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Administrative issues, first year results and next schedule

EMODNet Chemistry – First year plenary meeting, 17-18 June 2014 . Administrative issues, first year results and next schedule Alessandra Giorgetti, Lipizer Marina and Vinci Matteo. EMODNet Chemistry 2 - partnership. Based on SeaDataNet network of NODC’s with

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Administrative issues, first year results and next schedule

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  1. EMODNet Chemistry – First year plenary meeting, 17-18 June 2014 Administrative issues, first year results and next schedule Alessandra Giorgetti, Lipizer Marina and Vinci Matteo

  2. EMODNet Chemistry 2 - partnership Based on SeaDataNet network of NODC’s with Technical partners to further develop and run SDN infrastructure Specific expertise to coordinate data analyses and validation, and the creation of data products  46 participants 32 partners 14 subcontractors

  3. EMODNet Chemistry 2 - overview Objective: • To build on what was achieved under preparatory actions; • To deliver a marine observation infrastructure that offers the most effective support to the marine and maritime economy whilst supporting environmental protection needs. Specific objectives are: • assemble existing data into interoperable formats • develop, test, operate and maintain a portal for public access • monitor and report on the effectiveness of the system in meeting the users needs and analyse what further steps are needed to improve the system • keep the portal operational and be prepared to transfer to the EC EMODNet Chemistry – First year plenary meeting, 17-18 June 2014

  4. EMODNet Chemistry 2 - management documents Service Contract - Consortium Agreement – Subcontracts EMODNET Lot 4 - Chemistry Kick-off meeting, 3-4 June 2013

  5. EMODNet Chemistry 2 - management structure Project coordinator (=OGS) Technical coordinator(=MARIS) Project office (=OGS) Workpackage leaders (=OGS, MARIS, ISPRA, ICES) Regional leaders for products (=AU-DCE, IFREMER, SMHI, HNODC-HCMR, NIMRD) Steering committee: (=OGS, MARIS, AU-DCE, IFREMER, SMHI, HNODC-HCMR, NIMRD, ISPRA, ICES). Project Coordination Group (all partners and subcontractors) EMODNet Chemistry – First year plenary meeting, 17-18 June 2014

  6. EMODNet Chemistry 2 - coordination tools Mailing lists: • emodnet2-all@googlegroups.com • emodnet2-stcom@googlegroups.com • emodnet2-TWG@googlegroups.com • emodnet2-vocabs@googlegroups.com Website: continuously updated from EMODnet Chemistry Extranet for the project: • Restricted access (user: emduser, password: 91L07G207) • All project documents including contract and working docs EMODNet Chemistry – First year plenary meeting, 17-18 June 2014

  7. EMODNet Chemistry 2 - coordination tools EMODNET Lot 4 - Chemistry Kick-off meeting, 3-4 June 2013

  8. EMODNet Chemistry 2 - coordination tools EMODNET Lot 4 - Chemistry Kick-off meeting, 3-4 June 2013

  9. EMODNet Chemistry 2 - coordination tools EMODNET Lot 4 - Chemistry Kick-off meeting, 3-4 June 2013

  10. EMODNet Chemistry 2 - coordination tools EMODNET Lot 4 - Chemistry Kick-off meeting, 3-4 June 2013

  11. EMODNet Chemistry 2 - coordination tools EMODNET Lot 4 - Chemistry Kick-off meeting, 3-4 June 2013

  12. EMODNet Chemistry 2 - Reporting to EU • Deliverables: • Bi-monthly progress reports through phases 1 to 3 (from M2 to M36) • First interim report after phase 1 (M12) • Second interim report after phase 2 (M24) • Draft final report 2 months before the end of phase 3 (M34) • Final report at the end of phase 3 (M36) • 15-page executive summary that can be read by a non-specialist EMODNet Chemistry – First year plenary meeting, 17-18 June 2014

  13. EMODNet Chemistry 2 - Reporting to EU Interim and final reports have to be sent to EC for approval and payments. Should include summary of work done and what remains to be done, challenges faced, effort spent on data preparing and providing, developing standards(M12, M24, M36). • All partners should provide within 6/7/2014 a short summary of their activities, including: • Work done in the first year • Work expected in the next two years • Difficulties encountered • Effort spent (as percentage of project resources) on data access, data management and standards development EMODNet Chemistry – First year plenary meeting, 17-18 June 2014

