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What Does Propaganda Teach Us? What Does it Do?

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  1. What Does Propaganda Teach Us? What Does it Do? • Informs and persuades individuals in all levels of society • Teaches us how to think • Teaches us how to act and what to do • Reinforces a key message and pushes us toward an established goal • Shapes and defines cultural norms and acceptable social behavior

  2. How Does Propaganda Accomplish its Goals? The Five Persuasive Appeals • APPEAL to Fear • APPEAL to Logic • APPEAL to Reward • APPEAL to Emotion • APPEAL to Popularity

  3. How Do We Analyze Propaganda On Our Own and With Our Students? Fundamentally Basic and Systematic Approach: The Three Levels of Questioning • Descriptive Questions: What do we see? • Symbolic Evaluative Questions: What does this mean? • Interpretive Evaluative Questions: For whom is this Message/Meaning intended and why? Propaganda is a vital primary source and it is never too early to examine primary sources with students!

  4. George Creel and the Beginnings of Modern Propaganda • Career as Investigative Journalist, Politician, and (Most Famously) Head of the U.S. Committee on Public Information During WWI • Instrumental in Press Censorship and Establishment of Communication Vehicles for War Support • Spearheaded the World’s “Greatest Adventure in Advertising” George Creel: Woodrow Wilson’s Propaganda Man

  5. What Is the Audience? Who Do we Need to Reach? The Home Front The Battle Front War does not occur in a military or political vacuum. Civilians play an equally important yet undervalued role.

  6. Who is Our Enemy? What is His Goal? Unknown Russian Poster Art (1916) Unknown British Poster Art(1915)

  7. Who is Our Enemy? What is His Goal?: The Germans British Caricature (1916) American Recruiting Poster (1917)

  8. Who is Our Enemy? What is His Goal?: The Germans What’s the big secret here? ???? American Political Cartoon (1917)

  9. Who is Our Enemy? What is His Goal?: The Germans The Zimmerman Telegram American Political Cartoon (1917)

  10. Who is Our Enemy? What is His Goal?: The Germans

  11. Who is Our Enemy? What is His Goal?: The Germans Who and where are these people? What is happening here?

  12. How Does the Other Side See Things?: The German View General Sir John French (Great Britain) Kaiser Wilhelm II (Germany) General Paul von Hindenburg (Germany) General Pavle Sturm (Serbia) General Alexeyevitch Brusiloff (Russia) Field Marshal Joseph Joffre (France) German Propaganda Postcard(1916)

  13. How Does the Other Side See Things?: The German View What do you think I am saying? German Propaganda Postcard(1915)

  14. How Does the Other Side See Things?: The German View German Propaganda Postcard(1915) Translation:If You Love the Fatherland, You’ll Make it Peaceful and Quiet!

  15. According to the German Propaganda Machine, What is the Driving Force Behind the Allied War Effort?

  16. According to the German Propaganda Machine, What is the Driving Force Behind the Allied War Effort?

  17. According to the German Propaganda Machine, What is the Driving Force Behind the Allied War Effort? Austrian Propaganda Postcard(1914) Translation:Serbians Must be Serbians/Vanquished!

  18. According to the German Propaganda Machine, What is the Driving Force Behind the Allied War Effort? Unknown German Poster Art(1915)

  19. According to the German Propaganda Machine, What is the Driving Force Behind the Allied War Effort?

  20. Battle Cry of the Kaiser’s Men: Gott Strafe England! German World War I Anti-British Decorative Propaganda Stamps

  21. Battle Cry of the Kaiser’s Men: Gott Strafe England! Unconventional Propaganda: World War I German Soldier ArtTranslation: Germany Over all. God is With us. All are Caput

  22. What Are We Going to do to Win This War? Enlist! Invest! Produce! Conserve!

  23. What Are We Going to do to Win This War?: Enlist! Enlist! Enlist! Enlist! Enlist!

  24. What Are We Going to do to Win This War?: Invest! Invest! Invest! Invest! Invest!

  25. What Are We Going to do to Win This War?: Produce! Produce! Produce! Produce! Produce!

  26. What Are We Going to do to Win This War?: Conserve Conserve! Conserve! Conserve! Conserve!

  27. Some Friendly Reminders For the Boys at the Front French Military Postcard (1915) British Military Poster Art(1917) French Military Poster Art (1916)

  28. What is the Enemy Going to Do to Win This War? Invest! Offering for the Army and navy (1917) Pray! Christ Blessing the German Army (1915) Conserve! Collect Seeds for Oil Extraction (1917) Enlist! German Army Recruiting Poster (1915)

  29. Select Sources For WWI Propaganda Images • http://www.firstworldwar.com/posters/index.htm • http://www.worldwar1.com/posters.htm • http://digital.lib.umn.edu/warposters/warpost.html • http://www.dhm.de/ENGLISH/sammlungen/plakate • http://www.graphicwitness.org/ineye/maps.htm

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