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JAA and EASA Membership and roles of JAA

JAA and EASA Membership and roles of JAA. Presented by Klaus Koplin Chief Executive. Outline. Present Membership Full Members Candidate Members Full Membership Process Future EU members Non EU Members Future Members Identical Membership for JAA & EASA Roles of JAA.

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JAA and EASA Membership and roles of JAA

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Presentation Transcript

  1. JAA and EASAMembership and roles of JAA Presented by Klaus Koplin Chief Executive

  2. Outline • Present Membership • Full Members • Candidate Members • Full Membership Process • Future EU members • Non EU Members • Future Members • Identical Membership for JAA & EASA • Roles of JAA

  3. Present JAA Membership Full Members • JAA has today 26 full members • 15 EU members • 11 Non-EU members • 5 Accession States (Czech, Malta, Poland, Slovenia, Hungary) • 3 EFTA States (Iceland, Norway, Swiss) • 3 Others (Monaco, Romania, Turkey)

  4. Present JAA Membership Candidate Members • JAA has today 11 Candidate Members • 5 Accession States (Cyprus**, Estonia*, Latvia*, Lithuania**, Slovakia*) • 6 other States (Albania, Bulgaria*, Croatia**, Macedonia**, Moldova*, Ukraine) *) Full Membership process had already started **) Full Membership process will start soon

  5. Present JAA Membership Full Membership Process • EU Members • Will be finalised before 1st May 2004 • Is in progress for Estonia, Latvia and Slovakia • Will start soon for Cyprus and Lithuania

  6. Present JAA Membership Full Membership Process • Non EU Members • Has second priority, depending on workload • Is in progress for: Bulgaria and Moldova • Will start soon for Croatia and Macedonia

  7. Future Members • JAA is in discussion for membership with Armenia. • JAA expects application from: Serbia and Montenegro and from Bosnia-Herzegovina this year.

  8. Identical Membership for JAA & EASA As long as EASA and JAA are co-existing we have to keep the same membership for JAA and in any co-operation of EASA with non EASA members.

  9. Roles of JAA As long as EASA and JAA are co-existing - JAA will be the link between EU and non EU members in the European Aviation Safety Regulatory System.

  10. Now we have the Coffee Break ….and afterwards Discussion of all previous Presentations

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