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Learn about Stalin's ruthless rise to power, manipulation of media, brutal economic policies, and reign of terror in the Soviet Union.
RISE OF TOTALIRARIAN DICTATORS border disputes, ethnic rivalries, militarism, harsh treaty, revenge, weak League of Nations, isolationism, economic crises & rise of extremists.
Stalin and theSoviet Union • Soviet Union (Russia) = lost World War I, suffered civil war & communism, • By 1921 famine & industrial collapsepushed Russia to near collapse
Stalin’s Rise to Power During the Russian Civil War, Stalin was put in the Politburo (the executive committee for the Communist Party). 1922, he is made General Secretary. Lenin did not like Stalin’s rude manners, ambition, politics, or excessive power.
White BOard • In a communist country who controls business and how is money distributed?
Lenin Died in 1924 • Stalin and Leon Trotsky fight each other for power
Struggle for Power of Soviet Union • Stalin was the General Secretary of the Communists, who appointed party officials. • Stalin Appointed those who favored him into government. • Trotsky was expelled from the party and murdered while in exile in Mexico.
Stalin Takes Power • Joseph Stalin’s real name = Dzhugashvili, adopted name “Stalin” (man of steel.) • In 1928 he launched his first Five-Year Plan(economic goals for five-year periods.) • It emphasized maximum production of arms, capital goods, oil & steel production.
Maintaining PowerThe Cult of Personality After Lenin’s death a personality cult was created around his memory Embalming his body and putting it on public display in Red Square Lenin’s image appeared everywhere Petrograd was renamed Leningrad Stalin was an active promoter of this cult so as to link his name with that of Lenin The Lenin personality cult made it easier for Stalin to create one around himself.
Stalin’s Cult of Personality city named in his honour – in 1923 Stalingrad The slogan: ‘Stalin is the Lenin of today’ was officially encouraged Stalin would control Media and Propaganda to promote his Image
White BOard • What were 3 examples of Media in the 1930’s
Propaganda • Socialist Realism: • Public Works of art to pay homage to the working class • Stalinist Propaganda: • Images of Stalin portrayed him as a father of the nation
Communist Youth Organizations Komsomolfor those between 14-18; membership shot up from 2.3m in 1929 to 10.2m in 1940. Young people were encouraged to report members of their own families to the authorities for ‘anti-Soviet’ views
Discuss • What are the Benefits of a better educated nation?
EDUCATION Schools could only use texts prescribed by the state The Short Course history of the Communist Party became the standard text; It presented Stalin’s view of the party and the Revolution. By 1939 94% of those town-dwellers under 49 were literate; 86% in the countryside. A poster from 1920: ‘You may as well be blind as illiterate’. The Bolsheviks believed that illiteracy had been a key factor in maintaining the power of the tsars.
Stalinism Stalin altered Marx and Lenin's ideology to serve his personal nationalist ambitions. Stalinism refers to a brand of communism that is both extremely repressive and nationalistic.
Controlling Media All media were controlled by the government Pravda was the paper of the Communist Party Izvestiya was the paper of the Soviets Radio stations conveyed the official party view
ECONOMIC POLICY“Command Economy” Stalin wanted a modern industrial power The first of Stalin’s “five year plans” Put ALL basic economic decisions under government control Government owned ALL businesses
Industrial and Agricultural growth • Urban workers lived in crowded gov apartments • Propaganda stressed need for individuals to sacrifice for the socialist state. • Collectivization of agriculture = private farms eliminated, govt. took land, people work for the state. • Hoarding of food and slaughter of livestock led famines of 1932 & 33 (10 million peasants died.)
Anti-Religion Atheism was the official religion under Stalin Russian Orthodox Churches were seized and turned into offices and museums Priests and Religious leaders were killed Jewish Synagogues were seized Hebrew language was banned
White BOard • Write down 2 reasons to control religion in a Communist state.
Dealing with Opposition: Violence & Terror Under Stalin Brutality on massive scale. Targets: political opponents & party rivals.
Secret Police –. NKVD: 1934-1946 Was the law enforcement of the USSR. They would do the arresting, interrogating, and enforcing of Soviet laws The KGB It was the national security agency of the Soviet Union from 1954 until 1991.
Great Purge • Stalin’s quest for power and paranoid personality led him to remove all opponents (imagined or real.) Old Bolsheviks targeted. • Show trials, with coerced confessions and summary executions, from 1936 to 1938 GULAGS • Eight million Russians were arrested, subjected to mock trials and forced “confessions”, sent to labor camps (gulags) in Siberia and/or executed.
