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Empowering indigenous women and improving their access to intercultural maternal health services in the Andean region. UN Inter-Agency Support Group on Indigenous Peoples Issues New York, November 2011 Martha N Murdock, FCI on behalf of UNFPA LACRO, ENLACE CONTINENTAL and FCI.
Empowering indigenous women and improving their access to intercultural maternal health services in the Andean region UN Inter-Agency Support Group on Indigenous Peoples Issues New York, November 2011 Martha N Murdock, FCI on behalf of UNFPA LACRO, ENLACE CONTINENTAL and FCI
Mujer Indígena: Salud y DerechosOnbehalf of projectpartners: -UNFPA LACRO - Enlace Continental de Mujeres Indígenas (Continental Network of IndigenousWomen) - FCI Othercorepartners: CEPAL/CELADE, ORAS-CONHUSpanishGovernment (AECID) support (2008 – 2011) Enlace Continental de MujeresIndígenas
Mujer Indígena: Salud y Derechos • Strengthen capacity of regional networks of indigenous women to influence policy making on gender equality, maternal health and reproductive rights • Strengthen sub/regional partnershipsto promote culturally-sensitive strategies for reducing maternal mortality among indigenous women and promote the health systemsuse of these strategies
Initiative launched in response to the recommendations of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (5th and 6th sessions) Report on the 5th session (2006) Art. 48.The Permanent Forum, (...) further recommends that all relevant UN entities (...), as well as regional health organizations and Governments, fully incorporate a cultural perspective into health policies, programmes and reproductive health services aimed at providing indigenous women with quality health care, including emergency obstetric care, voluntary family planning and skilled attendance at birth. Report on the 6th session (2007) Art. 62.(..) The Forum encourages those agencies to share their experience in health programming for indigenous peoples with other relevant United Nations agencies working in the field.
Buildingstrategicsynergies Indigenouswomenunmetneed of maternal health (MH) serivces Availability of culturallyresponsive MH services • WithContinental Network of IndigenousWomen: • Identify priorities for improving SRH and promote access to services • Develop advocacy strategies that respond to needs • Build advocacy capacity and promote dialogue with the health sector • WithMinistries of Health: • Review MH norms and regulations to assess degree of inclusion of intercultural approach • Identify best practices • Build consensus around basic standards for MH culturally responsive services.
Steps in Process UNFPA LACRO, with Ministries of Health (Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru, Guatemala and Honduras), Enlace Continental and FCI, worked to generate advocacy and policy dialogue with indigenous women's organizations to • Empower indigenous women in maternal health and gender • Advance maternal health policies and strengthen their implementation.
1. Participatory assessments of SRH/MH priorities with indigenous women's organizations. Bolivia / Ecuador / Peru
2. Capacity Building in Advocacy Continental Network of Indigenous Women: • Validating key messages • Mapping advocacy opportunities • Capacity building with IWN • South to South exchange • Position RH and gender of IW in regional and global alliances UNFPA and Technical Partners (FCI, CEPAL): • Advocacy Tools: • Knowledge sharing in RH • Facilitate linkages with policy bodies and technical partners (PAHO) • Supporting policy reform • Monitoring and resource mobilization
3. Participatory development of tools and methodologies to strengthen institutional capacity of indigenous women’s organizations • Participatory development of advocacy and educational materials. • Capacity building in SRH : MH, contraception, cervical cancer, etc. • Development of outreach and monitoring campaigns • Diversifying leadership and involving male leaders
4. Fostering Sub-Regional Dialogue Creating venues for regional and national political dialogue, to build awareness and linkages between indigenous women organizations, political bodies and technical agencies • Regional technical meeting on intercultural approach in maternal health regulations. Quito, Sept 2010. • High level meeting on intercultural health for indigenous women. Lima, June 2011 • Regional technical meeting with indigenous leaders on advocacy, Santa Cruz, March 2011
5. MAPPING of maternal healthnorms: degree of inclusion of cultural factors (BOL / ECU / PER / GUAT / HON) • Participatory review of how MH norms and regulations incorporate cultural components of quality of care • Validation of findings with IWN, MOH and key stakeholders • Mapping findings to foster dialogue between regulation units of MOH and intercultural care departments, around maternal and reproductive health.
6. Participatory review of intercultural maternal health services: norms, guidelines and degree of implementation • National review – Regional trends • Regional recommendations (inter-ministerial entity linking Ministries of Health in Andean Region: OrganismoAndino de Salud, ORAS-CONHU)
7. Advocacy for high level political commitment to increase efforts to reduce maternal mortality among indigenous women • Lima Declaration, June 2011. Salud sexual y reproductiva intercultural: por la reducción de las muertes maternas en mujeres indígenas, subscribedby MOH of Bolivia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Perú and Venezuela • Declaración de las Mujeres Indígenas de América Latina sobre Salud Reproductiva Intercultural, June 2011. Subscribedbyindigenouswomen’sorganizationsfrom ARG, BOL, ECU, GUAT, HON, PERU. • Declaración de Cajamarca, Octubre 2011. Salud intercultural desde los pueblos indígenas. Signedbytheabove, plus BRA, CHI, MEX and PAR.
8. Regional high level advocacy campaign to build awareness and promote policy dialogue.
9. Dialogue on basic standards for intercultural maternal health services • Development of a proposal of basics standards of intercultural maternal health services, to promote quality of care, ensure right to health, strengthen monitoring and evaluation of services. • Led by MOH of Bolivia and Ecuador, input ORAS-CONHU • Technical input UNFPA, PAHO
RH and rights positioned in the agenda of Indigenous Women’s Networks (IWN) • Increased knowledge on indigenous women’s right to maternal health in multicultural contexts among all stakeholders • Strengthened advocacy capacity of IWN in maternal health and gender • Social monitoringsystemsbyIWN strengthened. • New advocacy venues for policy dialogue created (regionally and nationally) • Diversified leadership on these issues
Advances in PolicyDevelopment in Health Sector • Identification of regulatory gaps • Development of shared recommendations for strengthening normative framework • Application of new constitutional frameworks that recognize cultural diversity
Enabling Sub-Regional ContextforJointProgramming • Increased attention to cultural barriers to maternal health at regional and global levels (UN, The Lancet, MMR Interagency Group, PAHO Regional Plan for MMR, etc.) • Maternal mortality and RH of indigenous women recognized in agenda of human rights, gender, youth, demographic and other technical partners • High-level political opportunities created to monitor, advance and operationalize intercultural models of maternal health.
“Poder hablar de nuestra salud, lo importante de hablar sobre la salud de las mujeres: yo decido, soy dueña de mi cuerpo.” Justa Cabrera, CNAMIB " ¡Gracias!