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European Exploration

European Exploration. What led them to explore?. Renaissance ideas Three G’s: God Glory Gold. Spices from the East. Europeans had been introduced to spices such as nutmeg, ginger, cinnamon and pepper during the Crusades.

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European Exploration

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Presentation Transcript

  1. European Exploration

  2. What led them to explore? • Renaissance ideas • Three G’s: God Glory Gold

  3. Spices from the East • Europeans had been introduced to spices such as nutmeg, ginger, cinnamon and pepper during the Crusades. • After the wars ended, the supply dropped, driving up demand and prices. • The Europeans began looking for new trade routes to cut the expense of trading.

  4. The Spread of Christianity • Hostility between Muslims and Christians led to the desire to spread Christianity. • Europeans had a sacred duty to fight the spread religion and convert “sinners.” • Bartolomeu Dias-Portuguese explorer “To serve God and His Majesty, to give light to those who were in darkness and to grow rich as all men desire to do.”

  5. Technology • Sailors had to sail thousands of miles of open ocean during the age of exploration. • The caravel was invented. It was able to sail against the wind.

  6. Technology • The compass, invented by the Chinese, was updated and improved by the Europeans. • The astrolabe, invented by the Muslims, helped sailors find their location at sea based on the stars. • The sextant replaces the astrolabe in the mid 1700’s. It measured the height of the stars above the horizon.

  7. Portugal • Portugal was the first European country that developed outposts. • Prince Henry supported exploration of Africa. He also wanted to spread Christianity. • He established a navigation school. • Portugal began trading gold, ivory, and slaves from Africa. • They began looking for Asia.

  8. Portugal Reaches Asia • In 1488, Dias and his crews made it to the southern tip of Africa. His crew was too battered to continue the voyage. • Vasco de Gama

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