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If you build a better mousetrap, the world will beat a path to your door??? (product orientation). You could not just provide a product or service to the market and assume that consumers will buy it.
If you build a better mousetrap, the world will beat a path to your door??? (product orientation)
You could not just provide a product or service to the market and assume that consumers will buy it.
Today, successful firms need to identify target markets or distinct groups of people who might prefer a particular product, and position products and services to satisfy customers in those markets.Firms need to tie theirmarketing strategyto theiroverall business strategy.
Marketing strategy Products and services Product development Product life-cycle Packaging Branding Pricing Promotion mix Push vs. Pull Global marketing strategies Meaning (行銷) The process of determining customer wants and needs, then providing those customers with goods, services, and ideas that satisfy their expectations. Marketing mix (行銷組合) The four elements that go into a marketing program: product, price, place and promotion. Marketing Marketing Goods and Services
Marketing strategy Products and services Product development Product life-cycle Packaging Branding Pricing Promotion mix Push vs. Pull Global marketing strategies 行銷研究 市場區隔 目標市場 產品定位 行銷組合 行銷績效 行銷活動的系統性架構 Marketing Goods and Services
問題討論 • 我想創業開餐廳… • 類型(食物佈置格調…)? • 價位? • 開在哪裏? • 如何吸引顧客上門? • 如果能有大明星光顧那就發了… • 為牛肉麵店架設網站是不是個好主意? Marketing Goods and Services
Marketing strategy Products and services Product development Product life-cycle Packaging Branding Pricing Promotion mix Push vs. Pull Global marketing strategies Business strategy Product Price Promotion Place Marketing strategy Integrate product, price, place, and promotion decisions, and coordinating and fitting those decisions into a firm’s overall business strategy. Marketing Goods and Services
Marketing strategy Products and services Product development Product life-cycle Packaging Branding Pricing Promotion mix Push vs. Pull Global marketing strategies Marketing strategy Co-marketing(共同行銷) A firm establishing a marketing alliance with one or more firms Relationships increasingly becoming a part of marketing strategies Marketing Goods and Services
Marketing strategy Products and services Product development Product life-cycle Packaging Branding Pricing Promotion mix Push vs. Pull Global marketing strategies 刷花ㄨ信用卡送兩瓶汽水 買兒童餐送101忠狗玩具… Co-marketing — Example Marketing Goods and Services
Marketing strategy Products and services Product development Product life-cycle Packaging Branding Pricing Promotion mix Push vs. Pull Global marketing strategies McDonald’s and Walt Disney Citibank and Pizza Hot Meissen and MONT BLANC… Example Marketing Goods and Services
Marketing strategy Products ans service Product development Product life-cycle Packaging Branding Pricing Promotion mix Push vs. Pull Global marketing strategies Value package (價值包裹) The bundle of attributes that a consumer evaluates when he or she decides to buy a product. It includes: Price Packaging Ease of availability The image and reputation of the manufacturer The image and reputation of the place where the product is purchased The buyer’s past experience with the specific product and other products from the same manufactured Products and services Marketing Goods and Services
When you create a marketing plan for a product, you need to look at it the same way a potential buyer will.
Marketing strategy Products ans service Product development Product life-cycle Packaging Branding Pricing Promotion mix Push vs. Pull Global marketing strategies Consumer products (消費產品) Goods or services purchased by ultimate consumers for their personal use. Business-to-business products (企業對企業產品) Products used in the production of other goods or services for resale. Consumer products and business-to-business products require different marketing strategies. Consumer and business-to-business products Marketing Goods and Services
Marketing strategy Products ans service Product development Product life-cycle Packaging Branding Pricing Promotion mix Push vs. Pull Global marketing strategies Product linen (產品線) A group of related products that are physically similar or are intended for a similar market. Product mix (產品組合) The set of all products that a firm offers for sale. Example — MONT BLANC Office instrument Fashion equipment… Product line and product mix1 Marketing Goods and Services
Marketing strategy Products ans service Product development Product life-cycle Packaging Branding Pricing Promotion mix Push vs. Pull Global marketing strategies Well-managed companies are continually adding and deleting products from their mix. They add new products to expand market share and to compete more aggressively against rivals. They cut productsthat are no longer profitable or no longer contribute to the company’s long-term objectives. Product line and product mix2 Marketing Goods and Services
Marketing strategy Products ans service Product development Product life-cycle Packaging Branding Pricing Promotion mix Push vs. Pull Global marketing strategies 7-11的商品管理策略… Product line and product mix — example Marketing Goods and Services
Why should the consumer buy your product or service if it’s no different from your competitors? The answer is: They won’t!
