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Results of Post Counseling Surveys Spring Semester 2012

Results of Post Counseling Surveys Spring Semester 2012. Rosemary o’neill Personal counselor & life coach Ohlone college Student health center October 21, 2012. Methodology. Administered paper surveys to counseling patients at end of spring semester, 2012

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Results of Post Counseling Surveys Spring Semester 2012

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  1. Results of Post Counseling Surveys Spring Semester 2012 Rosemary o’neill Personal counselor & life coach Ohlone college Student health center October 21, 2012

  2. Methodology • Administered paper surveys to counseling patients at end of spring semester, 2012 • Survey tool contained 8 questions • Total sample: N=19

  3. How helpful was your counselor? • She is great • Rosemary truly cares and is passionate about counseling • She listened and was encouraging when times were difficult • She is fully present and empathetic • Very helpful • Got me through what I thought was an impossible time • Always a joy to see Rosemary • Extremely helpful. It was easy to talk to her. She went above and beyond to help. • I could say she has saved my life. She was of great emotional support when I felt lost and lonely. • I always leave the session feeling good about myself • Helped me to improve myself • Made me get over some of my hardest moments

  4. To what extent did your counseling session help you with specific problems or concerns? Which ones? • Yes, she did. I could get a lot off my chest • Dealing with communication and others • Anxiety, self-perception, time management, slowing down • Stress management, trust • When I lost my position at work, when parent’s/adult’s judgments were too much • Grief, children, opening up to friends • Anxiety and fears • Getting through infidelity and dealing with a difficult husband • Managing stress, boundaries, identifying mad/sad/glad/scared • Family trouble, relationship problems • Self-esteem, abusive relationships • Family issues, stress • Time management • To open and to talk in class • Family & boys • Personality • Grieving, gaining self conscience

  5. Are you utilizing any of the suggestions or techniques provided by your counselor? • Speaking positively about myself • Yes, all of the handouts and the methods that she has given me • Meditation, forgiveness, self-care, building up my adult and parent voice • Boundaries/I know, I want, I feel • Time management, reflection time • How to make myself sometime the priority in order to take care of the individuals who do rely on me • To deal with fears • Learning to stay calm when he explodes, not taking it personally, not accepting his bad behavior, working on myself • Not managing other people’s lives for them. Managing my boundaries, not the boundaries of others. • Yes, I remind myself that I come first. That I need to put the oxygen mask on me before I help others. • It’s an individual struggle but I’m getting better at it • Talking in groups • I want, I think, I feel • Breathing • Writing a journal, feel prepared to whatever it comes 100% affirmed

  6. Range: 2-8 sessions • Mean: 4.9 sessions • Median: 5 sessions • Mode: 5 sessions How many sessions did you attend?

  7. Based on your counseling experience, would you return for counseling again? • It’s great to have a shoulder to lean on • I’ve been coming for 3 semesters and Rosemary has helped me tremendously. I’ve had other experiences with other health care professionals but she has made me the most comfortable • It has helped me a lot with stress and anxiety • Absolutely. Best counselor I have seen. I wish Rosemary was in private practice! • I’ve been going for a long time. I highly recommend going • Help a lot in class and to communicate • Rosemary is amazing! • Great feedback and support

  8. Would you be interested in attending short-term group sessions? If so, which ones? 100% affirmed

  9. How did you find out about personal counseling services? • School • Through a friend • Health department • Counselor Terry • In class announcement • Through flyers in health center • Health 101 bulletin • Flyer in gym-weight room • My friend, fellow student. • I came into the health center and asked about it • I had someone come to my class to talk about the student health center • Sheldon Helms • I have too much stress • Ohlone center • Ohlone catalog • Ohlone college website (x2)

  10. If you were to change anything about this service, what would you change? • Nothing • Open later maybe closing at 6PM • Hotline, unless you already have one… • More time with Rosemary-like more sessions. Rosemary, you have been a hero in my life! You have given me a place to reflect on the events in my life. You have been my cheerleader, friend, and counselor at Ohlone! Thank you! • Nothing, the service is already great • Nothing-other than making it more sessions per semester • So far everything has been great • More time with the counselor • No. She does an excellent job. I understand that because of the budget cuts we can’t meet with her as much. But it’s important to keep her open, some students really need her. • No, she is perfect!  • More sessions!

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