  14. EMODNet Chemistry 2 - Payments EMODNET Lot 4 - Chemistry Kick-off meeting, 3-4 June 2013

  15. Contractual breach • On-going non-fulfillment of contractual obligations such as: • meeting attendance • carrying out of activity • report submission • will be discussed at the Steering Committee. • In the tender: no cost statement but results reporting EMODNet Chemistry – First year plenary meeting, 17-18 June 2014

  16. EMODNet Chemistry 2 - First year results Executed in 3 phases: construction (months 1-12) consolidation (months 13-24) convergence (months 25-36) M1=July – M12=June EMODNet Chemistry – First year plenary meeting, 17-18 June 2014

  17. Data Collection and Metadata Compilation • Focus on 5 searegionsdefinedas: • BalticSea; • Greater North Sea(includingNorwegian Sea and Celtic Sea); • Atlantic Sea(includingAtlantic Coastand Macaronesia); • Black Sea; • Mediterranean Sea. • The parameters are collected in 3 matrices: • water column; • biota; • sediment.

  18. Data Collection and Metadata Compilation • Focus on 5 searegionsdefinedas: • BalticSea; • Greater North Sea(includingNorwegian Sea and Celtic Sea); • Atlantic Sea(includingAtlantic Coastand Macaronesia); • Black Sea; • Mediterranean Sea. • The parameters are collected in 3 matrices: • water column; • biota; • sediment.

  19. WP1 Data collection and metadata compilation CDIs made available through the portal for European waters, at last progress report (m10): Total 581,300  increase of 39,279. Last Friday: Total 587,538  increase of 6,238. Of these 82 %are unrestricted (unrestricted and SeaDataNet license), while others 18% require negotiation. Positive feedback in data collection activity by partners!

  20. WP2 Data Products generation The Chemistry lot is dealing with 2 main substets of data: Homogeneous ditribution In time and space (basins) Nothomogeneousditribution (as coastal points repeated in time, datasets with fragmented coverage) - DIVA (Data-Interpolating Variational Analysis) horizontal maps; - Time series plotsof measured data

  21. WP2 Data Products generation - DIVA horizontal maps Summary: • Focus on «Nutrients» • Data Aggregation/Conversion/Homogenization by Regional Leaders • Available Data will be converted for Maps generation in unit of «umol/l» • Mapswill be generated for availableNutrients: • PO4in umol/l • Total Phosphorus in umol/l • NOx (NO3, NO2+NO3) in umol/l • NO3 in umol/l • Total Nitrogen in umol/l • NH4 in umol/l • SiO4 in umol/l • Mapswill be generated in the 5 EMODNetRegions with focus to MSFD Regions (EMODNetRegionsgroup more than one MSFD Region).

  22. WP2 Data Products generation - Time Series plots • Beside the static Time Series plots, much activity is ongoing to produce dynamic Time Series plots: • Definition of relevant sets of stations with long time series for the focus parameters (nutrients) • Setting of Robot Harvester for the Buffer generation • Development of technical aspects for the viewing services working on top of the Buffer • Integration of the resulting layer with Stations and Graphics into OceanBrowser. TS QC data Buffer (ODV collection) Generation of WPS layer OceanBrowser

  23. WP3 QA/QC - Validation - MSFD interaction • ISPRA and ICES will provide updates. • A collectionofbest practices for data quality control (QC) as applied by all partners for each matrix is started to make an inventory to homogenize where possible and improve the common practices.

  24. Data Collection and Metadata Compilation in the second year • The parameters are collected in 3 matrices: • water column; • biota; • sediment. • Schedule for the second year: • Complete fertilizers, silicates, organic matter, chlorophyll, dissolved gasses and acidity (M15=September 2014) • Start contaminants in all matrices (M15) • M18=December – robot harvesting • M20=February – products generation

  25. Consolidation of the new architecture for EMODnet products Evaluating possibility of cloud storage Products generation workflow: Maps Validation NODCs Data Harvesting QC Buffer CentralBuffer Regional Validation «On the fly»Time Series

  26. Data Products generation in the 2nd year - Complete production of dynamic Time Series. The resulting layer with Stations and Graphics to be integrated into OceanBrowser, - DIVA Maps at the appropriate time period, - vertical sections properly highlighted in the OceanBrowser, - additional data plotting along (or near) the coastline to valorize coastal data (with classes of value), - CHASE Assessment Tool with EMODnet data in selected pilot areas (as WMS layer) loaded into OceanBrowser, - Products catalogue operating for maps and TS, • Collect feedback from the Expert Meeting!

  27. Thanks!Questions?

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