Marketing strategy Products ans service Product development Product life-cycle Packaging Branding Pricing Promotion mix Push vs. Pull Global marketing strategies Identify the type of goods or service it’s offering Design a marketing strategy to match this product with an appropriate potential customer Example Wal-Mart — price leadership The Gap — fashion products Wedgwood — bone china Successful product differentiation Marketing Goods and Services
Marketing strategy Products ans service Product development Product life-cycle Packaging Branding Pricing Promotion mix Push vs. Pull Global marketing strategies Match product/service with appropriate potential customers Convenience goods Frequent purchase with minimal effort Shopping goods Infrequent, comparisons between competing sellers Specialty goods Willing to make special efforts to obtain Unsought goods Don’t know they want it until need is stimulated Four categories of consumer Products Marketing Goods and Services
Marketing strategy Products ans service Product development Product life-cycle Packaging Branding Pricing Promotion mix Push vs. Pull Global marketing strategies Convenience goods (便利商品) Be readily available in a wide set of locations Ads will be placed in major newspapers, in popular magazines, and during prime time television Example Coca-Cola → intensive distribution, TV program… Marketing strategy of four categories of consumer Products1 Marketing Goods and Services
Marketing strategy Products ans service Product development Product life-cycle Packaging Branding Pricing Promotion mix Push vs. Pull Global marketing strategies Shopping goods (選購商品) Price Warranties Product knowledge of the salesperson After-sale service Example 電腦,冷氣, 電視, 飲水機… Marketing strategy of four categories of consumer Products2 Marketing Goods and Services
Marketing strategy Products ans service Product development Product life-cycle Packaging Branding Pricing Promotion mix Push vs. Pull Global marketing strategies Specialty goods (特殊商品) Narrow-segment magazines Cable television stations, with narrowly focused programming… Example 汽車與相關商品→汽車消費指南… Marketing strategy of four categories of consumer Products3 Marketing Goods and Services
Marketing strategy Products ans service Product development Product life-cycle Packaging Branding Pricing Promotion mix Push vs. Pull Global marketing strategies Unsought goods (未思考商品) Creative and highly visible in-store displays Eye-catching ads Example Plastic surgeons → showing dramatic “before” and after” photos on television or in magazines ㄨㄨㄨ康乃馨系列手錶… Marketing strategy of four categories of consumer Products3 Marketing Goods and Services
Marketing strategy Consumer products Product development Product life-cycle Packaging Branding Pricing Promotion mix Push vs. Pull Global marketing strategies Product development process • Idea generation Consumer research, employee suggestions, competitors • Screening Commercial potential? Market exists? Profitable? • Analysis Compatible with firm’s strengths and capabilities? • Prototype development What will it look like? “Virtual” and scale models • Test marketing Trial introduction in selected segments • Commercialization If successful above, launch into the market Marketing Goods and Services
Marketing strategy Consumer products Product development Product life-cycle Packaging Branding Pricing Promotion mix Push vs. Pull Global marketing strategies 租不到想看的影片 —線上預約 想看小澤圓的影片 —線上(店內)即時分類查詢 店面寸土寸金 —晶片卡, 電子片架… Product development process — video shop (example) Marketing Goods and Services
Marketing strategy Consumer products Product development Product life-cycle Packaging Branding Pricing Promotion mix Push vs. Pull Global marketing strategies Time Product life-cycles (產品生命週期) Microwaveovens Carbonpaper Cellphones Sales Sales and profits ($) Electronicbooks Profits Introduction Growth Maturity Decline Marketing Goods and Services
Marketing strategy Consumer products Product development Product life-cycle Packaging Branding Pricing Promotion mix Push vs. Pull Global marketing strategies Life cycle Product Price Place Promotion Introduction Growth Maturity Decline Marketing strategies & product life-cycles Marketing mix Standardized product Pursue innovators with high price, or seek market penetration with low price Set up distribution Heavy investment to get consumer to try it Improved product Adjust price to meet new competition Expand distribution Heavy competitive advertising; Building brand preference Differentiated product for different market segments Conduct more aggressive price competition Intensify distribution and build distribution loyalty Emphasis on brand name and product advantages Little or no change in product Hold price or consider price Drop marginal distributors Minimal promotion Marketing Goods and Services
Marketing strategy Consumer products Product development Product life-cycle Packaging Branding Pricing Promotion mix Push vs. Pull Global marketing strategies Packaging The activities of designing and producing the physical container(s) of a product Primary package Container holding the product Container holdingprimary container Secondarypackage Creates visibility Conveys a product’s image Packaging as a marketing tool Marketing Goods and Services
