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Learn about the dangers of Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) weapons, how they work, their effects on society and infrastructure, and ways to prepare for potential EMP scenarios. Get insights from official reports and understand the impact on critical systems like the power grid and transportation.
Electromagnetic Pulse Weapons Threats and Preparedness Travis Waack, KB9YRC Manitowoc County ARES/RACES
How EMP Works • Starfish Prime – In July 1962 a Nuclear Weapon was test detonated 250 mi above Johnston Island in the Pacific Ocean. • View from Honolulu, over 850 mi away, where ~300 street lights were knocked out and other disruptions to the telephone system were observed.
How EMP Works • Nuclear EMP – Photons from the gamma ray burst of a nuclear weapon detonation knock electrons out of orbit in atmospheric gases. These free electrons interact with the earth’s magnetic field to produce fluctuating currents, which results in an intense electromagnetic pulse.
How EMP Works • For a nuclear detonation to produce a substantial EMP, the detonation must occur at least 5 miles above the earth’s surface. • The most devastating EMP’s would be produced by nuclear detonations occurring 30 miles or more above the earth’s surface.
How EMP Works • Non-Nuclear EMP (eBomb) – Produced when an intense magnetic field within a coil is rapidly compressed by a super-sonic detonation of conventional explosives such as HMX, RDX, or PETN that directionally deconstructs the coil.
How EMP Works • Non-Nuclear EMPs (eBombs) have a much more limited range.
How EMP Works • Solar EMP – Solar EMP’s result from a coronal mass ejection from the sun that compresses the earth’s magnetic field inducing currents in long wires. • This is the least harmful form of EMP to individual electronics, but could cripple the power grid. • Preparedness actions, such as unplugging transceivers and disconnecting antennas, would be sufficient.
EMP Effects and Likelihood • Findings from the “Report of the Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from EMP Attack”: • “one of a small number of threats that can hold our society at risk of catastrophic consequences” • “might result in defeat of our military forces” • “unprecedented cascading failures of our major infrastructures could result”
EMP Effects and Likelihood • Additional findings from the Report: • “can seriously impact other important aspects of our Nation’s life, including the financial system; means of getting food, water, and medical care to the citizenry; trade; and production of goods and services” • “terrorists or state actors that possess relatively unsophisticated missiles armed with nuclear weapons may well calculate that, instead of destroying a city or military base, they may obtain the greatest political-military utility from one or a few such weapons by using them in an EMP attack” • Iran has recently expressed that the destruction of the United States is “not only desirable, but achievable”…EMP?
Likelihood of EMP Scenarios • In a September 2012 testimony to Congress, Rep. Franks of AZ stated: • Between 70 percent to 90 percent of the United States’ population could become unsustainable.” • “Currently, the vast majority of the United States’ infrastructure is unsecured and exposed.” • “The threat of an EMP weapon represents the single greatest asymmetric capability that could fall into the hands of American enemies.”
Likelihood of EMP Scenarios • Wisconsin, particularly Eastern and Southeastern Wisconsin, would receive significant EMP from a missile launched from a ship in the Atlantic or Gulf.
EMP Effects and Preparations • The Nation’s complex and aging power grid would likely be the most impacted system, causing multiple, cascading power outages that could last for years due to unique parts.
EMP Effects and Preparations • Cars, Trucks, and Semi-Trucks may be rendered useless based on the following variables: • Strength of the EMP • Whether the vehicle is parked in a garage and the construction of the garage: steel, concrete, wood, etc. • Age of the vehicle, pre-1982 don’t have as many electronics and may survive even a strong EMP. • Preparedness measures: • Learn to restart your car’s computer by disconnecting and reconnecting the battery • Identify other modes of transportation: bike, moped, riding lawn mower, ATV, etc. that may be able to get you to essential locations.
EMP Effects and Preparations • Many industrial control systems and backup safety mechanism could be damaged or destroyed leading to fires, HazMat incidents, and radiological leaks and many other secondary disasters. • Nuclear Power Plants might be particularly susceptible, if not because of direct damage, then because of a loss of diesel supply to keep cooling system operational in a complete loss of the power grid.
