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This guide provides information on academic regulations, student counselling, and access to the Study Information System (ÕIS) for students at Tallinn University of Technology. It includes details on how to access ÕIS, important deadlines, study plans, and examination sessions.
AcademicRegulations2019 Katri Kadakas StudentCounsellorSchool of Information Technologies TallinnUniversity of Technology
Division of Schools School of Business and Governance School of Engineering School of Information Technologies School of Science Estonian MaritimeAcademy
U03 – 205 Study Building Room number Floor (Class)room codes
Programmeabbreviation in ÕIS (admission 2019) Bachelor: International Business AdministrationTVTB LawHAJB IntegratedEngineeringMVEB CyberSecurityEngineeringIVSB
Programme abbreviations (admission 2019) Master: International Business AdministrationTVTM LawHAJM Technology Governance and DigitalTransformationHAGM Cyber SecurityIVCM Computer and Systems EngineeringIASM Communicative ElectronicsIVEM E-Governance Technologies and ServicesIVGM Environmental Engineering and ManagementEABM Design and TechnologyFuturesMADM Industrial Engineering and ManagementMARM Materials and Processes for Sustainable EnergeticsKAYM Technology of Wood, Plastic and TextilesKVEM Health Care TechnologyYVEM Mechatronics MAHM AppliedPhysicsYAFM
Studentcode in ÕIS every student has its unique student number this number is necessary to identify you in the system (ÕIS) you need the student code to write on all applications, tests andother papers that are handed in at/in the university Example: Degreestudy David John 191234IVCM Visitingstudent John David 191230IV
Access to ÕIS (Study InformationSystem) Ifyouhavestudentcodeavailablethentoaccesssystem, there are 4 options: UNI-ID- highlyrecommended(room SOC-129) ÕIS username and password (room SOC-132) ID card (Estonian ID codeneeded) Mobile ID (Estonian ID codeneeded)
Access to ÕIS (Study InformationSystem) Visitwebsite ois2.ttu.ee Log in with UNI-ID Confirmthefollowing: Checkthecontractconditions Agreewiththecontract Ifyoudonotagreewithcontractyoucannotcontinuewith õis. Checkyour personal data, keep it valid
AcademicCalendar-importantinformationregardingstudies thebeginning and end of semester declarationdeadline (registratingforthecourses) holidaydeadlines examinationsessiondeadline Available in ois2.ttu.ee
Timetablein ÕIS Timetables are availablebySchools Weeks are numbered (in timetable: duration), sometimesdistributedodd and even Nextweekis 1st week (startingwith September 2) Numbersaddedtothe programme abbreviationindicatefollowing: First number shows semester: nr 11- firstyearAutumn semester (1st study semester) nr 21- firstyearSpring semester (2nd study semester) nr 31- secondyearAutumn semester (3rd study semester) Second number indicatesthestudygroup (forbachelorstudies) orspecialisation (formasterstudies)
Studyplan At thebeginning of each semester all students must submit a study plan - declarecoursesforthe semester If the study plan is not submitted student will be dismissed The study plan is submitted via study information system (ois2.ttu.ee) Study plan (declaration) must besubmittedlatest on theindicateddeadline in AcademicCalendar Declarationdeadline9th of September 2019 PS! In somecases, a lecturerhas a righttocancelthedeclaration made bystudent. In theAcademicCalendar, 11th of Septemberis a deadline for cancellation of students’ declarations by the lecturer.
Divisionof thedegreeprogram generalstudies(humanitarian, languagesetc) corestudies(fundamentals of specialization) specialstudies(specializationsubjects) freechoicecourses(onlytherequiredcreditpoints are calculatedtostudy load). Youcanchoose: - Optionalsubjects- (subjectsthat are not in anyTalTech curricula) - OtherTalTech subjects
Freechoicecourses (someexamples) Studyinglanguages Centre forLanguague and Communication • Estonian Language and Culture HLE0050, HLE0060(3 ects) • Estonian Language and Culture MLE0010 (6 ects) AdditionallyCentre of Language and CommunicationoffersEnglishbasedcoursestolearnGerman, Russian, Spanish Gotofirstclassforinformation https://www.ttu.ee/institutes/centre-for-language-and-communication/
Freechoicecourses (someexamples) Physicaleducation: Group Fitness Fitness Gym Basketball, Volleyball Badminton, Table tennis Coursestodeclare: MK 3001 Basics of PhysicalMovement I (3 ects) autumn semester MK 3002 Basics of PhysicalMovement II (3 ects) spring semester TalTech SportsCentreislocated Männiliiva 7 https://taltech.ee/physical-education
Study plan Ifregistering a course in ÕIS, please: make sure thatyou take requiredamount of ECTS make sure thatsubjectcode and professor’snameiscorrect make sure thecourseisgiven in English Ifyou need tomakechanges in studyplanafterthedeadline, turntoDean’sofficeimmediately and theywillhelpyouwiththedeclaration.
Examinationsessions 2 terms in 1 academicyear- Autumn and Spring 1 term (semester) consists 16 weeks of classroom and practicalstudy and examinationperiod Autumn semester: End of classroomsessions22 December2019 Autumn semester examinationsdeadline22 January2020 End of autumn semester 25 January 2020
Registrationforexams Registrationforanexam through ÕIS (mainly) at theinstructorordepartment/faculty (on paper) Declaration of a subjectis valid only 1 semester
Assessment of academicperformance Thefinalgradecanbecalculatedas a total of differentcomponents (homework, test, exam, assessment) orbasedonly on anexaminationorassessment at the end of studyperiod. Assessmentmaybeeithergradedor non-graded. Estandsforexamination (gradedassessment) Astandsfor non-gradedassessment (Fail/Pass)
Assessment of academicperformance Gradedassessment “5”- excellent “4”- verygood “3”- good “2”- satisfactory “1”- poor “0”- failed Non-gradedassessment A- pass M- fail MI- „absent“- hasnotparticipated on theexam
Additionalinformation StudentHelpDeskadvice on generalacademicissues and everydaylife in Estonia (regardingpublictransportation, banks, familypractitioners, studentlife, etc)Room U04-104. AcademicPolicies (fullversion) https://www.ttu.ee/students/study-information-2/academic-information/study-regulations-2/ Essential Estonian - funonlinedictionarylingvist.com/essential-estonian
Additionalinformationfor non-EU studentsregardingbankservices Opening a bankaccountwithouttheavailability of temporaryresidencepermitforstudies (TRP) isexpensive (upto 250 EUR). Swedbank hasagreedtofacilitateTalTech studentsfrom Non-EU countriesunderfavouredconditions. In order beapplicableforfavouredcondition, kindlyaskMobility Centrea certificatefor Swedbank toproveyourstudentstatus in TalTech. UponsubmittingthecertificatetoSwedbank, bankaccountwillbeopenedunderfavouredcondition. Only Swedbank offices in Rävala pst 5, Liivalaia 8 and Sõpruse pst 201/203 (Magistrali, busstop Lepistiku) willdealwiththisagreement
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