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SEPARATING MIXTURES. SEPARATING MIXTURES. Discuss with a partner how you would separate the following mixtures… Salt water Muddy water Iron filings and sand Vegetable oil and sand Vegetable oil and water Salt and pepper Be prepared to defend your answers!
SEPARATING MIXTURES Discuss with a partner how you would separate the following mixtures… Salt water Muddy water Iron filings and sand Vegetable oil and sand Vegetable oil and water Salt and pepper Be prepared to defend your answers! DISCUSSION QUESTION Are the components you have separated still mixtures, or are they pure? Why or why not?
Sorting separating substances based on appearance (colour, size, texture) some recycling programs require the driver to separate glass, plastic, and paper
Floating and Settling allow heaviermaterialstosettle to the bottomof aliquidand extractthemwitha tool if a substance is light enough, it will float to the top of a liquid and a tool can be used to skim it from the surface
Sifting • separating solids by size • involves passing solid materials through a screen or mesh • parts that are small enough to pass through are separated from larger ones that can’t fit through • different than filtration; • filtration is used to separate solids from liquidsor gases • sifting separates solids fromothersolids
Magnetism somemetalsaremagneticbecausetheircomponentparticlesareattractedtotheparticleswithinmagnets a magnetcanbeusedtoseparatemagneticmaterials(iron,steel)fromothers(plasticdashboards,rubbertires)
SEPARATING SOLUTIONS-Filtration separatingsolidsfromliquidsorgases whensolutionispouredthroughfilter,solidpartsaretrapped,andliquidorgaspassthrough ifthesolidissmallenough,itmaystillpassthroughthefilter.ex:saltdissolvedinwater Coffee filter Oil filter Furnace filter Colander
Evaporation Change of state from a liquid to a gas. Used to recover a solid solute from a solution.
Chromatography Chromatography is a method for separating and identifying the different components of a mixture Chromatography works because substances in a mixture move at different rates through the test paper
Distillation Uses two changes of state: evaporation and condensation. It allows you to recover BOTH the solute and solvent from a solution. Solution is boiled, which vaporizes the solvent and separates it from the solute Gas condenses on a cool surface and is collected
SEPARATION TECHNIQUES IN THE HOME Colanders Clothes dryers Window screens Coffee percolators Salad spinners Any others?