Marketing strategy Consumer products Product development Product life-cycle Packaging Branding Pricing Promotion mix Push vs. Pull Global marketing strategies Attracting attention Describing the product’s features Creating consumer confidence Making a favorable overall impression Marketing Function of Packaging Marketing Goods and Services
Marketing strategy Consumer products Product development Product life-cycle Packaging Branding Pricing Promotion mix Push vs. Pull Global marketing strategies 附支架的紅酒開瓶器… (Attracting attention) 架上有數十種紅酒,該買哪一瓶… (Describing the product’s features) 這家餐廳裝潢這麼美觀應該不會太難吃吧… (Creating consumer) confidence ㄨㄨㄨ的筆…(Making a favorable overall impression) Marketing Function of Packaging — example Marketing Goods and Services
Marketing strategy Consumer products Product development Product life-cycle Packaging Branding Pricing Promotion mix Push vs. Pull Global marketing strategies Or acombination Or a combination Brand (品牌) • Name • Symbol • Design • Forms a product’s identity • Differentiates it from competitor products Protected by trademarks Marketing Goods and Services
Marketing strategy Consumer products Product development Product life-cycle Packaging Branding Pricing Promotion mix Push vs. Pull Global marketing strategies Family brand Single brand name covering several related products Generic products Non-branded productslow price Value oriented Private brand Belongs to retaileror wholesaler Individual brand Unique name for specific product within a family brand National brand Manufacturer’s brand owned by its producer Brand categories Marketing Goods and Services
Marketing strategy Consumer products Product development Product life-cycle Packaging Branding Pricing Promotion mix Push vs. Pull Global marketing strategies 夜市攤販賣的飾品…(一般性產品) LEXUS: RX300, GS200…(家族品牌) FLASH, FIREWORK… (macromedia)(個別品牌) 3M、SONY 、 MONT BLANC… (製造商品牌) 家福,東森嚴選…(私有品牌) Brand categories — Example Marketing Goods and Services
Marketing strategy Consumer products Product development Product life-cycle Packaging Branding Pricing Promotion mix Push vs. Pull Global marketing strategies Be simple and memorable Be available Be appropriate Be globally meaningful Successful Brand name Marketing Goods and Services
Marketing strategy Consumer products Product development Product life-cycle Packaging Branding Pricing Promotion mix Push vs. Pull Global marketing strategies SONY, MOTO…(簡單易記) 無敵,快易通,威而剛,百靈,統一速達…(適當) National, Mist Stick (mist in Germany) Successful Brand name — Example Marketing Goods and Services
Marketing strategy Consumer products Product development Product life-cycle Packaging Branding Pricing Promotion mix Push vs. Pull Global marketing strategies Meaning The additional value that a brand name provides to a product. Brand awareness (品牌知名度) How quickly a given brand name comes to mind when a product category is mentioned. Brand loyalty (品牌忠誠度) The degree to which customers hold a positive image of a brand, are satisfied with it, and are committed to further purchases. Brand equity(品牌權益) Marketing Goods and Services
Marketing strategy Consumer products Product development Product life-cycle Packaging Branding Pricing Promotion mix Push vs. Pull Global marketing strategies • Profitability Needs to cover costs and provide additional profit margin • Volume Economies of scale – lowers average cost, increases profits • Competition Reflect prices set by competition • Image Consumers often associate high price with high quality • Market position Maintain low-cost leadership in an industry Pricing objectives Consumers often associate high price with high quality Marketing Goods and Services
Marketing strategy Consumer products Product development Product life-cycle Packaging Branding Pricing Promotion mix Push vs. Pull Global marketing strategies Revenue/cost TFC BE: break even point TFC: total fixed costs VC: variable cost per unit P: unit cost of product $ 90,000 80,000 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 BE= P–VC Break-even point Profit Total revenue Expensesthat changein proportionto volume Variable costs Total costs Expensesthat do notchangeregardlessof volume Loss Fixed costs 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 Output (in thousands) Cost-based pricing — Break-even analysis Marketing Goods and Services
Marketing strategy Consumer products Product development Product life-cycle Packaging Branding Pricing Promotion mix Push vs. Pull Global marketing strategies Pricing strategies • Competitive pricing Pricing at the general level of rival offerings • Price skimming Pricing new products high to optimize profits • Penetration pricing Low initial prices maximize sales/discourage competition • Price leadership Dominant price setter for the industry • Demand-based pricing Pricing reflects variation in demand conditions • Value pricing Fairly low prices for high quality goods/services Marketing Goods and Services
