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The UNIVERSE of Universes , side view

WWW.TMRUSSIA.ORG – TEACHING MISSION IN RUSSIA. The UNIVERSE of Universes , side view. Dashed line shows a cross section one of Superuniverses. First outer space level *. Central part , The Grand Universe , which contains the seven Superuniverses evolving around Havona.

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The UNIVERSE of Universes , side view

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  1. WWW.TMRUSSIA.ORG –TEACHING MISSION IN RUSSIA The UNIVERSE of Universes, side view Dashed line shows a cross section one of Superuniverses First outer space level * Central part, The Grand Universe, which contains the seven Superuniverses evolving around Havona Second outer space level * Limit of the created space and time Third outer space level* The Forth and outermost space level * Зодчие Мироздания, планировщики вселенных, представляют собой правящий корпус Райских Трансценденталов, который объединяет 28.011 личностей Here are 7trillion of inhabitedplanets Beltofthegigantic darkgravitybodies, surroundingHavona. They are shown as transparent * - The image of the outer space levels is disproportional. But the proportions can be made by numbers of the Architects of the Master Universe, according to the table below. 25 millions light-years in width The central universe of Havona Spacezoneof comparative quiet about400 thousand light-years inwidth Gravity systems of master universe : Physical Gravity : The central universe and the surrounding seven superuniverses are at the present time making use of only about five per cent of the active functioning of the Paradise absolute-gravity grasp. Spiritual Gravity : At the present time practically the entire spirit gravity of the Eternal Son, computed on this theory of totality, is observable as functioning in the grand universe. It says, that the universes now evolving in outer space are at the present time wholly nonspiritual. Mind Gravity : About eighty-five per cent of the mind-gravity response to the intellectual drawing of the Infinite Spirit takes origin in the existing grand universe. This would suggest the possibility that mind activities are involved in connection with the observable physical activities now in progress throughout the realms of outer space. The intelligent force organizers are at present directing universe evolution in the space levels beyond the present outer limits of the grand universe. Whatever the nature of this postulated intelligence, it is apparently not spirit-gravity responsive. Personality Gravity : Personality Gravity directs by the Universal Father. Personality Gravity is possible to recognize, but it cannot be measured either qualitative or quantitative realities responsive thereto. (Ref.: Paper 12, page 132, Urantia Book, www.urantia.org) All forms of force-energy—material, mindal, or spiritual—are alike subject to those grasps, those universal presences, which Celestial Teachers call gravity. Personality also is responsive to gravity—to the Father's exclusive circuit.

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