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Native Americans. By Vicki Schuttenberg. Plains Indians. Lived in homes made from long sticks and buffalo hides, called tipis This type of home was easy to move in order to follow the buffalo. hunters. Plains indians hunted for buffalo and other animals. other facts.
Native Americans By Vicki Schuttenberg
Plains Indians • Lived in homes made from long sticks and buffalo hides, called tipis • This type of home was easy to move in order to follow the buffalo
hunters Plains indians hunted for buffalo and other animals
other facts • Plains indians were warriors • It was an honor to bring home the scalp of an enemy • A powpow was a sacred ceremony • The sun dance was a four day celebration
Northeast woodland These indians lived in long houses, wigwams, or mound homes
hunters, fishermen, and gatherers • These indians hunted • They fished • They gathered berries • They grew crops such as corn, beans, and squash
other facts • These indians used purple and white shells, called wampum, like money • A cherokee named sequoyah was from this group of indians • The mound builders from cahokia were from this group
southeast • These villages were made of platform mound construction • Other group members lived in palm huts around the mound
fishermen These indians were great fishermen who used hooks and lines, nets, spears, and traps
other facts • This group is known for tempered pottery which was used to keep food fresh during the hot months • They also were known for gathering oysters
northwest This group lived in large wooden homes with a totem pole outside each family’s home
hunters These indians hunted whales from canoes
other facts • These indians held important family gatherings called potlatch • This group is known for their storytelling, baskets, and pottery • They also fished for salmon
southwest These indians lived in pueblos
farmers Southwest indians farmed on the top of mesas
other facts • Anasazi, pueblo, and hopi were from this region • They were known for beautiful pottery • These indians learned to make ditches to water their crops • Kachinas were hopi spirits who lived in the mountains
related web sites The first americans http://www.germantown.k12.il.us/html/intro.html Native american shelters http://www.anthro.mankato.msus.edu/prehistory/settlements/index.shtml Native americans http://www.mce.k12tn.net/indians/index.htm
references All graphics from this presentation are from the microsoft online clip gallery