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Discussion document on Mode Construction

Discussion document on Mode Construction. Prepared by Japan. DHC group under GRPE/WLTP informal group 6-7 July 2011 Stockholm, Sweden. 1. Background.

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Discussion document on Mode Construction

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  1. Discussion documenton Mode Construction Prepared by Japan DHC group under GRPE/WLTP informal group 6-7 July 2011 Stockholm, Sweden

  2. 1. Background During the 7th DHC meeting held on 16 May 2011, the possible six(6) options (refer page 3) of mode construction were proposed (refer next slide). Japan prepared different approach for mode construction from the view points of what mode construction should be. (1) Emission Limits (2) Air pollutant modeling (3) Customer information (4) Regional weighting factor (5) Testing efficiency (6) Testing repeatability (7) Testing accuracy (8) Represent vehicle condition (9) Unique technologies (10)Unique vehicle configuration

  3. MIDDLE * 439s MIDDLE * 439s MIDDLE * 439s MIDDLE * 439s MIDDLE * 439s MIDDLE * 439s 2. Possible mode constructions ** Prep.-> SOAK Prep. -> LOW * 582s MIDDLE * 439s HIGH * 441s LOW * 582s Ex-HIGH * 338s Intermediate soak ** 1 sampling Prep.-> SOAK LOW * 582s MIDDLE * 439s HIGH * 441s Ex-HIGH * 338s LOW * 582s Intermediate soak ** Prep. -> Prep.-> SOAK HIGH * 441s Ex-HIGH * 338s LOW * 582s MIDDLE * 439s LOW * 582s Intermediate soak ** Prep.-> SOAK LOW * 582s MIDDLE * 439s HIGH * 441s LOW * 582s Intermediate soak ** 1 sampling Prep.-> SOAK LOW * 582s MIDDLE * 439s HIGH * 441s Ex-HIGH * 338s LOW * 582s Intermediate soak ** 1 sampling Prep.-> SOAK LOW * 582s MIDDLE * 439s HIGH * 441s Ex-HIGH * 338s LOW * 582s Intermediate soak *) phase duration subject to change after obtaining the statistical information from China **) middle phase test after intermediate soak is required for HEV vehicles

  4. 3. Requirement on test cycle mode -1 Customer information (i.e. CO2, FC, Range) Emission limits Air pollutant modeling Regional weighting factor Unique technologies (i.e. regeneration, EV, PHEV, etc) Testing efficiency LOW 589s MIDDLE 433s HIGH 455s Ex-HIGH 323s Unique vehicle configuration (i.e. city commuter) Testing repeatability Represent vehicle condition Testing accuracy (low concentration)

  5. 3. Requirement on test cycle mode -2 Customer information (i.e. CO2, FC, Range) Emission limits Air pollutant modeling Regional weighting factor Require each phase measurement Unique technologies (i.e. regeneration, EV, PHEV, etc) Testing efficiency LOW 589s MIDDLE 433s HIGH 455s Ex-HIGH 323s Unique vehicle configuration (i.e. city commuter) Testing repeatability Cold Hot intermediate or completely hot condition Represent vehicle condition Testing accuracy (low concentration) Necessity of middle phase under cold condition will be evaluated during validation1

  6. 3. Requirement on test cycle mode -3 Customer information (i.e. CO2, FC, Range) Emission limits Require each phase measurement Air pollutant modeling Regional weighting factor urban Urban/rural rural motorway Unique technologies (i.e. regeneration, EV, PHEV, etc) contradiction Testing efficiency LOW 589s MIDDLE 433s HIGH 455s Ex-HIGH 323s Unique vehicle configuration (i.e. city commuter) Testing repeatability Better to measure all phases as one set Represent vehicle condition Testing accuracy (low concentration)

  7. 3. Requirement on test cycle mode -4 Customer information Emission limits Air pollutant modeling Regional weighting factor Avoid long-term testing contradiction Require continuous cycle driving Unique technologies (i.e. regeneration, EV, PHEV, etc) contradiction Testing efficiency LOW 589s MIDDLE 433s HIGH 455s Ex-HIGH 323s Require pre-conditioning under same driving cycle Better to measure all phases as one set Unique vehicle configuration (i.e. city commuter) Testing repeatability contradiction Require both cold/hot conditions Represent vehicle condition Testing accuracy (low concentration)

  8. 3. Requirement on test cycle mode -5 Customer information (i.e. CO2, FC, Range) Emission limits Air pollutant modeling Regional weighting factor Unique technologies (i.e. regeneration, EV, PHEV, etc) Testing efficiency LOW 589s MIDDLE 433s HIGH 455s Ex-HIGH 323s Unique vehicle configuration (i.e. city commuter) LOW phase is first driving cycle taking into account of unique vehicle configuration Testing repeatability Represent vehicle condition Testing accuracy (low concentration)

  9. 4. Summary

  10. MIDDLE 433s preconditioning HIGH 455s HIGH 455s Ex-HIGH 323s Ex-HIGH 323s No soak 5. Tentative Proposal preconditioning L/M test LOW 589s MIDDLE 433s LOW 589s LOW 589s MIDDLE 433s overnight soak Intermediate or complete hot sample1 sample2 sample3 sample4 (option) sample A (option) sample B H/Ex-H test sample1 sample2 (option) sample A Range test Range L/M Range H/Ex-H LOW 589s MIDDLE 433s HIGH 455s Ex-HIGH 323s Ki determination (regeneration system) L/M test L/M test LOW 589s MIDDLE 433s HIGH 455s Ex-HIGH 323s H/Ex-H test H/Ex-H test Loading cycle

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