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Today’s Webinar. Introductions. Laws/Expectations Addressed During Webinar. Overview and Basics Overview of Colorado Charter Schools Act C.R.S. 22-30.5-101 to 22-30.5-117 Staffing Background Checks (C.R.S. 22-30.5-110.5, 22-30.5-110.7) Highly Qualified Requirements S.B. 191 Guidance
Today’s Webinar • Introductions
Laws/Expectations Addressed During Webinar • Overview and Basics • Overview of Colorado Charter Schools Act • C.R.S. 22-30.5-101 to 22-30.5-117 • Staffing • Background Checks (C.R.S. 22-30.5-110.5, 22-30.5-110.7) • Highly Qualified Requirements • S.B. 191 Guidance • Finance • Financial Transparency Act (C.R.S. 22-44-301 to 22-44-304) • Educational Program • READ Act (C.R.S. 22-7-1201 to C.R.S. 22-7-1213) • English Language Proficiency Act (C.R.S.22-24-101 to C.R.S 22-24-106) • Education of Gifted Children (C.R.S. 22-20-201 to C.R.S. 22-20-206) • School Accountability Committee (C.R.S. 22-11-401 to C.R.S. 22-11-402)
Other Laws in Other Webinars • Available on the NSD Webinar Archive at: http://coloradoleague.org/?page=nsdtrainings • Overview of the State Accountability System • Developing a Performance Management Strategy • Overview of Special Education and the RtI Process • Governance 101
Start with the Basics • Colorado School Laws Book • Issued in October of each year • One book per school through the CDE Schools of Choice Unit • You can access up to date statutes online at: http://www.lexisnexis.com/hottopics/colorado/ • Waivers • State waivers: http://www.cde.state.co.us/cdechart/waivers.asp
Start with the Basics • Stay up-to-date with the League http://coloradoleague.org/?page=legislativeupdates
Colorado Charter Schools Act • Charter Schools Act • C.R.S. 22-30.5-101 to C.R.S. 22-30.5-117
Staffing • Background Checks (C.R.S. 22-30.5-110.5, 22-30.5-110.7) • Highly Qualified Requirements • S.B. 191 Guidance
Background Checks (C.R.S. 22-30.5-110.5, 22-30.5-110.7) • What is it? • Part of the Colorado Charter School Act that specifies that the charter schools shall conduct a background investigation of an applicant who is offered employment. • An inquiry needs to be made to CDE regarding the candidate – to ensure that the applicant has not had his/her license revoked or been dismissed by another school/school district with allegations and evidence around unlawful sexual behavior and other allegations. • Other specific background requirements • Fingerprints • Previous employers • CDE Schools of Choice listserv for Colorado Bureau of Investigation updates.
Qualified Teachers What is it? Under NCLB (aka ESEA) all teachers teaching in core-academic content areas must meet Highly Qualified requirements as of the end of the 2006-07 school year. NOTE: under newly passed federal legislation (ESSA), states will be responsible for determining the requirements for highly qualified teachers. The state of Colorado has recently made this determination and best practice is to either continue to follow the former NCLB rules or adopt the “in-field” standard recently adopted by the State Board http://www.cde.state.co.us/fedprograms/essa Core-academic content areas include: English, Reading or Language Arts; Mathematics; Science; Foreign Languages; Social Studies; and the Arts (visual arts and music). 10
Highly Qualified or In-field Teachers To be considered highly-qualified, all core content teachers must: - Hold a degree • Be fully licensed (except teachers in charter schools that have been waived from licensing by the State Board of Education) • Demonstrate subject matter competency To be considered in-field, (C.R.S 22-63-201) all teachers assigned to teach in a subject area must hold a valid license unless waived and/or hold at least one of the following: http://www.cde.state.co.us/FedPrograms/tii/a_hqt.asp • Endorsement on a Colorado teaching license • Hold a Degree (B.A. or higher) • 36 semester credit hours • Passing score on a State Board of Education approved content exam (currently the ETS Praxis Series)
Highly Qualified Teachers • Subject matter competency was demonstrated by at least one of the following: • Elementary (Grades K-6) • Passing a Colorado elementary content test (e.g., PLACE, PRAXIS II), • Passing an approved elementary content test in another state, • Earning National Board Certification in elementary, or • Passing the elementary HOUSSE (Highly Objective Uniform State Standard of Evaluation) provision (if eligible). - Secondary (Grades 6-12) • Earning an endorsement in assigned field, • Holding a degree in assigned field, • Passing a Colorado content test in assigned field (e.g., PLACE, PRAXIS II), • Earning 24-semester hours in assigned field, • Earning National Board Certification in assigned field, or • Passing a secondary multi-subject HOUSSE provision (if eligible).
Highly Qualified or In-field Teachers • Considerations for charter schools • Did you or are you planning to waive teacher licensure • Do you have a process in place to capture the necessary evidence of meeting your school’s HQ of In-field requirements upon employment? • If you have a middle school or junior high program, HQ and In-field is flexible and can either be the elementary requirements or secondary requirements for endorsements depending on your program.
Highly Qualified & In-field Teachers • Still have questions? • You can find a number of resources on the CDE website at: http://www.cde.state.co.us/fedprograms/tii/a_hqt • You can also contact Brad Bylsma, 303-866-6937, bylsma_b@cde.state.co.us
S.B. 10-191:Great Teachers and Leaders Bill • What is it? • Legislation that passed in the 2010 session focused on teacher and leader quality for Colorado’s public schools. • Impacted statutes must have waivers 22-9-106, and 22-2-112(1)(q)(I) • Essential components are important for charters.
S.B. 10-191:Great Teachers and Leaders Bill • Essential components are important for charter schools: • Standards-based, roles and responsibilities. • At least fifty percent of the evaluation tied to the academic growth of students. • Evaluation policy and communication about performance. • Conducted annually. • Reporting results to authorizer and state.
S.B. 10-191:Great Teachers and Leaders Bill • Considerations for Charter Schools • What are the authorizer expectations for teacher and leader evaluation? • Did we align the process described in our charter application and/or waiver replacement to the “essential components” in the guidance from CDE?
S.B. 10-191:Great Teachers and Leaders Bill • Resources • CDE Guidance for charter and innovation: http://www.cde.state.co.us/cdechart/evaluationandtsdlguidance • CDE Educator Effectiveness: http://www.cde.state.co.us/EducatorEffectiveness/ • Charter School Samples: charter411@coloradoleague.org
Finance • Financial Transparency Act (C.R.S. 22-44-301 to 22-44-304)
Financial Transparency Act (C.R.S. 22-44-301 to 22-44-304) • What is it? • Legislation that passed in 2010. • The intent is to allow: • Members of the public to gain a better understanding of how public dollars are being spent. • Schools/Educators to learn from each other about efficiencies and cost savings.
Financial Transparency Act (C.R.S. 22-44-301 to 22-44-304) Requirements • All documents must be posted or updated within 60 days after completion or receipt of the applicable report, statement or document. • Prior two budget years' financial information shall be maintained on-line, in a downloadable format, for free public access, until the end of the current budget year. Required Financial Information • Annual Budgets: • Uniform Budget Summary Sheet (XLSX) http://www.cde.state.co.us/cdefinance/fy17-18-uniform-budget-summaryAlthough the Uniform Budget Summary Sheet does not meet mandatory budget content as required in 22-44-105 C.R.S., it is required to be included in the budget. • Financial Audit • Salary Schedules or Policies • Financial Data File for FY17-18 (current and prior year: e.g. FY16-17 and FY15-16) • List of Waivers Received by the School District / Charter School • Other Specific Financial Information • Link to Financial Transparency for Colorado Schools website: https://coloradok12financialtransparency.com
Financial Transparency Act (C.R.S. 22-44-301 to 22-44-304) • Considerations for charter schools • How will we ensure compliance with the Financial Transparency Act? • Who will be responsible for putting together and posting the information? • Resources • CDE Public School Finance webpage: http://www.cde.state.co.us/index_finance.htm • Visit other school pages: http://www.americanacademyk8.org/financials.aspx
Educational Program • READ Act (C.R.S. 22-7-1201 to C.R.S. 22-7-1213) • English Language Proficiency Act (C.R.S. 22-24-101 to C.R.S. 22-24-106) • Education of Gifted Children (C.R.S. 22-20-201 to C.R.S. 22-20-206) • School Accountability Committee (C.R.S. 22-11-401 to C.R.S. 22-11-406)
Reading To Ensure Academic Development Act (READ Act) (C.R.S. 22-7-1201 to C.R.S. 22-7-1213) • What is it? • Passed by the Colorado Legislature during the 2012 legislative session. • Repeals the Colorado Basic Literacy Act (CBLA). • Focused on K-3 literacy, assessment, and individual plans for students reading below grade level. • Focused on students identified as having a significant reading deficiency, delineating requirements for parent communication, and providing funding to support intervention. • Competitive Early Literacy Grant and a resource bank of assessments, instructional programming, and professional development programs.
