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HELLENIC REPUBLIC MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, LIFELONG LEARNING and RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS GENERAL SECRETARIAT FOR RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technology The Role of the General Secretariat for Research and Technology/GSRTActivities for the support of the National ParticipationThe Role and Tasks of a National Contact PointsNetwork Athens, 20 September 2011 Dr. A. Pappa, Head of EU Division M. Koutrokoi Hellenic Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning and Religious Affairs General Secretariat for Research and Technology Directorate of International S&T Cooperation/European Union Division
Питання, що розглядаються в презентації • 7 Рамкова Програма з досліджень і технологічного розвитку • Участь країн 3 світу у 7Рамковій Програмі • Генеральний Секретаріат з досліджень та технологічного розвитку • Генеральний Секретаріат з питань наукових досліджень та технологій: схема організаційної структури • Обов’язки та роль Управління у Міжнародному Співробітництві та його Підрозділи в Європейському Союзі • Національні Представники в 7 Рамковій Програмі та в інших програмах – їх роль та завдання • Національне Координаційне Бюро/НКБ 7 Рамкової Програми: Підготовка • Співпраця Національних Представників і НКБ та мережа Європейських Організацій з підтримки Національної Участі
The 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development • The Seventh Framework Programme/FP7 for Research and Technological Development, is the EU's main instrument for funding research in Europe and it will run from 2007-2013. • This policy complements the national RTD policy of Member States/M-S of the European Union/EU • Following to the Lisbon strategy which among others, decided the creation of the ERA/European Research Area, specific activities are foreseen for the coordination of EU (FP7, etc) national policies (pooling of resources) like ERA-NET, INCO-NET, Article 185, 171, etc • In the FP7 can participate and receive funding the eligible bodies of the: *Member States/EU * Associated countries - with science and technology cooperation agreements that involved contributing to the framework programme budget *Candidate countries– currently recognised as candidates for future accession * Third Countries
The Participation of the 3rd Countries to the FP7 • The FP7 and its research activities are opening for the participation of legal entities from all third countries, i.e. from high income countries as well as from middle and low income countries dentified as International Cooperation Partner Country (ICPC). • Some topics in the work Programme of its thematic Priority/sub Programme of the FP7, in areas of mutual interest and benefit, may target the participation of legal entities from a specific third country, from a group of countries, or from a region. In this case, the active participation of the relevant third country partner or partners should add to the scientific and/or technological excellence of the project and/or lead to an increased impact of the research to be undertaken. These aspects will be considered specifically during the evaluation procedure. • The participation of third countries may also be implemented in the form of specific measures such as coordinated calls, twinning of projects, use of matching funds or mutual opening. Source: European Commission – WorkProgrammes of FP7
The General Secretariat for Research and Technology/GSRT • The General Secretariat for Research and Technology/GSRT of the Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning and Religious Affairs is the official governmental/Public Body responsible for the design, planning, implementation and monitoring of policy on Research and Technology • GSRT is, also, responsible to represent Greece, for the RTD issues, in the International and European level (eg. EU, OECD, ESA, etc) • Moreover GSRT isresponsible for: -Monitoring and evaluating National R&D policy and funding R&D initiatives - Supporting the research activities of both the country's scientific research institutes and those of its productive industry, focusing on areas that are important for the national economy and for the improvement of the quality of life - Supervising the Research Centres
The General Secretariat for Research and Technology/GSRT: Organogram The General Secretariat for Research and Technology/GSRT consists of the following Directorates and independent Departments: • Directorate for Planning and Programming • Directorate for International S*T Cooperation • Directorate for Supervision of Research Centres • Directorate for the support of Research Programmes • Directorate for Technological Development • Directorate for Informatics • Administration Directorate • Independent Department for the management of the structural funds • Independent Department for Publications – Conferences and Exhibitions
The responsibilities and the role of the Directorate for International S*T Cooperation and its Division/unit of the European Union • The Directorate of International S&T Cooperation is responsible to Coordinate (monitoring) the International R&D Cooperation (EU, International Organisations, Bilateral S*T Cooperation) and consists of three Divisions/units (including the European Union Division) • The European Union Division is responsible to: - Nominate the National Representatives (according to the national Call for Expression of Interest), for its Thematic Priority/Sub Programme and the Network of the National Contact Points /NCPs Network of the FP7 and Europe Enterprise Network - Establish of National action plan/activities plan regarding the support of the national participation to each Thematic Priority and Sub Programme of FP7 - Prepare the National Strategy and proposals for the forthcoming “HORIZON 2020” Programme - Ensure the cooperation between the National representatives and the appropriate target groups and the NCPs Network and Enterprise Europe Network
The National Representatives of the FP7 and other Programmes – their role and tasks • National Representatives: - participate in the Meetings of the relevant Programme Committee – announce and support the national priorities/according to the National Strategy/road map of each specific Thematic area of FP7 - Collaborate with the EU Division/unit in order to establish and promote the national priorities for each Thematic area of FP7 - provide feedback to the GSRT - Collaborate with the NCPs Network and Enterprise Europe Network in order to keep inform the national target groups for the Call for Proposals and the other initiatives of the FP7
National Contact Points/NCPsof FP7: BackgroundThe EU unit of the Directorate of International S&T Cooperation is responsible for the nomination, coordination, monitoring of the National NCPs and Enterprise Europe Network Compulsory characteristics of the NCPs • Be fully capable of communicating competently with their European and national colleagues, and to be already well informed about the nature, objectives and principles of the Join Call and its areas concerned. • Be competent to provide assistance services to the different kinds of proposers/ actors (researchers, SMEs,industry etc). • Be able to work/follow to strict deontological requirements, that is, to act as independent organisation(s), being committed to complete impartiality in delivering their services and avoiding any situations which may give rise to a conflict of interests. • Be able to act with complete confidentiality as regards the information which comes into their possession or has become known to them as part of their advisory activities towards clients. Source: European Commission/ Guiding Principles of NCPs
Collaboration of the National Representatives and the NCPs and Enterprise Europe Network for the support of National participation: Activities and services Awareness Activities – Dissemination of Information - Support to the target groups • Collaboration between Nat. Representatives and NCPs – coordination and supervision by GSRT • Announcement of the Calls of the FP7 to the web sites of the: GSRT and NCPs • Preparation of a Data-Base which will include the stakeholders and “key players” of its Thematic Priority/Programme of the FP7 • Raise awareness/ Provide information about CfP via target/mass e-mails and press releases –Preparation and dissemination of electronic newsletters • Organisation/Co-organisation of events for the Dissemination of information: Information Day, Brokerage Events or other Info-events such as seminars training sessions and/or info-days/workshops addresses especially/particularly for the new actors and for the specific target groups (eg. SMEs) – Dissemination of Information material (eg. Leaflets, etc) • NCPs’ help Desk operation and provide support for the preparation, submission of proposals- evaluation criteria and support for the implementation of the projects • Statistical analysis and monitoring of the national participation • Establish collaboration with the NCPs Network of FP7 in EU countries in order to raise awareness (through them) and to provide announcements to their web-sites