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*YOU HAVE 5 MINUTES*. Objective: I can prepare for the Unit 1 Exam. Vocab /Ideas: Days of the week/ months (review) Date (review) Greetings/ introductions/ useful phrases (review) Phone numbers/ email addresses (review) Vámonos : Translate the following phrases: Your father

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Presentation Transcript

  1. *YOU HAVE 5 MINUTES* • Objective: • I can prepare for the Unit 1 Exam. • Vocab/Ideas: • Days of the week/ months (review) • Date (review) • Greetings/ introductions/ useful phrases (review) • Phone numbers/ email addresses (review) • Vámonos: • Translate the following phrases: • Your father • Mi family is funny • His sister is short • Five cousins • The interesting grandchildren

  2. 7th grade Unit 1 Semester Review Day 1

  3. Los días de la semana y meses del año

  4. ¡CANTAMOS! To the tune of “Brother John” Lunes, martes Lunes, martes Miércoles Miércoles Jueves y viernes Jueves y viernes Sá-ba-do Do-min-go

  5. ¡BAILAMOS! To the tune of “La macarena” Enero, febrero, marzo, abril Mayo, junio, julio, agosto Septiembre, octubre, noviembre, diciembre ¡HEYYYY los meses!

  6. Hola Hello

  7. Buenos días Good morning

  8. Buenastardes Good afternoon

  9. Buenasnoches* Good evening/night This can be a greeting OR a goodbye

  10. Adiós Goodbye

  11. Hastaluego/ Nosvemos See you later

  12. Hastamañana See you tomorrow

  13. Tengoqueirme g2g I have to go!

  14. ¿Cómotellamas? What is your name?

  15. Me llamo… My name is…

  16. ¿De dónde eres (tú)? Where are you from?

  17. Yo soy de… I am from…

  18. ¿Cómo estás (tú)? How are you?

  19. Yo estoy (muy) bien. I am (very) good.

  20. Yo estoy así así / más o menos. I am okay.

  21. Yo estoy (muy) mal. I am (very) bad.

  22. Mucho gusto Nice to meet you

  23. Igualmente You too

  24. Quétal? How’s it going?

  25. Nice to meet you Same/ likewise Charmed! This is… (boy) This is… (girl) And you? How’s it going? Mr. / sir Mrs. / ma’am Miss

  26. I am Jaquan. Who are you? Who are they? They are Jezebel and Ana. Who is the boy? He is my friend, Javier Where are you from sir? I am from Chile. Where are y’all from? We are from Mexico. Where is she from? She is from Charlotte

  27. My phone number is 239-5510. What is your phone number? What is your email address? My email address is amigo@mexico.com

  28. Se encuentra Meets

  29. Dice Says

  30. Le pregunta Asks him or her


  32. TRASHKETBALL RULES: You will work in groups of 4. Wait while I divide you! Give your team a name (write it on both index cards; one for me and one for you). Number each person in your team (1-4) I will put a review question on the board YOU and everyone on your team will answer the question in a complete sentence Everyone must write the exact same thing on their own paper. You can send one member of your team to thefront of the roomto double check your work. I will draw a team name and # 1-4, and that person will be responsible for answering the question. If that person answers the question correctly, they will have an opportunity to SHOOT for an extra point!

  33. STEP ONE: SU EQUIPO Give your team a name (write it on BOTH index cards; one for me and one for you). Tienen 42 segundos

  34. STEP TWO: SU CUADERNO Set up your notebook for Trashketball! En unapáginalimpia, escribe “Trashketball,” con los números 1-20 (every other line) Tienen 84 segundos

  35. STEP THREE: ESCUCHA! In your groups, get ready to answer each and every question. You are a team, and you are responsible for EVERY person having the correct answer. Anybody may be called on at any time!

  36. Write the Spanish phrase: IT’S WINDY 1. Haceviento

  37. Write the Spanish phrase: IT’S RAINING 2. Llueve

  38. Write the Spanish phrase: IT’S COLD 3. Hacefrío

  39. Write the Spanish phrase: IT’S CLOUDY 4. Estánublado

  40. ANSWER the Spanish question: ¿CÓMO TE LLAMAS? 5. Me llamo _______.

  41. ANSWER the Spanish question: ¿CÓMO ESTÁS? 6. Yoestoybien/mal/asíasí.

  42. 7. ANSWER the Spanish question: ¿DE DÓNDE ERES? Yo soy de _________________.

  43. WRITE the following date in Spanish (NO NUMERALS!): March 21st 8. Es El veintiuno de marzo

  44. WRITE the following date in Spanish (NO NUMERALS!): July 6th 9. Es El seis de julio

  45. WRITE the following date in Spanish (NO NUMERALS!): November 11th 10. Es El once de noviembre

  46. WRITE the following date in Spanish (NO NUMERALS!): January 17th 11. Es El diecisiete de enero

  47. FILL IN THE BLANK WITH THE SPANISH PHRASE CORRE TRANSLATE IT Julio runs to the mountain. 12. Julio (RUNS) a la montaña.

  48. FILL IN THE BLANK WITH THE SPANISH PHRASE CUIDA TRANSLATE IT The shepherd cares for the sheep. 13. El pastor (CARES FOR) la oveja.

  49. FILL IN THE BLANK WITH THE SPANISH PHRASE FAMILIA TRANSLATE IT The family playsbasketballwith the boy. 14. (THE FAMILY) juega a baloncestocon el muchacho.

  50. FILL IN THE BLANK WITH THE SPANISH PHRASE VIERNES TRANSLATE IT The mom says, “I’m happy on Friday.” 15. La mamádice, “Estoyfelizel(FRIDAY).”

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