Reading To Ensure Academic Development Act (READ Act) (C.R.S. 22-7-1201 to C.R.S. 22-7-1213) • Requirements • Requires the use of approved interim assessment for all K-3 students. • http://www.cde.state.co.us/coloradoliteracy/readact/resourcebank
Reading To Ensure Academic Development Act (READ Act) (C.R.S. 22-7-1201 to C.R.S. 22-7-1213) • Requirements • Based on the results of the interim assessment, students identified as having a significant reading deficiency will be assessed with an approved diagnostic assessment. • Development of READ Plans • --The READ Act requires the creation and implementation of an individual intervention plan, called a READ plan, for students identified with a significant reading deficiency. The law outlines specific components that must be included in a READ plan to ensure the effectiveness of the intervention strategies, but each READ plan must be tailored to meet the individual needs of each student. http://www.cde.state.co.us/communications/20171219readhighlights#whatissrd
Reading To Ensure Academic Development Act (READ Act) (C.R.S. 22-7-1201 to C.R.S. 22-7-1213) • Requirements • Developing a READ Plan for students identified with significant reading deficiencies. Screen shot from CDE presentation
Reading To Ensure Academic Development Act (READ Act) (C.R.S. 22-7-1201 to C.R.S. 22-7-1213) • Considerations for Charter Schools • Does our educational program and support align with the requirements of the READ Act? • How will we train teachers in the READ Act? • What assessments will we use? • How will we support students identified with significant reading deficiencies? • How will we capture and use the data? Assessments, READ Plans, etc. • How will we report the data to our authorizer and the state?
Reading To Ensure Academic Development Act (READ Act) (C.R.S. 22-7-1201 to C.R.S. 22-7-1213) • Resources • CDE READ Act web page: http://www.cde.state.co.us/coloradoliteracy/ReadAct/index.asp • READ Act handout: http://www.cde.state.co.us/sites/default/files/documents/coloradoliteracy/readact/download/colorado%20read%20act%20handout%2011%208%2012%20final%20for%20printing.pdfAccess the full READ Act at: http://www.cde.state.co.us/sites/default/files/documents/coloradoliteracy/readact/download/hb%201238%20final%20version.pdf • READ Act Rules: http://www.cde.state.co.us/sites/default/files/documents/coloradoliteracy/readact/download/read%20act%20rules%20for%20state%20board%20rulemaking%20hearing%203-6-13%20final%20adopted%20by%20board%20march%2013%2C%202013.pdf • For more information contact: • Alex Frazier: frazier_A@cde.state.co.us • Whitney Hutton: hutton_W@cde.state.co.us • Donna Bright: bright_d@cde.state.co.us • Marisa Calzadillas: calzadillas_m@cde.state.co.us
English Language Proficiency Act (C.R.S.22-24-101 to C.R.S 22-24-106) What is it? - Addresses a critical need to support students whose educational potential is severely restricted by their lack of proficiency with the English Language. This Act recognizes the need to provide for transitional programs to improve the English language skills of these students.
English Language Proficiency Act (C.R.S.22-24-101 to C.R.S 22-24-106) Requirements: A school/district must establish an effective and systematic procedure to identify all students with limited English proficiency. The identification, assessment, and placement procedure must include: 1. Home language surveys (HLS) to be completed as part of the registration process for all students to identify those whose Primary or Home Language is Other Than English (PHLOTE). Once completed, all surveys should be on file and easily accessible by school and district staff and available for state audits. 2. WIDA-ACCESS (Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State-to-State) - See more at: http://www.cde.state.co.us/assessment/ela-transition_faq#sthash.yBis9OEH.dpufproficiency assessment to be administered to all new to the district students identified as PHLOTE, within 30 days of arrival to determine English language proficiency, and annually to monitor progress. • Parent notification for students identified for placement in a Language Instruction Educational Program (LIEP). 4. Placement in LIEP services for students identified as ELs.