Creation of Alliances • Nazi Soviet Pact: Which was a massive Failure when Hitler attacked • Post WWII: Sets up the Alliances of communist Buffer States in Eastern Europe WARSAW PACT • Creates an Alliance with Newly Communist China.
HITLER • Adolf Hitler born in Austria, failed secondary school, rejected by art school in Vienna. • He was an ultra-nationalist (German “master race of Aryans”), anti-Semitic racist, anti-communist, militarist and expansionist • Gifted orator who effectively used the political party, propaganda and terror.
German’s Can’t Pay after WWI • Germany unable to make reparations payment. • France sent troops to occupy the Ruhr Valley to take German wealth from this industrial & mining center. • Germany paid workers NOT to work for French and used newly printed currency • runaway inflation.)
Discuss • How does inflation hurt people even if they have saved a lot of money over their lives?
German mark became worthless • (1 dollar = 4, 200, 000, 000, 000 marks! Money carried in wheelbarrows!)
White Board • Why can Nationalism be bad?
Hitler in WWI • He fought for four years on the western front, was wounded • believed that the surrender of Germany had been a “stab in the back” by liberals.
Starts the Nazi Party • joined a right-wing extremist party in Munich • took complete control and renamed Nazi party. • Its militia, known as the Storm Troops or Brown shirts, used brutal force vs. opponents. • Uprising crushed Hitler was imprisoned, where he wrote Mein Kampf, • Wrote of German Superiority and need for more living space(Lebensraum)
Nazi Party Grows • realized that Nazis would have to come to power through legal means. • After prison, he greatly expanded his party’s membership throughout Germany. • By 1932, the Nazis were largest political party in the Reichstag.
White BOard • What group in the US makes Laws like the Reichstag did in Germany
Unemployment and depression made extremists more popular. Right-wing elites looked to Hitler. • He was a charismatic orator, “When the speech was over, there was roaring enthusiasm and applause… men look up to him… as their helper, their savior, their deliverer from unbearable distress.”
Hitler Takes Power • In 1933, President Hindenburg appointed Hitler as chancellor. • The Reichstag building was burned and a communist was arrested. • Hitler responded with the “legal seizure”of govt. with Enabling Act. It allowed Hitler to ignore the constitution for 4 years.
Government jobs were purged of Jews and democrats. • Concentration camps created for opponents. • all other political parties made illegal.
Discuss • Why is it said that Hitler did not break the rules to take power
Hitler Becomes Dictator • Hindenburg died in 1934, presidency was abolished & Hitler became dictator. • Public officials and soldiers required to pledge total loyalty to him as “Fuhrer.” • Nazi goal was create a totalitarian Aryan racial state of the Third Reich, which was to rule for 1,000 yrs!
Discuss This Quote • Then every activity and every need of every individual will be regulated… by the party… there are no longer any free realms in which the individual belongs to himself… The time of personal happiness is over.” (Hitler)
The Schutzstaffeln (S.S.) was an elite force under the direction of Heinrich Himmler that used terror and ideology to coerce, repress, persecute and murder millions. • Massive public works and government rearmament programs solved unemployment problem. • Mass demonstrations and rallies (as in Nuremberg) used propaganda and emotional frenzy to stir up fanaticism among youth, women, soldiers, workers, & professionals.
Attacking Jews • Nazis had traditional views towards the role of women as wives & mothers to raise “good Nazi families.” • Nuremberg Laws excluded Jews from German citizenship, from marriage to Gentiles and were required to wear yellow Stars of David.
White Board • What are some forms of Nazi propoganda?
1938-Kristallnacht burned synagogues, destroyed Jewish businesses, killed many and sent 30,000 to “camps.” • Jews were barred from public transportation, buildings, schools, hospitals & prohibited from owning or working in stores. Forced to clean up the damage of Kristallnacht and encouraged to “emigrate.”
Nazi Germany Youth • All German youth expected to join Hitler Youth. “I swear to devote all my energies and my strength to the savior of our country, Adolf Hitler. I am willing & ready to give up my life for him, so help me God.” • Male activities were competitions to encourage values such as: duty, obedience, strength & violence. Uniforms, military drills and weapons training were expected of boys ages 10-18. • League of German Girls also had uniforms & physical training, but also taught domestic skills.
White Board • What would communist women be trained to do in the USSR?
Nazi Propaganda • Media was also used for govt. propaganda. Joseph Goebbels headed Nazi Propaganda Ministry. “Triumph of the Will” was a documentary of 1934 Nuremberg Nazi rally produced by Leni Riefenstahl.
Stalin • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h87dZuCQVxw • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_2of8pmHYU • Hitler • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rZ4xwuAWFE • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFICRFKtAc4