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Understanding Carbohydrate Metabolism for Optimal Health

Explore the basics of carbohydrate metabolism, including pathways like glycolysis and the citric acid cycle. Learn about the importance of glucose control and the role of hormones in maintaining blood sugar balance.

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Understanding Carbohydrate Metabolism for Optimal Health

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  1. Chapter 27Nutrition and Metabolism

  2. Overview of Nutrition and Metabolism • Nutrition refers to the food (nutrients) humans eat • Malnutrition—a deficiency in the consumption of food, vitamins, and minerals • Categories of nutrients • Macronutrients—nutrients needed in large amounts (bulk nutrients) • Macromolecules such as carbohydrates, fats (lipids), and proteins • Water • Macrominerals—minerals needed in large quantity; for example, sodium, chloride, and calcium • Micronutrients—nutrients needed in very small amounts • Vitamins • Microminerals (trace elements)—minerals such as iron, iodine, zinc, that are needed only in very small quantities • Balance of nutrients is required for good health (Figure 27-1 and 27-2)

  3. Overview of Nutrition and Metabolism • Metabolism—the use of nutrients—a process made up of many chemical processes (Figure 27-23) • Catabolism breaks food down into smaller molecular compounds and releases two forms of energy—heat and chemical energy • Anabolism—a synthesis process • Both processes take place inside of cells continuously and concurrently • Chemical energy released by catabolism must be transferred to ATP, which supplies energy directly to the energy-using reactions of all cells (Figure 27-3)

  4. Carbohydrates • Dietary sources of carbohydrates • Complex carbohydrates • Polysaccharides—starches; found in vegetables and grains; glycogen is found in meat • Cellulose—a component of most plant tissue; passes through the digestive system without being broken down • Disaccharides—found in refined sugar; must be broken down before they can be absorbed • Monosaccharides—found in fruits; move directly into the internal environment without being processed directly • Glucose—carbohydrate most useful to the human cell; can be converted from other monosaccharides (Figure 27-4)

  5. Carbohydrates • Carbohydrate metabolism—human cells catabolize most of the carbohydrate absorbed and anabolize a small portion of it • Glucose transport and phosphorylation—glucose reacts with ATP to form glucose-6-phosphate; this step prepares glucose for further metabolic reactions • This step is irreversible except in the intestinal mucosa, the liver, and the kidney tubules • Glycolysis—the first process of carbohydrate catabolism; consists of a series of chemical reactions (Figure 27-5) • Glycolysis occurs in the cytoplasm of all human cells • An anaerobic process—the only process that provides cells with energy under conditions of inadequate oxygen • It breaks down chemical bonds in glucose molecules and releases about 5% of the energy stored in them • It prepares glucose for the second step in catabolism—the citric acid cycle

  6. Carbohydrates • Carbohydrate metabolism (cont.) • Citric acid cycle • Two pyruvic acid molecules from glycolysis are converted to two acetyl molecules in a transition reaction, losing one carbon dioxide molecule per pyruvic acid molecule converted • By end of transition reaction and citric acid cycle, two pyruvic acids have been broken down to six carbon dioxide and six water molecules (Figures 27-6 and 27-7) • Citric acid cycle also called tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle because citric acid is also called tricarboxylic acid • Citric acid cycle formerly called Krebs cycle after Sir Hans Krebs, who discovered this process

  7. Carbohydrates • Carbohydrate metabolism (cont.) • Electron transport system (Figure 27-8) • High-energy electrons (along with their protons) removed during citric acid cycle enter a chain of molecules that are embedded in the inner membrane of the mitochondria • As electrons move down the chain, they release small bursts of energy to pump protons between the inner and the outer membrane of the mitochondrion • Protons move down their concentration gradient and across the inner membrane, driving ATP-synthase (Figure 27-9) • Oxidative phosphorylation—the joining of a phosphate group to ADP to form ATP by the action of ATP synthase (Figure 27-10 and 27-11)

  8. Carbohydrates • Carbohydrate metabolism (cont.) • The anaerobic pathway—a pathway for the catabolism of glucose; transfers energy to ATP using only glycolysis; ultimately ends with the oxidative phosphorylation of ATP (paying the “oxygen debt”) (Figure 27-12)) • Glycogenesis—a series of chemical reactions in which glucose molecules are joined to form a strand of glucose beads; a process that operates when the blood glucose level increases above the midpoint of its normal range (Figures 26-13 and 26-14) • Glycogenolysis (Figure 27-15)—the reversal of glycogenesis; means different things in different cells • Gluconeogenesis (Figure 27-16)—the formation of new glucose; occurs chiefly in liver

  9. Carbohydrates • Carbohydrate metabolism (cont.) • Control of glucose metabolism—hormonal and neural devices maintain homeostasis of blood glucose concentration (Figures 27-17 and 27-18) • Insulin—secreted by beta cells to decrease blood glucose level (Figure 27-14) • Glucagon increases blood glucose level by increasing activity of enzyme phosphorylase • Epinephrine—hormone secreted in times of stress; increases phosphorylase activity • Adrenocorticotropic hormone stimulates adrenal cortex to increase its secretion of glucocorticoids • Glucocorticoids accelerate gluconeogenesis • Growth hormone increases blood glucose level by shifting from carbohydrate to fat catabolism • Thyroid-stimulating hormone has complex effects on metabolism

  10. Carbohydrates • Carbohydrate metabolism (cont.) • Hormones that cause the blood glucose level to rise are called hyperglycemic • Insulin is hypoglycemic because it causes the blood glucose level to decrease

  11. Lipids • Dietary sources of lipids • Triglycerides—the most common lipids—composed of a glycerol subunit that is attached to three fatty acids • Phospholipids—an important lipid found in all foods • Cholesterol—an important lipid found only in animal foods • Dietary fats • Saturated fats contain fatty acid chains in which there are no double bonds • Unsaturated fats contain fatty acid chains in which there are some double bonds

  12. Lipids • Transport of lipids—they are transported in blood as chylomicrons, lipoproteins, and fatty acids • In the absorptive state, many chylomicrons are present in the blood • Postabsorptive state—95% of lipids are in the form of lipoproteins • Lipoproteins consist of lipids and protein and are formed in the liver • Blood contains three types of lipoproteins: very low density, low density, and high density • Cholesterol lipoproteins associated with heart disease (Figure 27-19) • Fatty acids are transported from the cells of one tissue to the cells of another in the form of free fatty acids

  13. Lipids • Lipid metabolism • Lipid catabolism—triglycerides are hydrolyzed to yield fatty acids and glycerol; glycerol is converted to glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate, which enters the glycolysis pathway; fatty acids are broken down by beta- oxidation and are then catabolized through the citric acid cycle (Figure 27-20) • Lipid anabolism consists of the synthesis of triglycerides, cholesterol, phospholipids, and prostaglandins • Control of lipid metabolism is through the following hormones: • Insulin • Growth hormone • ACTH • Glucocorticoids

  14. Proteins • Sources of proteins • Proteins are assembled from a pool of 20 different amino acids • The body synthesizes amino acids from other compounds in the body • Only about half of the necessary types of amino acids can be produced by the body; the rest are supplied through diet—found in both meat and vegetables

  15. Proteins • Protein metabolism—anabolism is primary, and catabolism is secondary • Protein anabolism—process by which proteins are synthesized by ribosomes of cells (Figure 27-21) • Protein catabolism—deamination takes place in liver cells and forms an ammonia molecule, which is converted to urea and excreted in urine, and a keto acid molecule, which is oxidized or converted to glucose or fat (Figure 27-22) • Protein balance—rate of protein anabolism balances rate of protein catabolism • Nitrogen balance—amount of nitrogen taken in equals nitrogen in protein catabolic waste • Two kinds of protein or nitrogen imbalance: • Negative nitrogen balance—protein catabolism exceeds protein anabolism; more tissue proteins are catabolized than are replaced by protein synthesis • Positive nitrogen balance—protein anabolism exceeds protein catabolism • Control of protein metabolism—achieved by hormones

  16. Vitamins and Minerals • Vitamins (Table 27-3)—organic molecules necessary for normal metabolism; many attach to enzymes and help them work or have other important biochemical roles (Figures 27-24 and 27-25) • The body does not make most of the necessary vitamins; they must be obtained through diet • The body stores fat-soluble vitamins and does not store water-soluble vitamins

  17. Vitamins and Minerals • Minerals (Table 27-4)—inorganic elements or salts found in the earth • Attach to enzymes and help them work and function in chemical reactions • Essential to the fluid/ion balance of internal fluid environment • Are involved in many processes in the body such as muscle contraction, nerve function, hardening of bone, etc. • Too large or too small an amount of some minerals may be harmful • Recommended mineral intakes may vary over the lifespan (Figures 27-26 and 27-27)

  18. Metabolic Rates • Metabolic rate means the amount of energy released by catabolism • Metabolic rates are expressed in two ways: • Number of kilocalories of heat energy expended per hour or per day • As normal or as a percentage above or below normal • Basal metabolic rate—rate of energy expended under basal conditions • Factors: size, body composition, sex, age, thyroid hormone, body temperature, drugs, other factors (Figures 27-28 through 27-31)

  19. Metabolic Rates • Total metabolic rate (Figure 27-28)—the amount of energy used in a given time • Main determinates: • Basal metabolic rate • Energy used to do skeletal muscle work • Thermic effect of foods • Energy balance and weight—the body maintains a state of energy balance • Body maintains weight when the total calories in the food ingested equals the total metabolic rate • Body weight increases when energy input exceeds energy output • Body weight decreases when energy output exceeds energy input • In starvation, carbohydrates are used up first, then fats, then proteins (Figure 27-32)

  20. Mechanisms for Regulating Food Intake (Table 27-6) • Hypothalamus plays a part in food intake • Feeding centers in hypothalamus exert primary control over appetite • Appetite center • Cluster of neurons in lateral hypothalamus that, if stimulated, brings about increased appetite • Orexigenic effects—factors that trigger appetite • Satiety center • Group of neurons in ventral medial nucleus of hypothalamus that, if stimulated, brings about decreased appetite • Anorexigenic effects—factors that suppress appetite (anorexia is loss of appetite)

  21. The Big Picture: Nutrition, Metabolism, and the Whole Body • Every cell in the body needs the maintenance of the metabolic pathways to stay alive • Anabolic pathways build the various structural and functional components of the cells • Catabolic pathways convert energy to a usable form and degrade large molecules into subunits used in anabolic pathways

  22. The Big Picture: Nutrition, Metabolism, and the Whole Body • Cells require appropriate amounts of vitamins and minerals to produce structural and functional components necessary for cellular metabolism • Other body mechanisms operate to ensure that nutrients reach the cells

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