English Language Proficiency Act (C.R.S.22-24-101 to C.R.S 22-24-106) Considerations for Charter Schools • Are we prepared to assess and serve students with limited English proficiency? • What is our plan to serve these students and how will we allocate resources (time, people, and money) to implement it? Resources CDE Language Culture and Equity: http://www.cde.state.co.us/cde_english/index.htm Serving English Language Learners: A Toolkit for Public Charter Schools: http://www.publiccharters.org/publications/serving-english-language-learners-toolkit-public-charter-schools/
Education of Gifted Children (C.R.S. 22-20-201 to C.R.S. 22-20-206) • What is it? • Passed in legislation in 2011, to ensure that gifted children are identified and supported. • Part of the Education of Exceptional Children. • Advanced Learning Plans (ALP) are created for qualified gifted and talented learners.
Education of Gifted Children (C.R.S. 22-20-201 to C.R.S. 22-20-206) • Considerations for Charter Schools • How will we identify and support gifted learners? • What is our authorizers support and programming for gifted learners? • What is our relationship with the authorizer in supporting our students?
Education of Gifted Children (C.R.S. 22-20-201 to C.R.S. 22-20-206) • Resources • Nikki Myers, Director at Academy of Advanced and Creative Learners, presentation materials at the Colorado Charter Schools Conference: (See webinar documents on League website.) • CDE Gifted and Talented resources: http://www.cde.state.co.us/gt/index.htm • http://www.cde.state.co.us/gt/resources.htm • Colorado Association for Gifted and Talented: http://www.coloradogifted.org/
School Accountability Committee (C.R.S. 22-11-401 to C.R.S. 22-11-402) • What is it? • Colorado Revised Statutes 22-11-401 and 22-11-402. These are new statutes replacing the School Advisory Council statutes (22-7-106 and 22-7-107) • The statute includes creation, qualification, elections, powers and duties of the School Accountability Committees.
School Accountability Committee (C.R.S. 22-11-401 to C.R.S. 22-11-402) Each school accountability committee shall consist of at least seven members as follows: (I) The principal of the school or the principal's designee;(II) At least one teacher who provides instruction at the school;(III) At least three parents or legal guardians of students enrolled in the school;(IV) At least one adult member of an organization of parents, teachers, and students recognized by the school; and(V) At least one person from the community.
School Accountability Committee (C.R.S. 22-11-401 to C.R.S. 22-11-402) Each school accountability committee shall have the following powers and duties: (a) Make recommendations to the principal of its school priorities for spending school moneys. (b) Advise the principal of the school concerning the preparation of a school performance or improvement plan, if either is required pursuant to section 22-11-210, and submit recommendations to the principal concerning the contents of the performance or improvement plan; (c) Advise the local school board concerning the preparation of a school priority improvement or turnaround plan, if either is required pursuant to section 22-11-210, and submit recommendations to the local school board concerning the contents of the priority improvement or turnaround plan; (d) To meet at least quarterly to discuss whether school leadership, personnel, and infrastructure are advancing or impeding implementation of the public school's performance, improvement, priority improvement, or turnaround plan, whichever is applicable, or other progress pertinent to the public school's accreditation contract with the local school board or the institute.
School Accountability Committee (C.R.S. 22-11-401 to C.R.S. 22-11-402) • Considerations for charter schools • Do you have or plan to have a committee to provide input for school improvement? • Do you have expectations or a description established for the role of this committee and reporting guidelines? • Does your school have a plan with your authorizer to ensure the authorizer provides the school with all student level data in an electronic form and in a timely manner?
School Accountability Committee (C.R.S. 22-11-401 to C.R.S. 22-11-402) • Resources • Appendix I: Understanding the Role of School Accountability Committees in Charter Schools – Part of the CDE’s District Accountability Handbook (http://www.cde.state.co.us/Accountability/). • In appreciation to Kelly Grable Chrisman for consulting on this webinar.