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Senior Book 3

Senior Book 3. Lesson 57. On Reading. Designer: Wei Shuxin ( 石油高中 ). Tpye of class: Book Three is a different text book in which there are no dialogue parts,So lesson 57 is a reading text. My analysis consists of the following parts:. Text analysis

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Senior Book 3

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  1. Senior Book 3 Lesson 57 On Reading Designer: Wei Shuxin (石油高中)

  2. Tpye of class: Book Three is a different text book in which there are no dialogue parts,So lesson 57 is a reading text.

  3. My analysis consists of the following parts: Text analysis Dealing with the text Teaching methods and the foundation of them Teaching procedures Blockboard designing

  4. I.Text analysis 1.Status and function of the text This text is the first part of Unit 15“Study Skills”, which plays a very important role in both further understanding of the next part of the text and developing the students’ reading skills.

  5. As everyone knows teaching of reading is of great importance to all those senior high school students . I am sure the successful learning of the lesson may affect them all the life. The ability of reading is just part Of the ability of studying all one`s life.

  6. Meanwhile,this text has adopted some famous saying from Francis Bacon’s Well-known essay “OfStudy ”, which is written vividly and beautifully.

  7. 二.Teaching aims and theoretical foundation According to the Syllabus for Middle School:”English is a tool in communication“ and also according to the characteristics of this text : the original by Bacon,and there are a lot of idioms,

  8. colloquials and proverbs, so the aims of it will not only include the most important part____to foster theStudents’ reading skills, but

  9. to learn how these idoms come about,when to use them.In a word, we will reach the aims of not only understand- ing the important sentence structures but learning the text as a whole.

  10. 1.Knowledge aims To understand the linguistic Knowledge and functional Language.

  11. 2.Ability aims: 1).Train the students’ ability of using a dictionary; 2).Train the students’ability of gaining some specific information while reading; 3).let the students know the best way to learn reading is by reading;

  12. 4).Develop the students’ ability of creative thinking. 3.Emotional education: Through the learning of the text, Let students form the good habit of reading, encourage them to read more literature works to improve their reading skills.

  13. 三.The key and difficult points and solution 1.key point How to make the process of reading easy, meaningful,enjoy- able and frequent experience for the students.

  14. 2.difficult point: Try to let Ss understand that Reading is a kind of skill which Is not gained from being taught directly, teachers can only create the conditions and climate that will make it possible for Ss to plan the most efficient system for teaching themselves to read.

  15. 3.Solution: stimulate and response Stimulate the Ss’ interest and desire to read,there are many ways to arouse their interests we can do it according to different teaching materials; Train the Ss’ reading skills.

  16. 四.Teaching method Teaching method is designed to match teaching aims.According to the principle of communication, The teaching method in this text Is a combination method of reformed method,functional approach,inductive method,and Heuristic method,more exactly : pre-reading,while-reading , post-reading method.

  17. 五Learning direction All the teaching will be done Students centered,According to Psychology,the teachers can motivate the Ss through some external goals-such as potential financial reward.etc.

  18. 六.Teaching aids Computer,projector, recorder 七.Teaching procedures: Warm up: check the homework Pre-reading Presentation and discussion: 1.Words and expressions for active And passive uses 2.read aloud the four questions on the top of the text book and arrange the Ss to discuss them; 3.Ask the Ss in each group to speak out what they get from discussion;

  19. Skim reading for a general understanding; Scan reading to locate some specific information; Intensive reading for judging the main idea, the attitude of the writer, etc; While reading: Note making to extract the revelant information Discussion used the sentence structures learned in this text Consolidate the whole text Homework Post reading:

  20. Lesson 57 On Reading Reading methods On reading Tips on reading How to choose reading materials

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