EMP Effects and Preparations • If Nuclear Power Plants meltdown, traditional evacuations may not be possible due to loss of vehicles. • Preparedness Measures: • Stockpile Potassium Iodide for your Family • Obtain Gas Masks and Disposable Overalls
EMP Effects and Preparations • Fuel supply shortages due to loss of the transportation network and power grid. • Preparedness measures: • Stock ~20 gal of stabilized gasoline to use in generators, working cars, or alternative means of transportation. • Purchase a manually operated fuel transfer pump to obtain fuel stuck in disabled cars or tanks.
EMP Effects and Preparations • Water supply shortages due to loss of power grid. • Preparedness measures: • Stock as much water in your home as you can. • Stock regular, unscented bleach and purchase a filter to treat rainwater, stream water, melted snow, etc.
EMP Effects and Preparations • Sewer disruption due to loss of the power grid. • Preparedness measures: • Get a “luggable loo” with lots of extra waist bags. • Install backflow preventers on your basement drains. • Disruptions in the supply of food and medicine due to loss of power grid and transportation system. • Preparedness measures: • Stock up on food, vitamins, and prescription medications
EMP Effects and Preparations • The electronic banking and financial transaction system would fail. • Preparedness measures: • Have some cash on hand at home in mixed billed in small denominations.
EMP Effects and Preparations • Loss of electricity due to failure of power grid • Preparedness measures: • Get a generator, if you have plenty of fuel… • Get a solar power unit to power radios and essential electronics • Get an alternative heat source, such as wood stove, in your home • Get an alternative cooking source, such as kerosene camp stove (outdoor use only!!!)
EMP Effects and Preparations • Many modern electronics would be burned out because of the sensitive nature of semiconductors. • LED Flashlights • Televisions and AM/FM Radios • Digital Wrist Watches • Computers • Telecommunications System, including Cell Phones, Landline Phones, Satellite Phones, and Radios • Pretty much everything electronic could be severely damaged or destroyed if you are within range of the EMP, even some vacuum tubes could be susceptible…smoke signals will still work!
EMP Protection • Protection is easy and inexpensive!
EMP Protection • Any closed metal container will serve as a Faraday Cage, directing the EMP around the items inside.
EMP Protection • Wire mesh faraday cages may offer substantial protection against lower frequencies, but may not protect against brief microwave pulses from an EMP.
EMP Protection • A Faraday Cage does not need a ground… • We are not trying to ground the charge, just direct it around our electrical devices. • The net charge inside a Faraday Cage is zero with or without a ground, some speculate a ground may increase risk! • A Faraday Cage does not need an insulator inside… • The skin effect at 1,000 KHz is generally less than 0.1 mm. • The skin effect at 30,000 KHz is generally less than 0.01 mm. • This assumes the container has a tight conductive seal. • It’s not a bad idea, just in case…
EMP Protection • Galvanized steel garbage cans provide a very inexpensive, effective EMP protection container. Other protective containers include: • Ammo Cans • Steel Fire Safes • Tech Protect Faraday Bags (www.techprotectbag.com, 8” X 16” - $8.95)
EMP Protection • Testing the EMP Protection Value of a Faraday Cage: • Place a AM radio tuned to a powerful local station inside your faraday cage. The signal should be COMPLETELY blocked. • Place a cell phone inside your faraday cage. It should not be able to receive calls or text messages. A steel garbage can with a tightly closing steel lid is the cheapest, most effective EMP faraday cage!
Summary • The threat of an EMP from a nuclear, ebomb, or solar source is a real and could cripple infrastructure, emergency services, and the military. • In order to communicate as an ARES/RACES member, you must be prepared so you are not the 70-90% who will not survive the collapse. • In order to communicate as an ARES/RACES member, you must also store your old or spare equipment inside a faraday cage. • We might be the only communication service that survives if we take these steps TODAY…
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