Marketing strategy Consumer products Product development Product life-cycle Packaging Branding Pricing Promotion mix Push vs. Pull Global marketing strategies Coca-Cola vs. Pepsi (競爭性訂價) Pentium II Xeon: price:$3692, cost: 421…(吸脂訂價) 蘋果日報每份10元…(滲透訂價) 汽油價格…(價格領導) 電影學生票,全票;平日中餐299,晚餐與假日全天499…(需求基礎訂價) Wal-Mart提供高品質低價位之產品…(價值訂價法) Pricing strategies — Example Marketing Goods and Services
Marketing strategy Consumer products Product development Product life-cycle Packaging Branding Pricing Promotion mix Push vs. Pull Global marketing strategies Innovation Quality Reputation Service convenience Price premium strategies (價格溢酬策略) Marketing Goods and Services
Marketing strategy Consumer products Product development Product life-cycle Packaging Branding Pricing Promotion mix Push vs. Pull Global marketing strategies 3G手機,電漿電視(Innovation) 日立冷氣…(Quality) 3M掛勾、Meissen…(Reputation) IBM三年全球保固…(Service) 7-11(7元的商品賣11元) (convenience) Price premium strategies — Example Marketing Goods and Services
Marketing strategy Consumer products Product development Product life-cycle Packaging Branding Pricing Promotion mix Push vs. Pull Global marketing strategies Promotion The techniques used by sellers to inform, persuade, and influence a purchase decision. Promotion mix The combination of tools used to promote a product. These tools include: Advertising Personal selling Telemarketing Word of mouth Sales promotion Public relations Promotion strategies Marketing Goods and Services
Marketing strategy Consumer products Product development Product life-cycle Packaging Branding Pricing Promotion mix Push vs. Pull Global marketing strategies Product advertising Sells a particular good or service Retail advertising Initiated by retailers and directed at consumers via papers, television Institutional advertising Intended to promote a firm’s image rather than sell product Trade advertising Initiated by manufacturers and directed to retailers and wholesalers Industrial advertising Initiated by manufacturers and directed to other manufacturers Advocacy advertising Promote view to influence public opinion or legislation Promotional mix - advertising Marketing Goods and Services
Marketing strategy Consumer products Product development Product life-cycle Packaging Branding Pricing Promotion mix Push vs. Pull Global marketing strategies 世界第一高…雙層ㄨㄨ堡…(產品廣告) 天天都便宜…(零售廣告) 全家就是你家、科技始終來自於人性…(機構廣告) 公投正流行…(擁護廣告) Advertising — Example Marketing Goods and Services
Marketing strategy Consumer products Product development Product life-cycle Packaging Branding Pricing Promotion mix Push vs. Pull Global marketing strategies Media Strengths Weaknesses Newspaper Good local coverage, broad acceptance, believable Competition from other features, shot life span Television Mass coverage, high attention with sight, sound,& motion High cost, fleeting exposure, limited audience selectivity Radio Low cost, high geographic & demographic selectivity Fleeting exposure, audio presentation only Magazines Long life, quality reproduction, high demographic selectivity Long ad-purchase lead time, lack of flexibility Outdoor High repeat exposure, low cost, local market focus Brief exposure, limited audience selectivity Direct mail Very flexible, targets specific audience, complete information High cost, junk mail image, need accurate mailing list Yellow pages Low cost, excellent local coverage, wide consumer use Long ad-purchase lead time, high other-ad competition Internet Low cost, interactive, 24-hour Easily ignored, low readership Promotional mix – advertising media Marketing Goods and Services
Marketing strategy Consumer products Product development Product life-cycle Packaging Branding Pricing Promotion mix Push vs. Pull Global marketing strategies 借錢…第一次這麼輕鬆…(報紙…) 只是買點數,需要跑那麼遠嗎…(電視…) SK-II…(雜誌、電視、戶外廣告…) 中ㄨ郵購…(直接郵購) 小花請妳嫁給我…(戶外廣告) 天母附近哪裏有水電行…(電話薄…) 哪裏有便宜的數位相機賣…(網際網路…) Advertising media — Example Marketing Goods and Services
Prospecting & qualifying Marketing strategy Consumer products Product development Product life-cycle Packaging Branding Pricing Promotion mix Push vs. Pull Global marketing strategies Pre-approach Approach 7 steps in effective selling Presentation/demonstration Overcoming objections Closing Follow-up Promotional mix – personal selling Marketing Goods and Services
Marketing strategy Consumer products Product development Product life-cycle Packaging Branding Pricing Promotion mix Push vs. Pull Global marketing strategies 一次成功的保險促銷… Promotional mix – discussion Marketing Goods and Services
Marketing strategy Consumer products Product development Product life-cycle Packaging Branding Pricing Promotion mix Push vs. Pull Global marketing strategies Customer has changed Customer is much more knowledgeable Salespeople need to be problem solvers More resources to do a better job of preparation Individual sales personnel are being replaced with team selling. Personal selling — Changing because of competition and technology Marketing Goods and Services